
How can a mother who is not good at housework raise a child who can do housework

How can a mother who is not good at housework raise a child who can do housework

Every pair of parents wants to learn to do housework. Learning to do housework will at least allow him to grow up with a clean and tidy environment. None of us like messy environments. In fact, the benefits of doing housework for children go far beyond that.

Harvard University once did a survey study and came to an important conclusion: children who love housework and children who do not love housework have an employment rate of 15:1 and a crime rate of 1:10 when they reach adulthood. Children who love housework have a low divorce rate and a low prevalence of mental illness.

There is an old saying: "If a house is not swept, why sweep the world!" "In the process of children's growth, doing housework with parents can not only improve children's motor skills and cognitive ability, but also cultivate children's sense of responsibility and self-confidence."

Before I had children, when I read some of the author's tutor manuscripts, I realized the importance of children doing housework. Therefore, in the process of growing up, I will always consciously or unconsciously train him to do housework, even if I am not a mother who likes and is good at housework. Unexpectedly, just a few years later, Xiaolong would still do housework than I did. The fact that we were doing housework together yesterday made me feel both relieved and ashamed.

Yesterday afternoon, after reading most of the book, I felt a little tired in my eyes, so I decided to clean up the house. Who knew that I had just started to pack up my toys, and Xiaolong came over to me and said, "Mom, let's do housework together!" ”

"Good, good!" I replied triumphantly. So, together, we packed up the toys and swept the floor. In a short time, we swept the floor. As soon as I walked into the bathroom, Xiaolong said, "Mom, I'm going to use a round mop." ”

"Good! So how about we drag one place each? Are you dragging us to the room where we sleep, or the living room? "I asked as we were taking the mop.

"I'm in charge of dragging the living room!"

"Good!" So, we began to divide labor and cooperate. Soon the ground was towed. I washed my hands and was about to pick up my phone to play a game, but Xiaolong ran up to my phone and said, "Mom, we haven't wiped the table yet, we can't play with our phones yet." ”

"Oh!" I immediately put down my phone and went to the kitchen to find two rags to wet, ready to wipe the table. What I didn't expect was that Xiaolong wiped the table very carefully, first wiping the coffee table clean, and then wiping the TV cabinet. After wiping the TV cabinet, wipe the TV again. Seeing how seriously and attentively he wiped, I couldn't help but take a picture of him with my phone. As I took pictures, I couldn't help but ask, "Will you do housework with your daughter-in-law like this in the future?" ”

"It should be!"

"Then your daughter-in-law doesn't do it?"

"If he doesn't do it, I'll do it!"

"Then you're tired?"

"I'm not tired, you see I'm not tired after doing so much!"

"For example, you went home from work and did a lot of housework, and you were too tired, what should you do?" I talked to him and sent a circle of friends.

"Then let her do it with me!" hey! Mom, put down your phone and come and wipe the table with me! Listening to his words, I suddenly felt that I had dug a pit for myself, so I had to put down my mobile phone and wipe the table with him.

After doing housework, I picked up my mobile phone to take a look, many friends gave me likes, wrote comments, and one of the mothers also sent WeChat to ask me how I should cultivate the habit of doing housework for my children.

How can a mother who is not good at housework raise a child who can do housework

Seeing her question, I recalled the bits and pieces of the past few years, and decided to sum up my experience and share it with you:

Let go and let the child do it, not easily block it

When it comes to housework, at all times, I grasp a principle: whatever the child wants to do, I will never stop it. As long as he wanted to help, I was happy to accept his help, even if it was more and more helpful, never stopping him. For example, if I mop the floor and he wants to mop the floor, I will give him a mop. I remember that when he was less than a year old, he could hold the legs of the table and mop the floor with a mop; when I washed clothes, if he also wanted to wash, I would give him a small basin, put water on it, put laundry soap, let him wash his own socks, or small panties... By doing these things, Xiaolong slowly felt a sense of accomplishment and value. So, he was interested in doing housework.

Don't blame the child, encourage more

In the process of trying to do housework, the child cannot do it well, and often helps more and more. In this case, many mothers will always say: "Go over and play, the more you help, the more you help, it is better not to help." "Then put the kid on a cartoon or play with the phone." In fact, doing housework is to exercise the child's hands-on ability, so parents feel that the more the child helps, the more he or sheds, often stripping the child of the opportunity to exercise. Therefore, in order to protect his self-confidence, every time after Xiaolong finished doing the housework, I would secretly do it again, never accusing him, and praising him for "washing really clean" and "doing a really good job". Under my patient guidance, whenever we do housework, he always actively joins.

Parents set a good example

As mentioned earlier, I am a mother who is not good at doing housework, and every time I do housework, I always lose everything, for example, I feel that everything is finished when I drag the floor, and I never think of wiping the table. However, heaven seems to be particularly fair, and a woman who can't do housework will often meet a man who can do housework. Although he does not like to do housework, he can always clean up the house, even if every corner will be cleaned. Therefore, when we do housework together, children with strong imitation ability naturally learn from their fathers. Therefore, in this regard, I am very grateful to my husband for joining, which not only reduces my burden, but also becomes a role model for my children. So, whether you're good at housework or not, your parents have to do housework together. Because we must tell our children with practical actions: the home is our own, and every member of the family should strive to make their own efforts for it. Only in this way can children have a sense of responsibility for the family. Everyone in the family is responsible for the family, the family will be harmonious and happy, and everyone will feel happy. Therefore, children who can do housework are often more likely to achieve happiness.

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