
≠If you get pregnant, you may get into big trouble if you get pregnant!

author:Xiangyang No. 5 Hospital

Pregnancy test

It's a special kind of existence for women

Because it can predict whether you are pregnant or not

But when the two red bars of anticipation appeared

Don't get too excited just yet

Because there is a possibility that you will be in big trouble


So the pregnancy test shows two bars

What's the first thing you want to do?

Annunciation? No~

The first thing you need to do is get pregnant

Confirm whether you are pregnant in utero!

≠If you get pregnant, you may get into big trouble if you get pregnant!
≠If you get pregnant, you may get into big trouble if you get pregnant!

Because in the obstetrics and gynecology clinic, pregnancy is not necessarily a "happy event", and there is a small probability that it may be an "ectopic pregnancy".

Ectopic pregnancy not only allows patients to experience a huge psychological change from "joy to loss", but also makes medical staff worry all the time...... I'm afraid that when it will "explode"!

We all know that a normal pregnancy should be where sperm and egg meet in the fallopian tube and combine to form a fertilized egg, and then swim to the uterus, implant in the uterus and develop into a fetus; However, for some reasons, some fertilized eggs are "encamped" in other places other than the uterine cavity, so that ectopic pregnancy is formed, commonly known as "ectopic pregnancy".

Dangers of ectopic pregnancy

One-third of the fertilized eggs that do not return to the uterus will die naturally due to lack of food and clothing due to the poor growth environment.

However, most of the gestational sacs in the fallopian tubes, because the width and height of the fallopian tubes are limited after all, if they do not return to the uterus at the specified time and continue to develop, they will not be able to walk through the "bridge corridor" or get stuck in the middle of the "bridge corridor", thus breaking the fallopian tubes, causing massive bleeding in the body, which is life-threatening.

In the early stage of ectopic pregnancy, the situation is calm and unfeeling, and the patient even feels that the doctor is exaggerating and deliberately scareping, but once it ruptures and bleeds, the condition is often very critical, and the patient soon has hemorrhagic shock and syncope. Therefore, women of childbearing age need to be vigilant about ectopic pregnancy.

≠If you get pregnant, you may get into big trouble if you get pregnant!

How to be more vigilant about ectopic pregnancy?

Menopause: Most patients have a history of menopause, but some patients have vaginal bleeding early in pregnancy, mistakenly thinking that menstruation is onset and that there is no definite history of menopause.

Irregular vaginal bleeding: a small amount of spotting and dripping are common, and a few patients have more bleeding like menstruation.

Abdominal pain: when the fallopian tubes are not ruptured, the fallopian tubes often have vague or distent pain in the lower abdomen on the affected side due to tubal spasm; When a fallopian tube pregnancy ruptures, there may be a sudden tearing pain in the lower abdomen on the affected side, and some may even sweat profusely, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. When there is blood in the pelvis, patients often have anal distension and tenesmus.

Syncope and shock: When the ectopic pregnancy ruptures, the patient suffers acute blood loss, severe abdominal pain, dizziness, paleness, rapid pulse, decreased blood pressure, and even shock.

If the above symptoms occur, patients should go to the hospital for treatment in time to avoid delaying the time for treatment~

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