
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions

Recently, local clusters of epidemics have occurred in many parts of the mainland

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For this round of the Opichron outbreak

The latest research and judgment of a number of experts has been summarized

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Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions
Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions

Children are susceptible to the Amicoreon mutant strain

Lin Hancheng, a second-level inspector of the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission and spokesman of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Command, said that among the new coronavirus infected people admitted to Shenzhen, children accounted for about 20%, of which children under 6 years old accounted for half, and the youngest was 1 month old, indicating that children are generally susceptible to the Omicron variant, and the incidence rate is significantly higher than that of the Delta variant.

Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions

Hereby appeal to parents, during the epidemic period, try to avoid taking their children out to play, especially do not gather together to play. If you really need to take children out to play, you need to do the corresponding protection according to children of different ages, you can wear masks, try to put on children, educate children not to touch public facilities such as elevator buttons, ensure that they are playing in places that have been killed, and regularly disinfect children's hands quickly.

Lin Hancheng stressed that when taking children out to do nucleic acid sampling, it is necessary to wear a mask throughout the process and maintain a "1 meter distance". Do not touch the desktop and other items when sampling, and leave the scene as soon as possible after sampling. At the same time, parents should do a good job of family protection, change clothes and then contact children after going out home, spray with alcohol, wipe mobile phones and other objects, often disinfect children's toys and supplies, children over 3 years old who have not been vaccinated against the new crown vaccine are recommended to be vaccinated as soon as possible, if the child has cough, fever and other special symptoms in time to go to the hospital for medical treatment, do the corresponding protection on the way to medical treatment.

Source: People's Daily, Shenzhen Publishing, Shenzhen News Network

Editor: Ou Xiaoyu

Reviewers: Su Jiehua, Luo Jing

Why are so many asymptomatic infected people? Mild patients do not have to be hospitalized? Authoritative experts answer questions

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