
How should children of different ages exercise? Here's the answer!

Under the premise of ensuring safety, proper physical activity can bring many health benefits to children, such as enhanced cardiopulmonary endurance, increased muscle strength, reduced fat content, and improved cardiovascular health. Children at different stages, the suitable sports are also very different. Parents should choose the sport suitable for their children according to the state of their children's physical development.

How should children of different ages exercise? Here's the answer!

Young babies, more movement and less hugging

Babies like 1 year old should be physically active in a variety of ways several times a day, especially through interactive floor games, and more is better. For infants who are not yet able to move on their own, a prone position of 30 minutes a day is good for health.

For older babies, choose the right exercise

By the time the baby reaches the age of 2, the coordination is usually good enough to run and jump twice. For the baby at this time, he can already do a little exercise, such as running, throwing away small sandbags, riding a small tricycle, swimming, climbing high and low on the equipment of the children's playground, and so on. The key is not to always let the child sit for a long time, especially not to sit and watch TV for a long time.

Children 3-5 years old

At least 180 minutes of physical activity of all intensities should be performed each day, including at least 60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity, distributed throughout the day, and more is better. For example, throwing and catching balls, kicking racket balls, jumping rope kicking keys, etc. to improve coordination; for example, you can run continuously or walk longer to improve physical fitness. You can also do some front rolling to further improve the vestibular exercises, which are simple and easy to operate.

How should children of different ages exercise? Here's the answer!

Precautions for exercise

1. Exercise should be gradual: only long-term, uninterrupted, rhythmic, and persistent exercise is conducive to the healthy growth of children. Therefore, it is better for parents to cultivate slowly, so as not to let the child be "tired and paralyzed" and cannot raise interest in sports.

2. Exercise carefully to avoid injury: Be sure to choose exercises that are suitable for your child's age and physical condition, and pay extra attention to the knee joint. Warm up before exercise to avoid injury.

3. Exercise science is reasonable and diverse: try to try a variety of sports, do not carry out alone. At the same time, it is necessary to accompany you at all times, and with the company of parents, it is easier for children to stick to it.

Take time every day to carry out various forms of exercise with children, which can not only achieve the purpose of exercise, but also help to cultivate the parent-child relationship; and children develop the habit of exercise, but also cultivate children's interpersonal skills. Parents get moving! I really understand the baby, I understand you more about the baby!

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