
Children always like to play mobile phones, reasoning is not good, scolding is not ok, what is the way to work?

Children always like to play mobile phones, reasoning is not good, scolding is not ok, what is the way to work?

In my years as a counselor, I have seen countless "problem children".

Most of the time, their parents had cried to me the night before about how their children were addicted to online games and how they didn't listen to adults.

Children always like to play mobile phones, reasoning is not good, scolding is not ok, what is the way to work?

Then the next day, I dragged the reluctant child to me. But when the child opens his heart, he can happily talk to me for more than an hour, and when he leaves, he still clings to it.

During this consultation, he never thought of picking up his phone.

Why are children different from the children that their parents say?

First, I am not playing with my phone

Because I didn't play with my phone, my child couldn't even think of picking up the phone.

The influence of adults on children is very huge, because children's ability to imitate is particularly strong.

The influence of the family environment on the child is very important, you can not be very rich, but be sure to set a good example for the child and create a good family environment.

So, moms brush less videos and dads play less games!

Children always like to play mobile phones, reasoning is not good, scolding is not ok, what is the way to work?

Second, I am always paying attention to my children

Some parents complained to me, I and the child and his father at home do not play mobile phones or watch TV, why do children still play mobile phones?

Because, you are really doing your own thing, the child feels that he is not paying attention, and in the online world, as long as you are technical enough, you will get a lot of attention.

Some children are naturally self-reliant, they can read and play games by themselves, but some children just need emotional support.

When they pile up a castle with sand, they need to hear the praise of their parents; when they encounter words they don't know, they need their parents to explain it in time; in short, they need attention!

Children always like to play mobile phones, reasoning is not good, scolding is not ok, what is the way to work?

Third, we are talking to each other

The two of us, not one by one, but he told me about his school life, and I also gave him feedback that I was like this when I was a child, with contacts and sharing with each other.

Parents and children should be like this, children tell you the simplicity of childhood, you show your children the beauty of the real world. Let the child feel that the online world is no more than that.

Children always like to play mobile phones, reasoning is not good, scolding is not ok, what is the way to work?

As the saying goes, "Good medicine is good for the sick, and good advice is good for the ear." ”

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[Author of this article]: Director Li of Orangutan Village

[Original Statement]: Some of the content of the article is excerpted from the Network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to correct and delete.

[Column Introduction]:

"Orangutan Ball Has Something to Say" is a parent-child education column of the new media channel under "Orangutan Ball Village". We aim to help more families improve their parent-child relationship and let the flowers of the motherland have a good childhood.

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