
Children don't always grow up? Don't worry, see if it is because of these points, seize the golden period

Children are the flowers of the motherland. This sentence is really true, parents with children have a heart hanging on the child every day, afraid that the child has something to lose, headache brain fever, it is really anxious. When parents see their children playing with children of the same age in other families, they find that their children seem to be wrong, then they will be anxious again. Children have three meals a day no less, nutritional calcium supplements have also eaten, why not grow one?

Children don't always grow up? Don't worry, see if it is because of these points, seize the golden period

Parents and friends don't worry, look at the following points, is not the reason why your child is not tall.

Reason one: overnutrition

Parents blindly want to supplement their children's nutrition, and what good supplements want to irrigate the child's stomach, but everyone lacks a problem, which will be overnutrition. Eating too much will affect the secretion of growth hormone in children, resulting in precocious puberty in children, and bones will also close early because of the promotion of early, so how can children not be short.

Reason two: sitting all the time and lack of exercise

Children don't always grow up? Don't worry, see if it is because of these points, seize the golden period

When the child is still very childlike, many parents can't wait to buy a variety of books and toys for the child, let the child sit at home all day, can not exercise, think that this will make the child's brain develop early, become smarter, the starting point is good, but it ignores the development of the child's bones, rarely exercise The child's coordination ability can not be improved, stimulating the secretion of growth hormone. Outdoor infrared rays can promote blood circulation, ultraviolet rays can destroy bacteria on children, accelerate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body, and promote children's development.

Cause three: lack of sleep

Your child's growth hormone is about 40 minutes after they fall asleep, and they secrete twice as much growth hormone at night as during the day. Children can only grow taller if they fall asleep at the right time, and they will not secrete when they are awake. Therefore, if the child is still in kindergarten or elementary school, try not to let the child get up early, prepare breakfast and let them wash, so if the child wants to grow tall, give them enough sleep, at least 8 hours.

Children don't always grow up? Don't worry, see if it is because of these points, seize the golden period

Reason four: random calcium supplementation

The child's growth and calcium are closely related, although calcium supplementation is a good thing, but also pay attention to a quantity. Too much is not good. Too much will cause their bones to close early, and too little will be afraid of not enough for them to grow.

Reason five: too active

Children are too lively is not necessarily a good thing, has been the exercise consumes too much physical strength of children, which is also not conducive to children grow tall.

Reason six: genetic factors

The most important factor affecting the child is heredity, and the height of the parents themselves will affect the height of the child, so sometimes it is normal for the child to be shorter than his peers.

In fact, children have a golden period for growing tall, parents can take a look at it, and seize these few time points to have a chance.

Preschool (4-6 years old)

This is the first time for children to grow, this is a time for us to supplement calcium for children, children at this time will have anorexia, so the amount should not be too much every day.

School age at the abrupt stage (10-16 years):

At this time, the child's height will change almost within a month, and it will grow very fast. At this time, the child will have to supplement more calcium, which can help the development of the body, grow taller, and the daily dishes at home are not able to supplement the daily calcium needed for the child, so it is necessary to eat some calcium supplement food.

Sprint stage adolescence;

Men are 17-25 years old, women are 16-23 years old, this age can also grow 2-3 cm per year, so supplement calcium, children can grow taller.

These three periods are the golden period of the child's long stature, which is a continuous process, and parents should pay attention to the nutritional balance of the child during this period and regularly supplement enough calcium. So what is usually the way to make the child higher? These points can be done.

Children don't always grow up? Don't worry, see if it is because of these points, seize the golden period

1. Adequate diet: nutritional collocation is very important, in the process of children's growth, especially in the golden period of growth, in addition to supplementing calcium, we must pay attention to the balance of nutrition, do not let the child have picky eating habits, eat more foods that are conducive to bone development, in order to ensure that the child grows tall.

2. Ensure sleep: Sleep well to grow tall, we all know that growth hormone is secreted when the child is asleep, during this period must maintain a good night's sleep.

3. To have exercise: children only exercise, bones can grow faster, you can let children do some relaxed exercise, try to be stretched out of the movement, in the growth period as much as possible to adhere to every day, in order to have the desired effect.

4. Good attitude: Parents must pay attention to the child's emotions when educating their children, because the growth hormone secreted in the child's body is very small when depressed, so when the child makes a mistake, try not to scold and criticize the child, so it is easy to affect the development of the child's height.

Children don't always grow up? Don't worry, see if it is because of these points, seize the golden period

In short, parents who are not tall are not in a hurry, it is actually very simple to find the right way.

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