
Kids Science Campaign Tips

Everyone knows that exercise is very helpful for physical health, and maintaining proper exercise from an early age is of great benefit to the physical development and growth of children. However, when choosing the way of exercise, it needs to match the child's own growth and development. What sports are suitable for all ages? How long is it appropriate to exercise per day for all ages? Today, Xiaobian takes you to understand it

Exercise intensity and duration for children of all ages

Regarding the exercise intensity and exercise time of children and adolescents, it is recommended to refer to the "Guidelines for Physical Activity of Chinese Children and Adolescents":

● Guarantee 60 minutes of medium to high intensity physical activity per day;

● Maintain high-intensity physical activity and resistance activity at least 3 days a week;

● Reduce persistent sedentary behavior and engage in appropriate activities during recess;

● Daily screen contact time, no more than 2 hours.

Kids Science Campaign Tips
Kids Science Campaign Tips

Note: MET is the basic unit of measurement of the metabolic equivalent of physical activity intensity, and 1MET is the energy consumption rate when sitting quietly and resting.

0 to 1 year old: The physical exercise of young children is mainly to promote the development of basic motor skills. At 3-4 months of age, grasp toys to exercise hand coordination; at 6 months of age, it is mainly used to train coordination and increase strength, such as exercising the movement of young children sitting; at 7-10 months of age, children are mainly allowed to play with toys and learn to crawl; children at 12 months of age slowly learn to walk, like to explore, and can accompany children to walk;

1-3 years old: Exercise for 180 minutes a day, which can be divided into several activities per day. Under the premise of ensuring the safety of children, do sports such as walking, running, jumping, going up and down steps, picking up leaves, playing sand, playing football, throwing balls or sandbags;

3-5 years old: Exercise takes more than 180 minutes a day, at least 60 minutes are of moderate intensity or more, and can be divided into several activities per day. Can jump, run, shoot ball, touch high, swim, etc.;

5-10 years old: physical exercise time is at least 60 minutes a day, aerobic exercise takes at least 3 days a week, promotes muscle and bone growth, such as dancing, skipping rope;

11-14 years old: exercise for at least 60 minutes a day, of which at least 3 days a week of aerobic exercise, mainly physical exercise of interest;

15-18 years old: exercise for at least 60 minutes a day, of which at least 3 days a week are aerobic exercise, mainly physical exercise of interest, and appropriate encouragement of group and competitive physical activity.

Children's sports are recommended

Jumping bands

Jumping band is a kind of bouncing exercise, very suitable for children and teenagers, not only can make children's joints, muscles, hands and legs get coordinated exercise, but also enhance the vitality of brain cells, help children's brain development.

ping pong

Table tennis is also a relatively light sport. Children's eyes are constantly staring at the ball back and forth during exercise, which can also make the eyeballs continue to move, thereby improving the adjustment ability of eye function, improving vision, and improving reaction ability.

Children's dance

Practicing dancing not only promotes the growth and development of children, makes the limbs flexible and flexible, but also cultivates children's self-confidence and good psychological quality, promotes children's intellectual development, and enables children's physical and mental health to grow.


Swimming can not only promote the growth and development of children, but also have great benefits for cardiopulmonary function, but also exercise children's ability to adapt to changes in external temperature, and exercise the muscles of the whole body to promote the health of the body.

Obstacle play

Running in the woods, dodging trees, walking on canoe bridges, tumbling, dodging, etc. under the premise of ensuring safety can exercise the cooperation of their eyes, brain and body.

Climbing exercises

Climbing requires children to mobilize the various parts of the body to work in harmony, which can promote the coordination of their body and make them more responsive. At the same time, the change in distance height brings new feelings and experiences to the vision, cultivates the concept of space, and learns to observe the environment from a new perspective.

In short, children of different ages have different situations and different needs for physical exercise, and should be gradual and according to their ability, focusing on exercise, rather than pursuing results. I hope that parents must maintain their sanity, guide their children to exercise reasonably, and develop a good habit of loving sports. Once the child is unwell, go to the hospital at the first time, do not think that the child is lazy, let alone force the child.

The image comes from the Internet


Organizer: Hebei Provincial Sports Bureau

Producer: Guo Lijun

Editor's proofreading: He Wanxuan

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