
There were 3 pieces of news from the international community that the President of Lithuania had openly sought the US military presence; the Australian Foreign Minister denied that the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office had been renamed" and said that the Australian side was committed to a Central China

author:The sheep are lost again

There were 3 pieces of news from the international community, the President of Lithuania openly sought the US military presence; the Australian Foreign Minister denied changing the name of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office" and said that australia was committed to the one-China policy; and 40 US satellites were scrapped at one time

The world is like a new chess game, and the changes and developments in the international situation are always unpredictable. At present, there are 3 more pieces of news coming from the world that deserve our attention.

According to Reuters, Lithuanian President Nauseda made a public speech after the completion of the new round of NATO combat force deployment rotation on the 9th, openly seeking a permanent U.S. military presence in Lithuania to help Lithuania strengthen security.

The Lithuanian president's remarks, which were reported by the media, quickly sparked a wave of discussion in the international community. Since 2017, NATO rotation troops have been stationed in the three Baltic countries, and after the situation in Ukraine intensified, Germany sent an additional 350 soldiers here, and then the United States also deployed nearly 500 soldiers to Lithuania in 2019. Perhaps it was the garrison of these rotating troops that made Lithuania feel "protected", so Lithuania was earlier revealed to be seeking a long-term U.S. garrison. As early as last December, Reuters reported that lithuanian president was dissatisfied with the additional military force promised by the Biden administration, believing that only the long-term presence of US troops in Lithuania could most effectively ensure Lithuania's security and strengthen regional deterrence.

The whimsy of the Lithuanian government is always such a groundbreaking stone, first as a small country with little sense of existence, it has taken the initiative to jump out and challenge China's bottom line and is well known to the international community, and secondly, it wants to surrender the sovereignty that many countries are unable to hope for. The United States has garrisons in many countries in the world, the most widely known is the large number of troops stationed in Japan and South Korea, two friendly allies, the US military stationed in Japan and South Korea did not bring too much security protection to these two countries, but let the chickens and dogs in the station jump, the people's lives are unbearable, and many Japanese and South Koreans demand that the government drive the US troops stationed out of the country.

Perhaps in Nauceda's view, the request for permanent U.S. troops is based on the overall situation, hoping that under the increasingly tense and tense situation between Russia and Ukraine, the U.S. military presence can provide a certain security guarantee for Lithuania. But this is obviously a pipe dream, and according to American inertia, when the real danger occurs, it must run the fastest. It can be said that if the United States really agrees to the request of the Lithuanian garrison, then Lithuania will invite a "vampire" that cannot be sent home for itself, and it will also bring a real disaster to the Lithuanian people.

Second, according to the British Reuters news agency, Australian Foreign Minister Payne said on the Taiwan issue at a press conference at the end of the talks with the Lithuanian foreign minister that Australia is still committed to the one-China policy and has never considered changing the name of the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office" in Australia.

Australia's move is obviously much smarter than Lithuania's, although it does not challenge China's bottom line, but this does not hide Australia's bad intentions of black and white and smearing China in the international community. In recent times, Australia is constantly strengthening exchanges with Lithuania, seemingly "supporting" Lithuania, but in fact just want to use Lithuania to jointly create a "victim" image, collude with gangs to confuse the public opinion, and further smear China in the international community.

The third news, according to US media reports, the US Space Exploration Technology Company released a message on the 8th local time to confirm that the 40 "Starlink" satellites that the company just sent into space on February 3 have deviated from the established orbit and fallen into the atmosphere and burned due to the impact of geomagnetic storms caused by the solar wind. Due to the continuous maturity of related technologies, the manufacturing cost of "Starlink" satellites has been reduced, and it has been able to carry out mass production, so the impact of satellite damage on SpaceX is not large, but it has once again caused concerns about the safety of "Starlink" satellites. Relevant data show that by the end of 2021, there have been 1798 "starlink" satellites operating in low-Earth orbit, which has greatly increased the probability of space collision accidents and has already had a certain impact on astronomical observations. #USA ##Lithuania ##澳大利亚 #

There were 3 pieces of news from the international community that the President of Lithuania had openly sought the US military presence; the Australian Foreign Minister denied that the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office had been renamed" and said that the Australian side was committed to a Central China
There were 3 pieces of news from the international community that the President of Lithuania had openly sought the US military presence; the Australian Foreign Minister denied that the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office had been renamed" and said that the Australian side was committed to a Central China
There were 3 pieces of news from the international community that the President of Lithuania had openly sought the US military presence; the Australian Foreign Minister denied that the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office had been renamed" and said that the Australian side was committed to a Central China
There were 3 pieces of news from the international community that the President of Lithuania had openly sought the US military presence; the Australian Foreign Minister denied that the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office had been renamed" and said that the Australian side was committed to a Central China

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