
Yougu Reading Pavilion 丨 "Tall Buildings to the Sea"

Yougu Reading Pavilion 丨 "Tall Buildings to the Sea"

Text | Afterglow/Recitation | Li Xiuping

Disclaimer: This "Reading Pavilion" column has reached a strategic cooperation with Guangzhou Yougu Information Technology Co., Ltd. and changed its name to "Yougu Reading Pavilion". At the request of the majority of reciters, two reading booths have been installed in the hall on the first floor of the county cultural center, which are completely free and open for public welfare. The general public is welcome to experience.

"Tall Buildings to the Sea"

Author Yu Guangzhong

Recite Li Xiuping

Tall buildings facing the sea, long windows to the west

Dusk comes colorful and mysterious

When the sun sets, hand over the strait to the sunset

When the sunset goes, hand over the strait to the lighthouse

My desk light was on at the same time

So the ceremony, the night, began

A lighthouse is a table lamp on the sea

A table lamp is a lighthouse on a table

Illuminate the heart of the white hair under the lamp

The ups and downs are like a strait full of wind and waves

Wave after wave to shake up old age

What is left of a lifetime

Except for the window this lone light

Stay with me for this long night

Li Xiuping

CCTV host

Vice Chairman of the Decibels of Love Aid Project for Deaf Children

Source: Let the decibels of love be loud

Yougu Reading Pavilion 丨 "Tall Buildings to the Sea"

Yu Feng Culture Media

Yougu Reading Pavilion 丨 "Tall Buildings to the Sea"

Edit | Zhang Lina

Audit | Zhou Tingting

Shi Yueqi

Zhang Yanwei

Producer | Zhang Yaping

Director system | Wang Yunjian Tan Hongping

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