
Zhengzhou psychology: how to help children establish good interpersonal relationships

Zhengzhou Traditional Chinese Medical Hall: How can we fundamentally let children establish good interpersonal relationships from an early age?

First, it is necessary to cultivate a parent-child relationship between parents and children.

Parents are a child's first teacher and a mirror for the development of children's interpersonal skills. From the perspective of individual psychological development, children's earliest and most central impressions of what kind of person they are come from what kind of child they present to their early caregivers (parents, grandparents, etc.). If caregivers care and like them, they will consider them a "good boy." Conversely, if caregivers often punish, ignore, and hate them, they are considered a "bad boy." At the same time, they feel that others love them or hurt them. With this initial impression of themselves and others, children enter into increasingly complex interpersonal interactions. This early interpersonal experience inevitably affects subsequent interpersonal interactions. Instinctively feeling that being in a position to protect yourself is sometimes inappropriate because the "bad guys" you meet aren't necessarily "bad guys" and the "bad guys" you think of aren't necessarily "bad kids."

Zhengzhou psychology: how to help children establish good interpersonal relationships

Second, encourage children to engage in a wide range of interpersonal interactions.

Interpersonal communication is an experience as well as an ability. It is necessary to cultivate children's positivity, initiative, self-confidence and scruples with others in interpersonal relationships, and to encourage them to participate in a wide range of interpersonal situations.

Children with interpersonal difficulties, whether inferior, impulsive, or willful, should be encouraged to participate in interpersonal activities. However, parents must communicate with their children in a timely manner, understand their children's thoughts and feelings, and give timely help, or receive professional psychological counseling at the same time. For a child who is out of social situations, it is even more difficult to improve social skills. On the surface, interpersonal pain is gone, but in fact, the problem is covered up. Why do some children who drop out of school because of interpersonal problems rest at home for a month, half a year, and a year without much progress? Even once they get back to school, the problem is the same, just because they're out of touch.

Zhengzhou psychology: how to help children establish good interpersonal relationships

Third, cultivate children's interests and self-confidence.

A mother once said to her child, "If you can't swim, people won't invite you to the pool." This mom makes a lot of sense. If the child is good at something, they can make more friends. Friendship is based on shared interests. If your child doesn't have many friends, you can help him get more friends who have a certain interest. At the same time, you can often find confidence in your hobbies and interests. That's all that matters. Once a child's self-confidence in a certain aspect is established, it will be like a spark that can be ignited and brought into the child's interpersonal relationships, thereby promoting the establishment of the child's overall self-confidence.

Zhengzhou psychology: how to help children establish good interpersonal relationships

Fourth, cultivate children's excellent character and good psychological quality.

Not limited to the current content of test-taking education, from a broader and longer-term perspective, cultivate children's excellent character and good psychological qualities, such as politeness, cleanliness, tolerance, gratitude, positivity and optimism, the courage to take responsibility, etc. Naturally, it will be easy to be recognized and accepted by others and become a well-rounded and excellent child.

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