
Quantitative investor Ding Peng's bottomless remarks were exposed! Ask the second son of the junior high school to find more women and have more babies: I let him slag point

author:Tianzhen County is anti-cult

Recently, Ding Peng, a well-known quantitative investor, "bitterly educated" his son, let his "scum" strange chat records hit the whole network.

Quantitative investor Ding Peng's bottomless remarks were exposed! Ask the second son of the junior high school to find more women and have more babies: I let him slag point

Netizens angrily rebuked their investment level after reading it, but the three views are so bottomless, it is simply dirty to the extreme!

"I'll just let him slag a little!"

The cause of Ding Peng's online crusade came from an online chat record, the content of which showed Ding Peng chatting in the group, saying that he "did not raise his son, let him go to the scum, and have more babies."

Quantitative investor Ding Peng's bottomless remarks were exposed! Ask the second son of the junior high school to find more women and have more babies: I let him slag point

According to Ding Peng himself, his expectation for his son is not to get rich, but to "only ask his son to have a few more women, and try to solve the problems that his generation can solve, and don't leave the problems to the next generation."

Quantitative investor Ding Peng's bottomless remarks were exposed! Ask the second son of the junior high school to find more women and have more babies: I let him slag point

"When my son was in elementary school, he bought him the best mobile phone, and WeChat also sent a lot of money, so that he invited the female classmates in the class to eat snacks, and he had a very hard life in his life, so he let his son slag a little."

"I don't cultivate the baby, I let him go to the scum, give me a few more grandchildren, our generation is trying to make money, the rest I don't care, the son is only in the second year of junior high school, I gave him tens of thousands of dollars in the mobile phone, he now has two girlfriends, he is ready to show his son a small yellow film next year, high school can let the son sleep with other girls." 」

Quantitative investor Ding Peng's bottomless remarks were exposed! Ask the second son of the junior high school to find more women and have more babies: I let him slag point

These appalling remarks and strange educational concepts quickly spread on the Internet, shocking the quantitative private equity circle, and also attracted netizens to call out to eat melons, "values are really a piece of crumbling", "nouveau riche mentality, or poor heart" "Who bought this Ding Peng quantitative product, please be careful, maybe your money is used for his son to bubble girls."

Quantitative investor Ding Peng's bottomless remarks were exposed! Ask the second son of the junior high school to find more women and have more babies: I let him slag point

The chat history also shows that Ding Peng hopes that his son will have a child when he goes to college.

Judging from the chat content, Ding Peng is more proud of his son's current situation and bluntly said that everyone has their own methods.

A "successful person" with a bright resume

Quantitative investor Ding Peng's bottomless remarks were exposed! Ask the second son of the junior high school to find more women and have more babies: I let him slag point

From the perspective of academic qualifications, Ding Peng belongs to the high-level intellectuals and elite class. He graduated from the Department of Electronics of Southeast University with a master's degree in 1992 and the Department of Computer Science of Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a doctorate degree in 2001.

Ding Peng's work experience is also extremely rich, he joined orient securities financial derivatives headquarters in 2008, joined Founder Fubon Fund in 2012, launched the book "Quantitative Investment - Strategy and Technology" in the same year, mainly introducing quantitative investment strategies; joined China Eastern Airlines Financial Holdings in March 2014, entered the private equity field in 2017, engaged in quantitative FOF consulting and training, joined Ruida Futures in July 2018 as chief strategist, engaged in asset allocation and FOF funds. Public information shows that he is also a special guest on multiple platforms.

On the social platform, Ding Peng claims to be the "chairman of the China Quantitative Investment Institute (CQIA)," but industry veterans said that generally medium and large quantitative private placements are not in the so-called society, Ding Peng and everyone are not in the same circle, and his circle is now mainly engaged in quantitative student fee training.

According to Tianyan's investigation, all 3 enterprises in which Ding Peng served as the legal representative have been cancelled, and 4 of the 7 enterprises in office have been written off.

It has made investors millions of principals adrift

In July 2021, brokerage China reported that in January 2018, a Shandong investor spent 1 million yuan to buy "Xingdun Option Arbitrage No. 1" issued by Shanghai Xingdun Asset Management Co., Ltd., a private equity fund product claimed to be operated by Ding Peng and the custodian of the fund was Zhongtai Securities.

In August 2020, the investor was refused when he wanted to redeem, and later learned from the custodian that the "Xingdun Option Arbitrage No. 1" had been liquidated in advance in October 2019, and the net value was zero, which meant that the investor's 1 million principal was all lost.

The data shows that as of July 2019, the net value of "Xingdun Option Arbitrage No. 1" was about 1.30, and in the past 3 months alone, the fund's previous floating profit was all lost, and the stop loss line set was useless, and investors suspected that its net value was fraudulent.

According to the historical data of Tianyancha, at that time, the registered place of Xingdun assets was in Shanghai, and the major shareholder and actual controller was Wu Feng'e, who held 91% of the equity, and the second largest shareholder was Ding Peng.

In October 2020, Xingdun Assets was listed as a dishonest executor by the Shanghai Pudong District People's Court, and Wu Feng'e was also restricted.

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