
#Do you remember your first love#First love, more than twenty years ago. Loved a tall, skinny boy. Every day I played around in school, and every day after school he would help me carry my school bag.

author:Riding the wind and waves of the Northeast Big Cloud Sister

#Do you remember your first love# First love, more than twenty years ago. Loved a tall, skinny boy. Every day I played around in school, and every day after school he would help me carry my school bag. In the winter when my dad was on a business trip, he made me a stove and cooked instant noodles. During the days when my mother passed away, every Sunday accompanied me to ride my bicycle to Xinhua Bookstore or to the park to climb the mountain! It was a simple and beautiful time. I obviously like it, but I say I don't like it! Later, he went to the South and had his beloved girl. When I got married, tell me I didn't go! Maybe he couldn't see his once gentle, spoiled gaze for me, no longer looking at me, looking at the strange but happy girl!

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