
20 Little Ways to Make Kids Confident! (Teacher to Parent)

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It is better to give the child a confident heart.

To raise a confident child, here are 20 little ways you need to know.


Take your child's requirements seriously

When the child stood in the living room expectantly, he asked, "Mom, I want to play with you for a while." ”

You can't satisfy him when you're cooking in the kitchen for a while, and tell him the specific time: "Mom steamed the rice and went over, okay?" ”

Frequently ignoring a child's needs can cause him to lose confidence because he is not valued.


Give your child the opportunity to make their own choices

Take your child on a weekend trip and ask for his opinion, but instead of asking "where do you want to go", ask "Do you want to go to the zoo or the museum", give him the range of choices, let him make his own choices, will increase confidence in himself.


Don't laugh at children

If a child has just learned to speak, you teach him "big watermelon", but he says "big west grab". If a child learns a certain knowledge point, he cannot understand it for a while.

Don't laugh at him, don't deliberately emphasize it at the time, and teach him at another time. When your child is learning, your ridicule will make him lose confidence and interest in learning.


Take your child's questions seriously

When your child asks questions, you have to listen patiently, and if you can't answer them, tell him honestly and don't pretend to know.

Let him know that no one can do anything, and anyone has a process from unknown to known, thus increasing self-confidence.


Make your child feel needed

Use a deliberative tone to get kids to do what they can, like "Give the book to your mother, okay?" ”

Letting your child know that he is being needed is the best way to improve his self-confidence.


Display your child's work at home

You can let the child post his graffiti on the most eye-catching wall in the home, make a display shelf for the child on the cabinet, display his small productions, and the sense of honor can best stimulate the child's self-confidence.


Give your child a territory of their own

Give your child a room or part of a room so that he has a little world of free play, free learning, and unfettered.

Because he has his own "territory" and is full of pride in his heart, this will make him add some self-confidence.


Parental tolerance is the soil for cultivating children's self-confidence

Don't always blame your child for messing up in his room or on the table, but teach him to clean up and do it with him.

Parental tolerance is the soil for cultivating children's self-confidence.


Don't compare children to other children

Don't say to the child, "Sister can already count, you can't, you're stupid!" "Even if he really learns a little slower than other children."

Always comparing a child who is stronger than him with him can most thwart a child's self-confidence.


Let your child be in charge once in a while

Take the child to the supermarket, hand over the pending payment to him, and let him hand it over to the cashier.

Gradually letting the child master the pocket money and letting him take charge of the family will increase his self-confidence in life.


Have your child choose their own clothes

Buy clothes for your child and let your child choose their own colors and styles.

Maybe you don't like the color he chooses, but don't deny his vision.

The child's opinion being respected is the beginning of his self-confidence.


Get along and communicate with your children on an equal footing

Watch his favorite TV series with your child, discuss his favorite characters and lines with him, and express interest in his point of view.

Equality of getting along and communicating is a ladder to give him self-confidence.


Let the child do what he can

Let your child wash their own small clothes independently, even if they are not very clean.

Your child's confidence comes from your approval of him in every little thing.


Encourage children to develop their strengths

When the child performs memorizing poems, telling stories, and singing, give him a pat on the wrist to indicate that he should be reconciled.

Exercising his courage to perform calmly on stage is to exercise his self-confidence.


Let your child play with his peers more

Let the child approach the strange child and actively encourage him to interact freely with people of all ages.

Developing his social skills is actually cultivating his self-confidence.


Help your child make a plan

And remind the child to perform

For example, help your child make a practice plan, and negotiate time with him when making a plan.

Remind him during execution, "It's time for us to practice now, right?" "Get him into the habit of doing things as planned."

Only by doing things with confidence can we be confident.


Don't stop your child from exploring something of interest

Children play with coke bottles, shoe boxes and other kinds of waste, do not arbitrarily stop him.

The child likes to explore what he is interested in, and if you stop his interest, it is easy to dampen his confidence in exploration.


Help your child develop positive aspects of their personality

Help your child play to the positive aspects of his personality and make him a person with personality.

If the child is acute, he exercises the speed of his work; if he is chronic, he exercises his organization.

Forcing him to change his disposition will make you lose confidence in him, and it will make him lose confidence.


Teach children to recognize their looks from an early age

For example, tell him that although he is not a big eye, the small eyes are very good as long as they have a god.

A lot of unconfidence often stems from disapproval of your appearance.


Try to free your child from dependence in life

Go to school on time and try to get the alarm clock to wake him up, rather than his mother calling over and over again.

Only children who can take care of themselves can be confident in an environment without dependence.

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