
What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

author:Dr. Huang talks about health
What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

Ms. Li, a 50-year-old accountant, has been feeling tired, dizzy and ringing in her ears, and often has insomnia and dreams.

One day, she happened to hear a colleague say that there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "yin deficiency pillow tide, yang deficit bed is not warm", I don't know what it means, Ms. Li decided to go to the Chinese medicine hospital to consult a doctor.

Dr. Zhao from the Department of TCM Internal Medicine carefully inquired about Ms. Li's symptoms and lifestyle habits, and told Ms. Li that from the perspective of TCM, her symptoms were considered to be related to kidney yin deficiency and heart-kidney disconnection.

What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

"Yin deficiency pillow tide, yang deficiency bed is not warm" is a visual summary of this pathological state, but the specific cause needs to be combined with other symptoms and signs for syndrome differentiation and treatment.

Dr. Zhao explained that in TCM theory, "yin" and "yang" are two opposite categories, which are interdependent and mutually restrictive to maintain the normal physiological functions of the human body.

Generally speaking, "yin" represents the nutrients and water of the human body, and "yang" represents the functional activities and warming of the human body.

What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

So, what are "yin deficiency" and "yang deficiency"? Dr. Zhao pointed out that yin deficiency refers to the loss of yin fluid in the human body, which is unable to nourish the meridians of the internal organs, which is common in people who have been sick for a long time and are overworked, and its typical manifestations include hot flashes and night sweats, five heart irritations, dizziness, insomnia and dreams.

Yang deficiency refers to the weakening of the body's yang energy, loss of warmth function, mostly caused by old age, long-term illness and depletion, and its common symptoms include chills, mental fatigue, loss of appetite, loose stools, etc.

Regarding the "pillow tide" and "the bed is not warm", Dr. Zhao explained that this is a typical embodiment of yin deficiency and yang deficiency in sleep, and people with yin deficiency and fire often feel five irritated and hot, sweat when sleeping, and the pillow is often damp.

What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

People with yang deficiency and cold will have fatigue all over the body, cold hands and feet, and even if they cover more quilts, the bed will be cold, both of which will affect the quality of sleep, causing problems such as dreaminess and insomnia.

Ms. Li suddenly realized that her insomnia and dreams may be related to kidney yin deficiency, so how to improve this situation? Dr. Zhao told her that the imbalance of yin and yang is a gradual process, and the conditioning also needs to be gradual, which varies from person to person.

What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

First of all, pay attention to daily life, go to bed early and get up early, and avoid staying up late. Sleep in moderation, not too much or too little, the bedroom should be quiet and comfortable, avoid noise interference, the diet should be light and easy to digest, and avoid spicy and stimulating, fatty, sweet and greasy products.

Secondly, according to the individual's physique, some traditional Chinese medicine or dietary therapy can be selected to nourish yin and kidney, warm yang and invigorate qi, such as wolfberry, yam, dogwood, etc., which have the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys and nourishing yin and blood; Ginseng, astragalus, angelica, etc., can benefit the temperature and yang, help the right and dispel evil, but the medication should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, not taken blindly.

Again, you can properly carry out some traditional health exercises, such as Tai Chi, Baduan Jin, Wufowl Opera, etc., these exercises emphasize the unity of the mind and spirit, the combination of movement and static, can regulate yin and yang, promote the flow of qi and blood, practice to do what you can, step by step, not in a hurry.

What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

In addition, it is also very important to maintain an optimistic and peaceful attitude, traditional Chinese medicine says, "anger hurts the liver, joy and sadness, thinking hurts the spleen, sorrow hurts the lungs, fear hurts the kidneys", excessive emotional changes, will affect the internal organs and qi, aggravate the imbalance of yin and yang, we must learn to regulate emotions, reduce pressure, and maintain peace of mind.

Ms. Li listened to Dr. Zhao's words, and she said that she would change her bad habits in the past, follow the doctor's instructions to regulate her body, and let herself have a new improvement every day.

She also hopes that her experience can arouse more people's attention to TCM health preservation, and learn to use the wisdom of balancing yin and yang to care for health.

What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

In general, "Yin deficiency pillow tide, yang deficiency bed is not warm" vividly reflects the clinical application of the yin and yang theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although this statement is not rigorous enough, it has a strong orientation to some sub-health states, and the imbalance of yin and yang is a common problem for modern people, which reflects the imbalance of lifestyle and the burden of stress.

It is true that with the development of modern medicine, the etiology and mechanism of many diseases have been deeply revealed, and some traditional medical theories are also facing challenges, but as the crystallization of thousands of years of clinical experience, the advantages of TCM such as holistic view, syndrome differentiation and treatment are still worthy of our reference.

What does the yin deficiency "pillow tide" and yang deficiency "bed not warm" mean in traditional Chinese medicine?

The task facing contemporary Chinese medicine is to strive to achieve integration and innovation with modern medicine on the basis of inheriting the essence and discarding the dross.

We should not only give full play to our own advantages, but also absorb scientific nutrients, and constantly improve the scientific nature of theory and the effectiveness of practice, I believe that through the joint efforts of many medical workers, traditional Chinese medicine will be able to bloom more dazzling brilliance in the new era.

Let us go hand in hand to protect the health of hundreds of millions of people with the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, and hope that the beautiful vision of "Yin and Yang Secret, Spirit is Healing" will be realized as soon as possible, and may everyone find a healthy life that balances yin and yang, and live their most wonderful life!

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