
If the oil truck falls collectively, the tram can eat collectively?

I calculated the account and found that after the collective price increase of electric vehicles, I could also accept the oil price of 9 yuan.

Because of the subsidy decline, battery costs rose two factors, the price of pure electric vehicles soared, the price increase has become one of the most popular topics in the recent past, when you see the price of 239,900 Model3 rose to 279,900, I am afraid it is another feeling.

The price of new electric vehicles that do not burn oil has soared, and the price of fuel-fired fuel vehicles has soared because of gasoline prices.

If the oil truck falls collectively, the tram can eat collectively?

In fact, let me say don't make a mistake, don't buy a car directly consider the hybrid, buy a car don't think about changing the car, plus 9 yuan of gasoline can not spend a few more dollars. Tesla's price increase of 40,000 in the past year is the cost of fuel that can only be used by fuel vehicles for 80,000-100,000 kilometers, and oil prices cannot remain high all the time.

At present, the entire industry has opened a plan to drive out fuel vehicles, and major companies have said that they will abandon pure fuel vehicles around 2030, and will replace fuel vehicles with hybrid models and electric vehicles, which is the right direction, and companies and consumers are doing this.

This means that fuel vehicles will show a significant decline in the next few years, and yes, fewer and fewer people will buy fuel vehicles.

If the oil truck falls collectively, the tram can eat collectively?

And fuel vehicles have a huge market share, the next few years will be this huge market out of the company, there will inevitably be a new power architecture to replace, at present, hybrid architecture is the best direction, of course, pure electric vehicles can not be ignored.

Pure electric vehicles and hybrid models will certainly show different technical advantages in the future, and begin to divide the traditional market for fuel vehicles.

The advantage of electric vehicles is to completely get rid of the shackles of the internal combustion engine, and the huge battery pack provides energy to drive the vehicle, but there are two obvious drawbacks in this technical direction: 1, the price is too high, and 2, the inevitable endurance problem.

The price problem is difficult to solve, but the mileage anxiety problem can only be solved by changing the battery or fast charging.

If the oil truck falls collectively, the tram can eat collectively?

In contrast, the advantages of hybrid models are more obvious, through the combination of batteries, motors, engines, so that a model with high self-weight can also have the fuel consumption of A0-class products, and the fuel consumption of more hybrid models can be stabilized at about 5L 100 kilometers, and the fuel consumption can be reduced by 50% at most.

This is also a new energy source, and there is no mileage anxiety disorder, and the price is lower.

Therefore, the new technical direction determines that electric vehicles may not be able to truly dominate the future market, and the technical route also determines that it cannot be a monopoly, after all, hybrid models are also very attractive to the market after reducing fuel consumption.

We have calculated the cost before, and electric vehicles are not necessarily really low.

If the oil truck falls collectively, the tram can eat collectively?

On the one hand, the retention rate of electric vehicles is still relatively low, and a large amount of car prices are lost in the process of buying and selling cars, and as long as the external fast charging pile is used, the comprehensive cost of two dollars per kilowatt hour of electricity makes the cost of a 15-degree electric 100-kilometer electric vehicle soar to 30 yuan.

On the other hand, if the hybrid model stabilizes the fuel consumption at about 5L, then even in the face of the oil price of 8 or 9, it is not unacceptable to the user. Moreover, oil prices have stabilized between 6-8 blocks for more time.

For the market, under the pressure of carbon neutrality, not only electric vehicles are not necessarily the way out, and hybrids that save more fuel and are more practical are still inseparable choices.

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