
The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

Archaeology has always been a particularly interesting discipline, and people who are engaged in archaeology can have the first contact with the site of historical sites. From the archaeological site, they can personally feel the charm that spans time and space, can better combine the current life and ancient memory, archaeology, can be the first time to trace the sound from ancient times, but also can find a lot of interesting things from ancient times to the present.

Not only is archaeology in China interesting, but archaeology abroad may also find some interesting phenomena. A British archaeological team has discovered sites dating back more than 1,600 years. It is very difficult to excavate this site. And the site has even found simplified Chinese characters: Jim is here. A British site, there will be simplified Chinese characters, so is this site real or fake? What is the special story behind the ruins? Today, let's explore the story of this British site.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

Discover the ruins, on a larger scale

Years ago, there was an amazing discovery in the south of England. At the time, there was an archaeological team on an archaeological and expedition that traveled through many parts of England and eventually stopped in the south of England. After arriving in the south of England, the team prepared for a short break before concluding this archaeological expedition.

At the time, they were staying in Boxford, in the south of England. But here, the archaeological team made a huge discovery. There seems to be a site here, dating back to 1600 years ago. Moreover, there should be cultural relics of great value in the ruins. This was also discovered by one of the team members by accident, and they did not dare to act rashly.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

After everyone got together to discuss, they immediately contacted the local archaeologists in Boxford. All parties converged to deal with the site. We first formulated a variety of mining schemes, carefully analyzed and compared the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme, and then synthesized to form a final better scheme.

After deciding on the plan, a suitable date was chosen, and everyone began to dig deeper into the site. As the work progressed, the people present were surprised to find that what should have been dug up here was too big. This is a very rare Ancient Roman mosaic pattern, it is very large, up to 6 meters long.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

Because it was too huge, the excavation work encountered difficulties. There were only about fifty people in this archaeological team, and most of them were amateur players, and the oldest were all in their eighties. What's more, the local population simply doesn't agree with them digging things up. The residents said, "This is our property here, and we can't let you take it away in vain."

The obstruction of the residents made it impossible for the excavation work to continue. In the end, after many communications, the residents agreed to their excavation, but only if the things had to be collected locally, and they could not take them. After the residents agree, the work begins. It took a lot of effort for this mosaic to appear in full in front of everyone's eyes.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

Mythological stories, discovery of Chinese characters

The complete content of this mosaic is actually derived from an ancient Greek mythological story. At that time, a king in ancient Greece wanted to find a husband for his daughter. However, the king was so arrogant that he demanded that his son-in-law must win over himself before he could marry his daughter.

This reason, of course, was a message released by the king himself. In fact, the real reason was because the king was afraid. A few years ago, a prophet came to the kingdom who said that the king would one day be killed by his son-in-law. But the king could not prevent his daughter from marrying in the open, so he had to use such an excuse.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

To stop his daughter, the king prepared chariots. He demanded that the warriors who came to fight must win themselves in the chariot. In the first few times, no one was able to win the king. Therefore the king was very proud, and he believed that with this trick, any murderous son-in-law could definitely be kept out of his door.

Unfortunately, zeus's grandson also wanted to marry the king's daughter. In order to get his wish, Zeus's grandson secretly manipulated the king's chariot. After the race began, the king got into the chariot as usual, but he did not expect that the chariot had lost control. The king was so frightened that he tried to stop the chariot, but to no avail.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

The king was dragged to death by the horses on the chariot, and the prophet's prophecy was fulfilled. Zeus's grandson became the king's son-in-law, and the king was indeed killed by his son-in-law.

Such a story is presented on the stone wall in the form of a picture. In this way, this large stone wall has extraordinary value. It is a very precious cultural relic, and after the archaeological team dug it out, it was collected locally.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

Simplified Chinese characters, suspected of being counterfeit

Originally, this site was very simple. However, after the archaeologists dug out the stone wall, they found several simplified Chinese characters behind a stone: Jim is here. These few Chinese characters make this site no longer simple. If you think about it, why did Chinese simplified Chinese characters appear in British ruins more than 1600 years ago?

After this news came out, many netizens on the Internet accused the site of being fake. They deduced from the development process of Chinese characters, Chinese characters, first hieroglyphs, then into oracle bones, large seals and small seals, and then there are Lishu, Kaishu, Xingshu, cursive.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here

The development process of Chinese characters can basically correspond to the time of China's dynasties. The simplified Chinese characters that appear on the stone wall are speculated to be 1600 years ago. However, China before 1600 was roughly during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. At that time, Chinese characters were still in a transitional stage, and it was basically impossible to produce simplified Chinese characters.

It is precisely because of this that some people suspect counterfeiting. However, the picture on the stone wall does have a high historical and cultural value, which cannot be faked. So some people say that the ruins are true, but the simplified Chinese characters are not necessarily Chinese characters. It may be that the stone wall is just some symbols with special meaning, but these symbols happen to be very similar to the shape of simplified Chinese characters, so they are misunderstood.

But in any case, the value of the stone wall itself cannot be underestimated.

The British found 1600-year-old ruins with simplified Chinese characters inscribed on them: Jim here


The site, discovered in Britain, dates back more than 1,600 years. It faithfully records the Greek story and has a very high historical and cultural value.

Although these cultural relics belong to a country, their value is not limited to a certain country, they are the precious wealth of all mankind.

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