
ET7 in-depth test drive video: Battle of BBA, 500,000 luxury cars shuffle?

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Producer: Electric Planet News

Author: Crab Boss himself

After the ET7 test drive, I immediately remembered this picture!

ET7 in-depth test drive video: Battle of BBA, 500,000 luxury cars shuffle?

As a Da Ding owner, I really want to say: waiting for more than a year....RNM, Weilai, delivery!

Although this sentence is very rough, the evaluation is actually very high.

We even think that we dare to start like this because of this test drive, et7's performance really exceeded expectations.

Not only the physical level of driving control, space, NVH and other things, but also the noMI, "shortcut" and other deeper data, intelligent feelings.

Today, under the bridge of Shanghai's Minpu Bridge, I will use 10 small dots to talk about the test drive experience this time.

1. First of all, the driving quality that everyone cares about most, especially the performance of the suspension.

In the previous netizen survey, this ranked first.

This time, we tested the NIO ET7, BMW 530Li, Mercedes-Benz E300L, Audi A6L, and BMW 740Li.

Judging from the performance of the suspension, the first to be brushed down is the Mercedes-Benz E300, followed by the Audi A6L and BMW 740 Li. The difference between the appearance of these three cars and the ET7 and BMW 530 Li is very obvious, especially when passing through bumpy roads at a faster speed, which can basically be said to be not on the same level.

The BMW 530 and ET7 performed between Bo zhong. They suppress the undulations and shaking well when passing through the bridge connections and speed reduction belts, without unnecessary bounce, very crisp, and without dragging mud and water.

The difference between the two is that the 530 is relatively hard, which will make people feel more clearly "crushing" something when passing through the connection, while the ET7 will handle it more comfortably and smoothly.

Because of this, the test drive media some think the ET7 is better, while others insist that the BMW 530 is better.

Will there still be "Schrödinger"? No, the person in charge of Weilai chassis tuning said that this time the empty suspension is completely developed by Wei, and some people said "Schrödinger" before, that is, although the suppliers of the empty suspension and CDC are two big names, they have not been opened.

2. Kinetic energy recovery.

This is the ET7 test, and I like it as soon as I get started.

Even the strongest "standard" mode doesn't feel dragging at all.

It can be said without hesitation that this is the ceiling of all current electric vehicles in the "kinetic energy recovery" category.

It was obvious that the engineer had pulled out a great arc, and the front end would be slightly tightened to ensure the strength of the recovery, but it would not be uncomfortable.

To be more direct, the Model Y's single-pedal mode, right in front of it, will be crushed into....

Such an arc is actually reflected in et7's 100-kilometer acceleration.

We didn't talk about the momentum today because of the zero hundred in 3.8 seconds, and the advantage of ET7 is too great.

Talking about the arc more, it is because after the ET7 electric gate to the end, it actually leaves a buffer of about a second, not the acceleration of the head as soon as the foot is on.

3. Electric suction door

Look carefully, it is elegant.

As long as your hand touches, there is no need to use force at all, and the door will gently pop open!

It can be done because its door handles, like the steering wheel, are capacitive.

And when closing the door, you don't have to force, lightly take a belt, the system will gently add a force!

4. 7.1.4+ Dolby

This is the first time we have experienced 7.1.4 channels in a real car, and the high, medium, and low three-way frequencies have front and rear rows, and the key is to pay attention to listen! The sound of flying overhead!

It's amazing!

Somewhat similar, the apple space audio feels.

Trust me, you'll be addicted.

5. NVH

The front and rear of the ET7 and the triangular windows are also double glazed.

NVH We directly use live ambient sound to express it.

When you are outside the car, you can hardly hear the voices and normal music in the car.

Of course, if the music is very loud, standing next to the car, you can still hear some, but it is the kind of sound that is blindfolded and unclear.

6. Mood light

This paragraph does not speak, everyone feels for themselves. In the test drive video exposed by the owner before, there have been too many likes.

7. New voice for NOMI

THIS TIME, NOMI uses a new speech synthesis engine, which was jointly developed by Microsoft and Nio.

From a development point of view, it has better performance than last year's version of Xiaopeng and is also the most natural speech synthesis engine in the industry.

In addition, although it is the unofficial version of 0.7.0, under the blessing of the 8155 chip, the function of continuous voice has been very good.

8. Rear space

The back row of the ET7 can be stilted legs, although in contrast to the 56E, it lost to the Audi A6L, but it is stronger than the BMW 530 and comparable to the Mercedes-Benz E level.

Another thing to say is that the middle of the back row of et7 can be human, and 56E, you see for yourself.

9. Rear screen

The effect of the rear screen is actually very gorgeous, with a built-in boss button.

Looking at this screen, I always think of the legendary Weilai mobile phone, if you can have that magnetic way, you can get it in your hand, it will be better.

10. Finally, "Shortcuts"!

Finally, I talk about "shortcuts" because I think it completes a new definition of high-end and luxurious in the new era.

It is NIO's "if.....then....", which currently supports more than 100 functional permutations.

For example, there can be a boss mode, if the co-driver is not there; there is someone on the right side of the back row; then activate the rear "premium mode" - the co-driver seat is pushed to the front.

There can also be a "wife mode" - if there is no one in the back seat and the co-driver is someone; then, the co-driver's seat retreats to the end, and Nomi voice says "Wife Wanfu Jin'an".

In technical terms, this is "the atomization of functionality"; from the user's point of view, it means unprecedented "personalization";

It's by far the best illustration of the phrase "software-defined cars", and even the beginning of a whole new era.

Of course, ET7 also has slot points,

For example, its trunk space is inferior to the 56E ratio;

For example, its current audition accuracy needs to be improved;

For example, it is a very heavy car, weighing almost 2.3 tons, and the pressure on energy consumption will be very large.

But that doesn't stop me from thinking that the advent of ET7 is the beginning of a whole new era.

Today's test drive content is here, here is the electric planet, we will see you next time!

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ET7 in-depth test drive video: Battle of BBA, 500,000 luxury cars shuffle?

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