
Weilai will enter the smartphone industry and is setting up a research and development team in Shenzhen

【Mobile phone China News】Manufacturers of smart phones want to enter the field of smart cars, and manufacturers of smart cars seem to have the idea of entering the field of smart phones. Recently, some netizens broke the news that Weilai, a new car-making force, seems to be involved in the smart phone industry. Netizens said that Weilai mobile phone department has recently made a lot of moves, and there are more than 100 new offers after the year, and more than 200 R& D positions will be added in the near future, and the working place is Shenzhen Qianhai Excellence, which also makes people look forward to Weilai's smart phones.

Weilai will enter the smartphone industry and is setting up a research and development team in Shenzhen

NIO may enter the smartphone industry

It is reported that the Weilai mobile phone project is currently in the initial stage of research, some netizens said that the possibility of basically excluding OEM, the high probability is to do their own mobile phones. Of course, the smart phones created by Weilai will also have a lot of linkage interaction with Weilai Automobile. For example, mobile phone & car machine file mutual transmission, ARVR resource projection, NOMI voice assistant mobile version and so on.

Weilai will enter the smartphone industry and is setting up a research and development team in Shenzhen


After the news was announced, many netizens also gave different angles of evaluation. Some netizens believe that the entry of new manufacturers into the smartphone industry will bring fresh blood to this market and will also create more possibilities. There are also netizens who are not optimistic about Weilai mobile phones, because the smart phone market is currently a red sea, and Weilai enters the game at this current time node, and the probability is to be cannon fodder.

As of press time, NIO officials have not responded to the entry into the smartphone industry.

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