
Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

How old can a child sleep on a pillow? Some parents feel that the child should sleep on the pillow as soon as he is born, otherwise the head will not look good; some parents think that it does not matter whether the child sleeps on the pillow or not. So, when exactly does the baby sleep on the pillow?

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

When Xiaobu was born, her mother prepared a pillow for Xiaobu, but at the beginning of use, her mother found that Xiaobu did not seem so comfortable when sleeping on the pillow, so she removed the pillow for Xiaobu.

Later, when the baby was 3 months old, because she heard her girlfriend say that if she did not sleep on the pillow for the child, it would affect the child's head shape, so Xiaobu's mother used a pillow for Xiaobu again.

However, at this time, Xiaobu still showed a look of not liking to sleep on the pillow, and Xiaobu's mother was helpless, so she asked her mother-in-law about the child's sleeping pillow.

Xiaobu's grandmother turned out to be an old doctor, and she told Xiaobu's mother that sleeping pillows for children was very exquisite.

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

If your baby is under 3 months old, don't sleep on the pillow

Xiaobu's grandmother told Xiaobu's mother that when the baby was just born, she did not need to sleep on the pillow, because the child's physiological curve had not yet formed, that is to say, the spine was still straight, and if she slept on the pillow, it might affect the child's health.

As the child grows up, at about 3 months of age, the child's physiological curve will gradually appear, and at this time, it is time to start preparing a pillow for the child.

However, it does not mean that after 3 months, you can casually find a pillow for your child, depending on the age of the doll.

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

How high is the pillow for babies of different ages to sleep on?

When the baby is just 3 months old, although the baby needs a pillow, the height demand for the pillow is very low, generally at this time we prepare a pillow with a height of about 1 cm for the baby.

Of course, such a pillow does not have to be deliberately looked for, usually we use a cotton pillow towel, folded in half is almost 1 cm.

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

After that, as the baby's age continues to grow, we need to prepare the baby's pillow will also be higher and higher, at 6 months, the height of the pillow needs to reach about 2 cm, in 9 months, about 3 cm, after the first year, 3 cm ~ 4 cm pillow can be, the specific height depends on the child's development and adaptation, if the child does not like to sleep on the pillow, then it means that the child's pillow height is not appropriate.

When Xiaobu's mother heard this, she also understood why Xiaobu didn't like the pillow, that is, because the pillow she prepared for Xiaobu was too high and not suitable for Xiaobu.

Therefore, Xiaobu's mother was ready to find a pillow towel for Xiaobu as a pillow, and after finding a good pillow towel, Xiaobu's mother suddenly had another question in her mind, that is, since the pillow she bought for the baby was not the right height, was the material suitable?

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

Therefore, he asked Xiaobu's grandmother about the baby's pillow selection precautions, and Xiaobu's grandmother also helped her and shared her experience with her.

The precautions for using pillows for babies should be kept in mind by mothers

Xiaobu grandma told Xiaobu mother, in fact, to use the pillow for the child, in addition to paying attention to the height of the pillow, there are other aspects to pay attention to, such as the following points are very important, you must remember.

●The material of the pillow should be noted

For the pillow used by the baby, be sure to pay attention to the health of the material. First of all, the baby's resistance is very weak, secondly, the baby is prone to allergies, in addition, the baby will often sweat.

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

Therefore, as a parent, when choosing a suitable pillow for our doll, we should pay special attention to the fabric material of the pillow to ensure that the fabric material has the characteristics of skin-friendly breathability, water absorption and antibacterial, in addition, the pillow core must also be natural and odorless, comfortable and not stinging.

●Pay attention to the degree of softness and hardness of the pillow

The hardness of the baby's pillow also needs to be noted, the pillow is neither the harder the better, nor the softer the better. Because it is too hard, the child's head development may be affected, resulting in the child's unsightly development of the head. Now many of the head and the head are caused by the hardness of the pillow.

If the pillow is too soft, it will not play a role in supporting the head, and it may produce some problems that are not conducive to the baby's health, such as affecting blood flow, breathing and so on.

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

●Pay attention to the "maintenance" of the pillow

In normal times, parents should pay attention to the "maintenance" of the baby's pillow. That is, the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of the baby's pillow, as well as the maintenance of the physical properties of the pillow.

Therefore, it is usually necessary to clean the child's pillow frequently, often replace the pillowcase for the child, and often go to the baby's pillow core to ensure that the baby's pillow has always been in a refreshing and comfortable state.

Xiaobu's grandmother also said that regarding the type of child's pillow, we must pay attention to choosing a baby pillow for the baby, rather than using any strange pillows such as health pillows for the baby.

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

Because some health care pillows will be filled with some drugs, these things may play a certain health care role for adults, but for babies, it is likely to cause some unnecessary harm to the baby.

Finally, Xiaobu's mother asked her mother-in-law again about the "shaping pillow". And the mother-in-law said that in fact, this kind of baby shape pillow, it does not matter whether it is used or not, as long as the baby uses the pillow normally, the baby's head shape generally does not become ugly.

Moreover, the quality of the stereotyped pillows on the market is uneven, and if it is not bought well, it may affect the development of the child, so this pillow is not too necessary for the baby.

Pillows for babies are exquisite, less than this age is best not to use, otherwise it will affect the development of the spine

Write at the end

As a parent, be sure to prepare the right pillow for our cute baby at the right time, such as height, softness and hardness, and material.

Because the pillow is not used well, not only will directly affect the baby's physical health, but also directly affect the development of the doll's head shape, if you do not pay attention to the use of the pillow, after the baby grows up, it will grow into a strange head shape such as a board head or a partial head, but it is not good.

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