
Guangzhou fetal protection experts: what should we pay attention to when the fetus stops and remarries?

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Zeng Hongbo of the Guangzhou Le Qisheng-Liu Xiangyuan Fetal Protection Team. There are many factors that cause fetal cessation, if you are pregnant again, pregnant mothers must pay special attention in the early stages of pregnancy. During pregnancy, it is also necessary to check regularly and follow up on the development of the fetus in time.

Guangzhou fetal protection experts: what should we pay attention to when the fetus stops and remarries?

Guangzhou tire protection expert

What should I pay attention to when I stopped having a fetus and then became pregnant?

First of all, we must maintain a good mood, do not be overly nervous or anxious, develop good work and rest habits, avoid staying up late, quit smoking, abstain from alcohol during pregnancy, and avoid smoking second-hand smoke.

In addition, oral folic acid until 3 months of pregnancy, a reasonable diet, eat more foods rich in fiber, vitamins, protein, to avoid picky eating.

During pregnancy, regular obstetric examinations should be carried out, and if there is insufficient luteal body function or hypothyroidism in the first trimester, formal treatment should be carried out.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to use drugs reasonably, not only to avoid unnecessary drug applications, but also to pay attention to fever, cold, cough, diarrhea and other situations during pregnancy, to choose reasonable drugs according to the situation of pregnant women, and to choose drugs that have less impact on pregnant women and fetuses.

Guangzhou fetal protection experts: what should we pay attention to when the fetus stops and remarries?

What tests are done after fetal cessation?

The cause of fetal cessation is generally related to the abnormal chromosomal of the embryo, and the uterine environment of pregnant women, endocrine hormone disorders and immune coagulation problems can also lead to the occurrence of fetal arrest.

Under normal circumstances, after fetal arrest, both husband and wife need to do chromosomal examinations, women check sex hormones six thyroid function, mycoplasma chlamydia examination, eugenic virus examination, immune antibody examination, blocking antibody and so on. Men do a semen analysis.

It is recommended that after the occurrence of fetal cessation, both husband and wife should go to the hospital as soon as possible for detailed examination, actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, and prepare for the next pregnancy.

Guangzhou fetal protection experts: what should we pay attention to when the fetus stops and remarries?

Will fetal cessation affect the next pregnancy?

The causes of fetal cessation are complex, and it will not affect the next pregnancy, and it is necessary to specifically check what causes fetal cessation. If it is due to insufficient nutrition, overwork, intercourse in the first trimester of pregnancy and other reasons caused by fetal cessation, it will not affect the future baby.

If it is a fetal cessation caused by physical problems in both husband and wife, it may affect the next child, and it is likely that the next child will also have a fetal cessation. Therefore, after the fetal stop, it is recommended that both husband and wife do a detailed examination, find the reason and follow the doctor's guidance and treatment, and then arrange the next pregnancy.

Guangzhou fetal protection doctor introduction: Zeng Hongbo

Guangzhou fetal protection experts: what should we pay attention to when the fetus stops and remarries?

Guangzhou tire protection expert Zeng Hongbo

Dr. Le Qisheng-Zeng Hongbo, as a member of Liu Xiangyuan Studio, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of common, multi-morbid and difficult gynecological diseases by using the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. He has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of immune infertility, recurrent miscarriage, menstrual disorders, etc. I hope to help more families with difficult pregnancies to harvest a good pregnancy!

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