
Once people learn these "slow kung fu", the progress of growth will be very fast

Wen | Ling Wheat

Write the warmest words, heal the lonely heart, pay attention to me, and warm you.

Once people learn these "slow kung fu", the progress of growth will be very fast

Zi Yue: "No desire to speed, no small profit." If you want to be fast, you can't achieve it; if you see small profits, you can't achieve big things. ”

Slowing down, not stopping, not not trying. Instead, it is necessary to slow down, obscure and accumulate, ten years of trees, a hundred years of tree people, long-term achievements, steady and far-reaching!

Mr. Yu Guangzhong said:

"One of the windows of that row of long windows, the endless scenery unfolds for me, and the destination is thousands of miles away waiting for me, it is best to never arrive, so that I will never get off." 」

People need to constantly improve, but also need to let the mind be timely relaxed, slow down, is a transparent and clear attitude to life.

The road is long, slow down. Slow down and purify the mind and clear mind, go wrong and misunderstood, cultivate true kung fu, and achieve true growth! Really powerful people are good at "slowing down" to learn and constantly enrich themselves.

Slow down, you can better understand your heart, find the life you really want. Slowness is a kind of real kung fu, but also a kind of high realm. Really powerful people have the ability to "slow down".

Once people learn these "slow kung fu", the progress of growth will be very fast

Slow kung fu can achieve a solid foundation.

Carl Hornor said:

"Slow life" is not to support laziness, and slowing down is not to procrastinate time, but to let people find balance in life. Because, only by understanding the slow, can we appreciate the wonders of life, can we return to nature, enjoy ease and harmony.

Slow is fast: shortcuts are often not achieved overnight, but one move at a time.

Growth is a game that a person should participate in with a lifetime, the competition is not a momentary explosiveness, but a staying power, only lifelong growth can finally win.

No matter what you do, you can't have a rush mentality. Rather, since you want to anchor a thing, you must be willing to work slowly, don't worry that your efforts at this moment will not be rewarded, in fact, these efforts are to take root.

Slow down in improving yourself.

Don't be too quick to do anything. You can work hard, but don't be in too much of a hurry.

Sometimes pushing yourself too hard will only lead to falling into the other extreme, into endless anxiety, so that you lose your first life.

There is no wasted effort, and there is no coincidence of success. The so-called unintentional willow planting willow shade is precisely the effortless accumulation of years of painstaking accumulation and hard work that can win the present effortlessly.

A momentary effort has no value, and it is priceless to stick to it for a long time. We don't have to be quick to make a quick profit, but to give ourselves enough patience.

If you want to live a good life, you must be steady as a person, and you can't be impatient when things happen. No matter how urgent things are, we must take it slowly. We must learn to exercise ourselves in continuous practice, so that we can hone our minds while increasing our experience.

May you and I maintain a humble heart, do not forget the original heart, forge ahead, work diligently and sincerely, be a down-to-earth person, and take every step of life.

Once people learn these "slow kung fu", the progress of growth will be very fast

Wheat message: "Frozen three feet, not a day's cold."

There are no shortcuts to success, and blindly pursuing fast will only be counterproductive, and even make you take more detours. Because when you only care about the rush and don't pay attention to the quality, it makes things worse.

The success of life is sometimes not how much fame and fortune you can gain, but how full your life is, how satisfied you are in your heart, which is the real "wealth".

There is no road in life, and every step counts. No matter what work you are engaged in, only by slowing down can you ensure quality. Sometimes it's really not that you don't work hard enough, but that the pace is too fast to consider whether you are right or wrong, and often the faster you go, the more dangerous it is.

Many people are always in a hurry, want to eat a bite to become fat, and think that there is a shortcut to quickly obtain wealth. As everyone knows, excessive speed seeking is not only difficult to succeed, but also may become the object of others' slaughter.

Slow is a kind of wisdom, the slow kung fu spent on the real problem, in fact, in the slow process, we must be good at grasping the key points and difficulties, so that slow can play a multiplier effect with half the effort.

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