
Mom found that the one-year-old child's legs were asymmetrical in the bilateral skin lines, and went to check it overnight and collapsed instantly!

My baby is now a year old, and suddenly one day he found that when he changed his pants, it creaked! But the strange thing is that the baby did not show discomfort, oh, no crying or making trouble! Sister Yang paid attention to a few days, the baby's performance is normal, when the baby is not wet, she found that the baby's leg lines are asymmetrical, how is it so strange? The impression is that the other babies' hip lines are symmetrical and fleshy! Still not at ease, hold the baby to the hospital to check it out!

Mom found that the one-year-old child's legs were asymmetrical in the bilateral skin lines, and went to check it overnight and collapsed instantly!

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor gave the child a targeted orthopedic examination and took a film to see if there was a fracture of the acetabulum.

Mom found that the one-year-old child's legs were asymmetrical in the bilateral skin lines, and went to check it overnight and collapsed instantly!

After examination and analysis, the doctor told Ms. Zhao about the child's situation, the child is hip dislocation, to do the reduction surgery for the child in time, as long as the anesthesia can be closed and restored. Rest for 3-4 weeks after the recovery to avoid weight bearing on the affected limb.

Mom found that the one-year-old child's legs were asymmetrical in the bilateral skin lines, and went to check it overnight and collapsed instantly!

The doctor said to me because I was too nervous at the time to listen to a word, did not understand, never heard of a child will get this disease, but also need to do surgery, which can frighten me, I can't believe the doctor's words, in order to diagnose my son's illness the next day I took my son to another hospital.

The next day to go to the city hospital is also such a result, she does not know how she carried the child back home, she is about to collapse, the doctor also said: "Hip dislocation Even after timely reduction, there may be necrosis of the femoral head, so it is necessary to reduce in time, less vascular compression or damage affects the blood flow of the femoral head."

Mom found that the one-year-old child's legs were asymmetrical in the bilateral skin lines, and went to check it overnight and collapsed instantly!

I blame myself very much for not taking good care of the child, not finding out in time that the child's body is abnormal, and letting the child bear so much pain... Now that my son has finished surgery and is in rehabilitation, I hope my son will get better soon.

Xiaobian said: leg stripe asymmetry, may be congenital hip dislocation, is one of the more common congenital malformations in the early infant period, girls more than boys, the proportion of the two is about 6..1, the left side is more than the right side, bilateral dislocation is less. Hip dislocation, dislocation is mainly affected by genetic factors, but also affected by the maternal uterine environment, if the mother secretion of estrogen is too much, it will lead to the pregnant mother's pelvic bone is not tight, and let the fetal ligaments relax, the femoral head is dislocated!

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