
Sociable children are more popular!

"For a successful person, expertise plays 15 percent, while communication skills account for 85 percent," Carnegie said.

Communication ability is like a universal "pass", with it, things and communication will be like a fish, in all areas of society are unimpeded. But without communication skills, the child's future will be difficult.

Sociable children are more popular!

Children with good sociability will always gather a lot of friends around them and become veritable socialites. Children with poor communication skills are always alone and alone. If the child is good at interacting with people, he can also win good popularity at school, and he can also be loved by relatives and friends at home, and when the child grows up and enters the society, he can also attract more friends and win a lot of good helpers in life and career. In family education, attention should also be paid to cultivating children's communication skills.

So how should parents cultivate their children's social communication skills?

First, teach your child to "sell" yourself.

Successfully selling yourself is the premise of smooth interaction with others, so parents should have the awareness of teaching their children to sell themselves. Children who dare to sell themselves must recognize their own advantages, the needs of others, such children are confident and sunny, so parents let children learn to sell themselves, which is equivalent to giving children a confident, optimistic, sunny character, such a child will be willing to make friends with her wherever she goes.

Sociable children are more popular!

Second, teach your child to say to others, "Let's be friends!" ”

If your child learns to say to others, "Let's be friends!" "He often has mastered the initiative of interpersonal communication, in fact, let the child learn to say to others let's be friends, is a gesture, a willing to make friends, to make friends for fun of the posture, this posture often has many ways of expression, please others to share what they are interested in is to make friends with others, a way to show friendliness, but also a skill to get along better with people, parents can tell your children want to get more people's favor, talk to them less about their own more to ask each other about the situation, Find some of the other person's interest, have a lot to talk about, ask the other party to share his interests, his most memorable experience is the greatest success, and so on.

Third, let children participate in group activities.

Speaking of social skills dealing with people is an inevitable and important content. Parents usually let their children participate in group activities, let him integrate into the collective life, and strengthen the interaction with classmates, which is also a good way to cultivate children's communication skills. But there are two things parents need to pay attention to. First, in group activities, parents should teach their children to do more things and direct less people. Second, parents should teach their children to learn to respect others in the group, and when others encounter difficulties, take the initiative to help others, so as to win more friends. Participating in group activities is also exercising children's courage, which is a necessary element of interpersonal communication.

Fourth, encourage children to take their classmates home as guests.

When children visit each other's homes, they learn, have fun, do housework together, and in the process, their ability to interact with people is also exercised. Let the child go to the classmates and neighbors' houses alone to visit the door, but also a good opportunity to exercise the child's communication skills, visiting the door will involve greetings, greetings, conversations and related gifts and other issues, the child alone to become the protagonist, and all contact with each other, have to be socialized by the child himself. This undoubtedly pushes the child to the "front line" and prompts him to consider how to communicate. Guests at home may sometimes wish to let the child come forward to receive, especially when the guest friend and the child's age is similar, parents must not arrange substitution, you can ask the child to exercise the ability to communicate with people.

Sociable children are more popular!

Although the child is small, he also needs to have his own small circle of friends. Parents can help children form a correct sense of socialization from an early age, and children with good social habits will have a happier childhood.


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