
Pregnancy preparation to do 4 things is far from enough, 3 pregnancy preparation "high voltage line", who touches who regrets

Some people get married and give birth to the crystallization of love, but some people just can't successfully conceive a baby, are confused by it, and are anxious every day, and don't know what to do? It is not known that developing good living habits in life can help improve pregnancy efficiency

Pregnancy preparation to do 4 things is far from enough, 3 pregnancy preparation "high voltage line", who touches who regrets

Seize the best time for fertility

"Advanced maternal age, advanced maternal age" is not suitable for pregnancy until a certain age, and it is not good for the fetus and pregnant mother; But too young is not allowed, young age is often not very mature physiologically and psychologically, and the quality of eggs is not very good.

The suitable reproductive age for women is 24-29 years old, at this age, all the functions of the body have matured, the indicators are relatively mature, and the risk of pregnancy will be greatly shortened.

The suitable reproductive age for men is 27-35 years old, and the sperm quality of men at this age is optimal, and they have a certain foundation for life and the ability to support a home

Ensure scientific work and rest, appropriate regular exercise

Now there are a few young people who do not stay up late, here to remind the small couple who are preparing to get pregnant, both sides should go to bed early and get up early during the pregnancy preparation, ensure adequate sleep, enhance the functions of the body, and prepare to conceive a small life

Don't stay at home during the weekend, go out and walk around, breathe fresh air, develop good living habits, and keep a happy mood

Pregnancy preparation to do 4 things is far from enough, 3 pregnancy preparation "high voltage line", who touches who regrets

Move around more every day, develop a good habit of walking after dinner, stick to it for 30 minutes a day, and proper exercise will help to be healthy and avoid overweight during pregnancy. Proper weight control can also reduce the risk of pregnancy.

According to relevant data, the BMI of body mass index should reach the ideal range of 18.5 to 23.9 during pregnancy.

Pay attention to environmental hygiene and get rid of bad habits

With the progress of society, now environmental pollution can really be said to be everywhere such as: exhaust gas, chemical plants, tobacco, etc., women during pregnancy must reduce contact.

Friends who like pets must vaccinate their pets, bathe every week, and avoid close contact.

Expectant pregnant mothers who like makeup should carefully choose safe cosmetics, and those who like to do nail art can first not waste money, and try not to dye and perm their hair.

!! Attention Dads!! In the 3 months of pregnancy, stop sucking, drinking alcohol, and stay away from smoking.

Reasonable combination of diet to ensure balanced nutrition

Normal people should ensure that the camp is balanced every day, not to mention that during pregnancy, women should pay attention to nutritional collocation during pregnancy, eat more digestible foods, if it is difficult to do, you can take complex vitamins and mineral tablets, full influence can improve the quality of egg cells, like to eat fried chicken, barbecue... Friends, let's put it aside for the time being.

Pregnancy preparation to do 4 things is far from enough, 3 pregnancy preparation "high voltage line", who touches who regrets

!! During pregnancy, both husband and wife should take folic acid every day, one tablet a day!!

Understand the pregnancy preparation must know 4 things, there are several pregnancy high voltage lines must not be touched, who touch regrets, do not say that no one reminds you.

There is no need to check the body, and it is foolish to spend money

Now there are still many couples do not do examination, natural pregnancy, think that they are healthy, pregnancy will certainly not have problems, this idea is completely wrong, now there are many potential diseases, do not do not do examination is difficult to find, such as: uterine malformations, chromosomal abnormalities, poor quality of sperm eggs, etc., may affect pregnancy, so preconception examination is very necessary, if not pregnant for a long time, should be timely to the hospital to do examination.

Pregnancy preparation to do 4 things is far from enough, 3 pregnancy preparation "high voltage line", who touches who regrets

Giving birth to a child, trying to conceive is a matter for women, and has nothing to do with men

Influenced by feudal thinking, not being able to give birth to a child is a female problem, not being able to give birth to a boy is a female problem, and pregnancy preparation is also a matter for women themselves, and men continue to smoke and drink alcohol, in fact, it is not, in this matter of pregnancy, men and women are equally important, women should provide eggs, men provide sperm, sperm is not up to standard, it is likely to affect the health of the fetus, it is difficult to give birth to healthy and intelligent babies.

Calculate the ovulation period and you will definitely be pregnant

I believe that many people must have grapefruit APP in their mobile phones now, after the end of the menstrual period, there will be a few days of conception, the probability of pregnancy is high, but not every time you can encounter ovulation, so that many couples frequent intercourse, resulting in a plummeting sperm quality, reducing the chance of pregnancy.

In the case of good feelings between the two sides, flash marriage and naked marriage can be, but here we must remind everyone that "naked" can not, there is not enough psychological preparation is difficult to be good at this battle, and it is difficult to back up without sufficient economic ability.

Pregnancy preparation to do 4 things is far from enough, 3 pregnancy preparation "high voltage line", who touches who regrets

Here friendly reminder to everyone, before preparing for pregnancy, both sides must go to the hospital to do a comprehensive examination, "eugenics and eugenics" is based on scientific pregnancy, scientific baby raising, believe in yourself, when you have a healthy body, a good attitude, you can successfully conceive a cute baby.


[1] "Want to have a baby, quickly look at this pregnancy preparation guide" · Guangming Network · 2020-11-29

[2] "More and more people are infertile? 5 details of pregnancy preparation, expectant parents do not ignore" · Health Times Network · 2019-10-12

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