
What are some things to know before three generations of IVF?

Beilai Fertility Center said that efficient pregnancy preparation can not only prevent fetal birth defects, but also help give birth to a high-IQ baby, for this reason, we have prepared a detailed pregnancy preparation strategy for pregnant mothers who want to have a baby:

Do a health check-up from the inside out

In order to have a healthy baby, both husband and wife must go to the yi hospital for a health examination from the inside out. Including gynecological to scientific examinations, eugenics five items, blood routine, urine routine, liver function, blood pressure and so on.

What are some things to know before three generations of IVF?

Protect the "soil"

Our women's womb is like the soil that gives birth to life, if it is not well protected, it may cause the soil to be poor and impossible to conceive. For example, repeatedly do liu production hands. This is tantamount to artificially destroying this land. Moreover, there may be problems such as tubal adhesions and endometriosis that lead to infertility. Therefore, if you do not want to conceive immediately, you must do a good job of contraception and protect your fertility.

Regulate your mindset and release stress

Bad emotions such as excessive stress can seriously affect the nervous system and endocrine system, affecting ovulation and the quality of eggs. Therefore, sisters who are trying to conceive must try to relax their mentality, adjust and transfer the bad emotions generated in time.

Cultivate a healthy lifestyle

Healthy pregnancy, you must change the bad lifestyle, such as staying up late, going to bed late and getting up early, smoking, drinking and so on. In order to conceive a healthy baby, expectant mothers must pull on their fathers-to-be when changing their lifestyles.

What are some things to know before three generations of IVF?

Balanced nutrition to lay the foundation for pregnancy

The daily diet should pay attention to balance, and should be appropriately supplemented with fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat and seafood, as well as high-protein foods such as milk and soy products and fiber-rich vegetables. At the same time, under the guidance of a doctor, taking some vitamins can prevent fetal birth defects caused by vitamin deficiency in the first trimester.

Intercourse during ovulation

Find the date of ovulation, and if you have intercourse 1-2 days before your arrival, the fertility rate will increase. Some babies don't know how to find the ovulation day, you can use calculations, test strips or monitoring three methods to find their ovulation date!

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