
The United Kingdom unearthed a millennium mural and found 5 Chinese Simplified: "Jim here", which caused a heated discussion

All history is contemporary history —Croce.

In 1917, after the famous historian Croce proposed this proposition, it aroused a lot of heated discussion, in his view, all those who write history are based on the interests of reality and serve the current purpose.

The United Kingdom unearthed a millennium mural and found 5 Chinese Simplified: "Jim here", which caused a heated discussion

In fact, what he said is not necessarily wrong, in the vast sea of literary and historical materials, we can only look at the ocean and sigh, and in thousands of years of history, historical data is even more incomplete, so we can only rely on excavating cultural relics to make up for the historical gap, so cultural relics have become "modern history".

In people's impression, cultural relics are historical sediments, should be full of old, quaint atmosphere, but cultural relics are not all serious, in many museums, there are ancients left some "improper" cultural relics, "small fresh" cultural relics, these cultural relics subvert people's cognition, but on the other hand, they recognize the real life of the ancients.

The United Kingdom unearthed a millennium mural and found 5 Chinese Simplified: "Jim here", which caused a heated discussion

Cultural relics do not have to be old, it can actually be very interesting, of course, there are some incredible cultural relics, just like the bronze artifacts unearthed in Sanxingdui, these huge bronze portraits, gold masks make Sanxingdui a major unsolved mystery in history.

How did they have such a developed technology? How did the ancient Shu people transport Indian Ocean sea shells, and did they really open up a "trade route" connecting the four ancient civilizations?

All these questions have troubled archaeologists, sanxingdui retains the characteristics of Egyptian civilization, and a site in Britain has left Chinese Simplified. Did ancient civilizations really intersect?

The United Kingdom unearthed a millennium mural and found 5 Chinese Simplified: "Jim here", which caused a heated discussion

West Berkshire, England, is an ancient town in the southeast, although there is no huge urban agglomeration, there are 13 towns, and West Berkshire occupies two small towns, thousands of years ago, the Romans galloped here, leaving a lot of Roman culture.

In 2019, a 1600-year-old Roman site was found in the small village of Boxford, although it is not a large tomb, the artifacts unearthed are of extraordinary value, and the British media called it: the greatest discovery in half a century.

What British archaeologists found was a mural called a "mosaic painting".

The "mosaic paintings" are spliced together with some black and white geometric totems, and their workmanship is exquisite and the art is quite high, so it has become a luxury sought after by the nobility.

The United Kingdom unearthed a millennium mural and found 5 Chinese Simplified: "Jim here", which caused a heated discussion

Since the production of "mosaic paintings" in the 5th century BC, there are no more than 3 existing "mosaic paintings", and it is conceivable that the value of this mural is, and it is no wonder that British archaeologists are so excited.

Archaeologists spent 10 days cleaning up the mural little by little, and after careful evaluation and research, it was found that this is a mosaic painting created 1600 years ago with a length and width of 6 meters, and the artistic degree is extremely rare.

The fresco tells the story of the origins of the ancient Greek Olympic Games, when Perops, the grandson of Zeus, participated in the chariot race set up by King Elis and married a princess. Because the scene was grand, it slowly evolved into the Olympic Games.

The United Kingdom unearthed a millennium mural and found 5 Chinese Simplified: "Jim here", which caused a heated discussion

In addition to the frescoes, there are also a few scattered small objects unearthed, including small human stone statues, stone cats, and some handmade products, the most notable of which is one of the small stone slabs, if you look closely, you will find five Chinese characters carved on it: Jim is here.

As soon as you see the British cultural relics bumping into the face Chinese Simplified, some people think it is a prank, but the Sun, the BBC, the British Morning Post and other authoritative media have reported, if it is a spoof, it is really "big head", the possibility of spoof is very small, is there Chinese Simplified before 1600 years ago?

To know the origin of Chinese simplified Chinese characters in 1922, even the ancients also used some simplified Chinese characters, but how could it appear in British ruins.

British archaeologists also explain this, they do not think that these are simplified Chinese characters, but the ancients in the creation, the carving is rough.

The United Kingdom unearthed a millennium mural and found 5 Chinese Simplified: "Jim here", which caused a heated discussion

Such an answer is not completely convincing, professionals, non-professionals have expressed their views, causing a heated discussion, some people think that this is the work of the crossers; some people think that civilizations have long begun to intersect; of course, most people still think it is a prank.

The archaeological community can not give a professional explanation, and this Chinese Simplified has become a major puzzle in history.

After the excavations were completed, they were refilled, because there was no large museum in the area, and it was difficult to preserve and collect, but these small artifacts were included in the museum, and if you were lucky, you might be able to see it.

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