
"When you see your husband, you want to throw up", pregnant women complain about morning sickness, and accidentally hook up the experience of people who come over

What magical changes will a woman's body take after pregnancy? Morning sickness is definitely one of the most obvious changes, so we often see women in TV dramas as long as they throw up, absolutely pregnant.

In addition to the physiological nausea and nausea of pregnant women, sometimes smell irritating odors, see some foods will also be nauseated, and even more, drinking water will vomit.

"When you see your husband, you want to throw up", pregnant women complain about morning sickness, and accidentally hook up the experience of people who come over

Recently, a pregnant mother complained in the group and told her painful experience of morning sickness. After becoming pregnant, morning sickness soon found itself. At first, she just smelled a bad smell and wanted to throw up when she saw greasy food, but recently she saw that her husband wanted to throw up, especially when he finished smoking.

Unexpectedly, after the pregnant mother complained, she quickly got a response from other mothers. One mother said that when she was pregnant, her husband would hug her when she came home from work. When morning sickness occurs, every time she smells smoke and sweat on her husband's body, she will rush to the toilet in disgust and vomit.

Moms advised her that morning sickness was normal and that it would be fine in a few months. Even some enthusiastic mothers shared a lot of tips for relieving morning sickness, especially how to see how her husband can not throw up.

Why do pregnant women throw up?

"When you see your husband, you want to throw up", pregnant women complain about morning sickness, and accidentally hook up the experience of people who come over

After a woman becomes pregnant, in order to maintain the thickness of the endometrium for healthy fetal development, the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the body will increase rapidly. However, the increase in HCG affects the reflex nerves of the brain, inducing nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.

However, morning sickness is not absolute, some people vomit to birth, some people do not vomit at all, some people do not vomit the first fetus and the second child vomit, this morning sickness is related to the constitution of pregnant women, and also has a certain relationship with luck.

When you see your husband, you want to throw up, you may wish to try these tricks

"When you see your husband, you want to throw up", pregnant women complain about morning sickness, and accidentally hook up the experience of people who come over

Some pregnant women do have the problem of wanting to vomit when they see their husbands, which is a normal physiological reaction during pregnancy, and the husband should give understanding. Here are some small ways for people to share, and fathers-to-be may wish to try

1. Take a bath frequently

Most pregnant women want to throw up when they see their husbands, because they have a strong smell of smoke and sweat on their husbands. After the husband comes home, he should bathe and brush his teeth in time to wash away the strange smell on his body.

2. Sleep in separate rooms

Pregnant women with severe morning sickness often have malnutrition problems. For the healthy development of the fetus, expectant fathers and pregnant women may try to sleep in separate rooms, or sleep back to back.

3. Adjust the diet

If it is not the smell of smoke and sweat, then the smell of the husband's body may be related to daily diet. The husband can adjust his diet, eat less or not eat foods with irritating taste such as onions, ginger and garlic.

4. Communicate more

Pregnant women should also communicate more with their husbands, telling each other that they will vomit when they see each other, not because they don't like it, but a normal physiological reaction during pregnancy, and obtain their husband's understanding and understanding.

Moms test the little tricks that work

1. Eat less and eat more

"When you see your husband, you want to throw up", pregnant women complain about morning sickness, and accidentally hook up the experience of people who come over

If pregnant women eat too much and have stomach discomfort, it will naturally increase the possibility of morning sickness. Mothers with severe morning sickness may wish to try eating fewer and more meals, and use "multiple meals a day" instead of "three meals a day". Pregnant women are too hungry and want to throw up, it is recommended to bring some soda biscuits with you, eat a few pieces when hungry, you can neutralize stomach acid, relieve stomach discomfort and nausea.

2. Stay away from irritating foods

During pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid eating foods that are too sweet, too spicy, and too salty, which can stimulate stomach acid secretion, cause food to reverse flow, and increase the possibility of morning sickness, such as chocolate, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and spicy foods.

3. Bring lemon

"When you see your husband, you want to throw up", pregnant women complain about morning sickness, and accidentally hook up the experience of people who come over

During pregnancy, the smell of pregnant women will become extremely sensitive, and the smell of some food, garbage, and detergents will stimulate pregnant women to vomit. Pregnant mothers may wish to bring a fresh lemon with them, and when they smell the odor, they can also take it out and smell it, which can also alleviate the discomfort of wanting to vomit.

4. Drink ginger soup

"When you see your husband, you want to throw up", pregnant women complain about morning sickness, and accidentally hook up the experience of people who come over

Studies have found that gingerol and gingerol in ginger have a good antiemetic effect, and pregnant women drinking a little ginger soup can also relieve morning sickness.

Although morning sickness is severe, pregnant women should maintain a normal diet to provide adequate nutrition for the baby in the stomach. My method is: you can eat a little if you want to eat, and you can not eat a bite if you don't want to eat. A good mood is the best way to treat morning sickness.

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