
Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

I always hear friends around me say, "Baby just doesn't like to read, what can I do?" ”

Don't worry, there are many ways to make children fall in love with reading, as long as you try more, there is always a trick that will be useful.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

Today, I will share with you the 20 ways to make children fall in love with reading, parents in need must look carefully, if necessary, remember to collect it, and it will definitely be used in the future!

1. Parents often read books to their children

Some children do not like to read by themselves, they feel more boring, but they like to listen to their father or mother read to them, especially some parents read with emotion, which will attract children.

If this is the case, parents should read more books to their children, and it is best to read to them at a fixed time every day, which can not only slowly improve their children's interest in reading, but also help children develop good reading habits.

2. Set up a reading area for your child

Parents can set up a reading area exclusive to their children at home, if conditions permit, they can also vacate a room as a child's reading area, in this area to fill a variety of books, to create a good reading atmosphere.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

At the same time, when children stay in this area, they can get a book to read, in such an environment and atmosphere, it is difficult for them to read or not.

3. Communicate with your child more about the reading experience

Regarding the matter of reading, parents must communicate with their children more, including the feeling of reading a book, reading skills, or the formation of reading habits, etc. Through such communication, children will understand reading more, and reading is a thing that people will understand more and like, then the child will naturally love to read more.

4. Take your child to the library and to the bookstore

When we were young, we often went to the library and bookstore, but now children seem to be going less and less.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

In fact, no matter how well the reading atmosphere at home is done, the most reading atmosphere is still the library, so if the children reach a certain age and can stay quietly in the library, parents may wish to take them to the library to read.

In addition to the library, parents should also take their children to the bookstore, so that the children take the initiative to choose the books they want to read, which can also stimulate their interest in reading.

5. Return the right to choose books to the child

Some parents like to decide what books their children read, but rarely ask their children whether they like to read, which is actually not conducive to cultivating their children's interest in reading.

The correct approach should be to return the right to choose books to the child, buy more books that the child is interested in, first cultivate their reading interest, and then slowly guide the child to read extensively.

6. Both parents and children should read

Some parents themselves do not love to read, but require their children to love reading, which is of course not easy.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

Only parents themselves love to read, and maintain good reading habits, set a good example for their children, in order to subtly influence children and make children fall in love with reading.

Therefore, whether it is parent-child reading together, or parents and children reading each other, in short, parents and children must read.

7. Develop the habit of reading before bedtime

Parents can let the child go to bed early, under normal circumstances, at this time the child still can't sleep, parents can ask the child "is to sleep quickly or read a book again", the child in order to escape early sleep, may choose to read, which can help them develop the habit of reading before going to bed, but also help to stimulate their interest in reading.

8. Combine reading with things that your child is interested in

Some children may not like to stay at home and always want to go outdoors, and parents can try to combine reading with outdoor activities that their children are interested in.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

For example, parents can read with their children on the benches in the park, read on the green grass, read in the tent, etc., as long as the children are willing, they can try more, so that unconsciously they will also make the children fall in love with reading.

9. Let your child read to parents or pets

Children are the most fond of imitation, so after watching more parents read, children may consciously imitate the way parents read, so may wish to change their identity, this time, let the child read, parents to listen, so that children will be more confident, but also can stimulate children's reading confidence.

In addition to reading to parents, children can also read to their favorite toys or pets, and in the process of reading, they can also improve their language expression ability.

10. Take your child to reading-related activities

In the library, picture book library, bookstore and other places, in fact, will hold some reading activities on a regular basis, parents can pay more attention to it, if it is suitable for children to participate, you can participate in more, through this way not only can make children fall in love with reading, but also improve children's social skills, language expression ability, etc., can be described as a lot of things.

11. Respect your child's repeated reading

In the process of parent-child co-reading, many parents find that their children always read the same book repeatedly, interested in the same story, some parents will be more worried about this situation, and may stop their children, but in fact, it is completely unnecessary, as long as the child is interested, then let them read it repeatedly.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

Perhaps one day, without parental guidance, the child's interest will shift to other books.

12. Give the initiative to read to the child

At any time, parents must remember that the child is the protagonist of parent-child reading, and only by adhering to this principle will the child be willing to continue reading.

13. Read extensively

Different from the situation of liking to read the same book repeatedly, some children like to read widely, what kind of books are willing to read, in the face of this situation, parents will worry that children do not do intensive reading, which is not conducive to the improvement of their reading ability.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

In fact, this worry is also unnecessary, or should respect and protect the child's interest, as long as the child is interested, let them read, follow-up can slowly guide the child to start reading some books.

14. Establish a reading reward program

Parents can set up some reward activities, such as adding 1 star to the child after reading a book, and when they have collected 10 stars, they can fulfill a wish.

Through such a reward mechanism, children's reading interest and good reading habits can also be gradually cultivated.

15. Don't force your child to read

If you want your child to fall in love with reading, parents must not force their children, otherwise, it will only make children have a rebellious psychology.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

If your child has little interest in reading, parents should still master the correct method and then guide them.

16. Find out why your child doesn't love to read

Most children are not born without reading, it may be some reason that they do not love to read, so parents need to find the reason, and then go to the right solution, so that they can achieve the effect of doing more with less.

17. Use different reading styles

When parents and children read together, do not use a single way of reading, which will appear boring and tedious, and children will naturally get tired.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

Parents can try different reading methods, such as reading aloud, scene reproduction, character interpretation, or child retelling, etc., and can also be combined in a variety of ways, which will make reading more interesting and children will naturally be more interested.

18. Combine reading with life

Reading in combination with practice will definitely be more interesting.

For example, after parents and children read the picture book "The Journey of the Wind", they can go into nature with their children to truly feel the "travel of the wind", which can not only deepen the child's impression, but also help stimulate the child's interest in reading.

19. Encourage your child to read

Parental encouragement is very important for children.

Dry! 20 ways for kids to fall in love with reading, parents may wish to give it a try

When children withdraw, parents should encourage them more, which may motivate them to continue to persevere, and then slowly fall in love with reading.

20. You can use playback tools such as stereos and mobile phones

Parents may not have time to read to their children due to busy work, so they can use audio, mobile phones and other playback tools to let children listen to the stories in the book, which can also stimulate their interest in reading.

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