
Health New Knowledge| Where is the source of the epidemic in Hohhot? These mysteries have not yet been solved

Health New Knowledge| Where is the source of the epidemic in Hohhot? These mysteries have not yet been solved

【Where is the source of the epidemic in Hohhot?】 These mysteries have not yet been solved.

New source: Tencent News Knowledge Officer @ Dr. Zhang Yu

【What does it mean to strengthen the order of opening the new crown vaccine?】 】

New source: Tencent News Knowledge Officer @ Thoracic Surgeon Lion

【Don't panic if the baby has a fever, these problems are known early】

In late winter and early spring, the weather is always cold and warm, the unpredictable temperature makes the baby accidentally sick, cold cough, fever continuously, watching the child suffer, parents also follow the heart.

In fact, for growing babies, colds and fevers are the norm, especially in the changing seasons, it is not easy to avoid, so mothers should not be so anxious. As long as you usually grasp the common sense of fever and learn some related knowledge, you can easily deal with it when the baby is uncomfortable next time ~ Let's talk about the common problems of baby fever together!

How many degrees does a child have a high fever?

According to the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies have the following conditions, even if they have a fever:

1. The axillary temperature (armpit) reaches 37.2 °C or higher.

2. The mouth temperature reaches 37.8 °C or higher.

3. temperature, temporal artery or ear temperature reaches 38 °C or higher.

Daddy Tips:

At present, the more widely used is to use axillary temperature as a reference standard. In general, if the armpit temperature is warm, the body temperature can be measured when the baby is quiet, and if you are worried about it, you can also measure it several times. Usually, the normal body temperature is 36 to 37 °C; the low temperature body temperature is 37.3 to 38 °C; the medium heat body temperature is 38.1 to 39 °C; the high heat body temperature is 39.1 to 41 °C; and the ultra-high heat body temperature is above 41 °C.

What fever reducers should my child use for fever?

For small babies, the most suitable antipyretic drugs for fever are acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Acetaminophen is available for more than 3 months and ibuprofen for more than 6 months.

How to take acetaminophen: For babies older than 3 months, acetaminophen is preferred at a dose of 10 to 15 mg/kg (the maximum single dose is 800 to 1000 mg), orally. Generally, it can be reduced by 1-2 ° C, 30-60 minutes onset, 3-4 hours to reach the peak effect, and the duration is about 4-6 hours. The interval between 2 doses should be at least 6 hours.

How to take ibuprofen: Babies older than 6 months old, take the dose of 5 to 10 mg/kg (the maximum single dose is 600 mg), orally, once every 6 hours. Generally, it can be reduced by 1-2 ° C, onset within 60 minutes, and peak in 3-4 hours. The interval between 2 doses should be at least 6-8 hours.

When should my baby see a doctor for a fever?

1. Fever for babies under 3 months;

2. The baby's fever body temperature > 39 °C;

3. Fever is accompanied by changes in mental consciousness, such as drowsiness, lethargy, coma;

4. Fever is accompanied by vomiting, convulsions and dehydration;

5. Fever accompanied by rash;

6. Fever time > 3 days;

7. Babies with a history of hyperthermia convulsions in the past

8. Fever is accompanied by other suspicious symptoms.

Note: Whether the baby's fever is serious or not, not only depends on the level of body temperature, but also depends on the mental state

Why do I have to see a doctor if my child has a fever within 3 months?

A large part of the fever in children from January to March is caused by a self-limiting viral infection. Of course, a large proportion is also caused by bacterial infections. Also because the child is small and unsafe, it is difficult to identify, it is more difficult for parents to judge the risk at home, what to do is to send the child to the hospital in time, let the doctor do some examinations, in order to screen out the child with a lower risk.

Does a child's fever burn out the brain?

Although fever can make children uncomfortable, there is no evidence that fever will cause harm to children and will not burn out the brain. Unless it is a relatively rare state of febrile seizures, heat stroke, or ultra-high fever (> above 40 °C).

In fact, in the case of inflammatory response, the appropriate increase in human body temperature can reduce the replication and reproduction of microorganisms in the child's body, and can also improve the body's inflammatory response, which is conducive to the clearance of pathogenic microorganisms. From this point of view, fever is beneficial to the child's recovery!

New source: Tencent News Knowledge Officer @ White Daddy

[Why do figure skaters "not faint in a hundred turns", but I faint when I turn? 】

New knowledge source: Tencent News Knowledge Officer @ENT Doctor Bacteria

[Is it reliable to starve cancer cells, and how can you starve tumors?] 】

Many years ago, it was found that the growth of cancer cells requires a lot of nutrients, and it grows rapidly by constantly robbing the human host of nutrients, resulting in larger and larger tumors, but the human body is becoming more and more malnourished and emaciated.

Since cancer cells need a lot of nutrition to grow, some people want to starve cancer cells through dietary adjustments, so they eat less, dare not eat too well, afraid of raising cancer cells, afraid that the tumor will grow faster and faster. As a result, the tumor was not starved to death, and people could not stand it first, but shortened the survival period. On the contrary, some people strengthen nutrition, all kinds of big fish and meat, milk and eggs, supplement protein and nutritional elements, but live longer.

So is it safe to starve cancer cells through dieting?

Not reliable.

Because the better the nutrition of the patient, the longer the survival. Malnourished patients have a shorter survival. Because the growth of cancer cells requires nutrients, but it is also opposed by the body's immune cells, immunity is more important for controlling cancer cells. The body's immunity and nutritional status are closely related, and malnourished people have poor immunity and autoimmunity cannot control the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, cancer friends should not diet, this method has been proven to be harmful and unhelpful.

Friends who do not have cancer, want to prevent cancer, do not need to deliberately diet, as long as the balance of nutrition, maintain a normal weight, normal immunity is the key to controlling cancer.

So is there a way to starve cancer cells?

There was no way before, now there is, but not through the method of dieting.

As we all know, the growth of tumors is inseparable from the supply of nutrients in the blood, so blocking the blood supply of tumor cells can achieve the role of "starving" tumor cells. In response to this exploration, some scientists have invented some drugs, these drugs can block the blood vessels around cancer cells, inhibit the growth of blood vessels, without blood vessels, tumors have no nutrition, cancer cells will starve to death.

This type of drug is called an angiogenic drug.

Anti-angiogenic drugs can attack the microenvironment of tumor cells, that is, acting on the endothelial cells of the tumor vascular network, on the one hand, degenerating existing blood vessels, on the other hand, inhibiting neovascularization. The effect of anti-vascular drugs is to "cut off the enemy's grain and grass", by blocking the nutrient supply of the tumor, and then killing the tumor cells.

Clinically, anti-angiogenic drugs are usually used in conjunction with chemotherapy, and it is not recommended to use alone at the beginning, and the combined application of the two is more beneficial. After chemotherapy is stabilized, anti-angiogenic drugs can be used for long-term use for maintenance therapy, which can achieve the effect of alleviating the disease and prolonging the survival of patients. At present, there are two types of anti-angiogenesis drugs, oral and intravenous, and the drugs that are used more clinically are bevacizumab, anlotinib, and recombinant human vascular endothelial inhibin, but need to be used under the guidance of a doctor.

New source: Tencent News Knowledge Officer @ Dr. Li Ying

Note: The opinion of the knowledge officer is not recommended for treatment, if you need to obtain an individual disease treatment plan, please go to a regular hospital.

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