
Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

What a cool heroine she is!

On February 8, Gu Ailing made the world's most difficult action in the event on the freestyle ski jump, reversing the gold.

You know, this project is still the one she is least good at.

This is the first time that Chinese athletes have participated in the Big Jumping Platform Competition of the Winter Olympic Games, and this battle has created history.

The wind blew up her number plate, revealing her hand-designed robe.

At that moment, as the CCTV commentary said: Yuru Yucheng, stepping on the snow to find the dragon. She is the Jade Dragon on the Big Jumping Platform!

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

This 18-year-old genius girl has become a national idol. Starting to ski at the age of 3, Gu Ailing won more than 50 gold medals at the age of 14, some of which have a high gold content. After becoming a Chinese citizen, she won 11 gold medals for China in two years. As long as she participates, she can win the prize. Before the Winter Olympics, some bloggers were a little worried about Gu Ailing's victory. This lively girl commented directly below: Why don't you have confidence in me?

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

She certainly had versailles capital. While doing her best for skiing, she excelled in her homework. In order to have enough time to prepare for the Winter Olympics, she ended her high school courses early and participated in the "college entrance examination" SAT in the United States, and her score was only 20 points away from the full score. She was successfully accepted to Stanford University, the institution where her mother graduated. Yes, behind the genius girl, there is a golden family. His father graduated from Harvard, his mother graduated from Peking University to study at Stanford, and he also had a career on Wall Street.

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

Some people joked: Gu Ailing learned to ski, ride, archery, run, cross-country, swim, surf, climb, and her memory is amazing as a teenager... The last Chinese to achieve such an achievement was Guo Jing. The superior environment can make people materially satisfied, but it cannot guarantee the success of the material. A truly excellent person must come from the cultivation of the family. Everyone envied Gu Ailing, but none of them could become Gu Ailing's mother.

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

Respect and trust for children Some people praise Gu Ailing: she has no human shortcomings in her. If there are any flaws in her life, it may be that her parents are divorced. However, this may not be a big deal for Gu Ailing. Because the female elders behind her are so attractive. Gu Ailing's mother, Gu Yan, is an authentic Beijinger, which also allowed Gu Ailing to learn fluent Beijing dialect. North University bully, Stanford high school student, elite, ski instructor, is the label on the mother. But she basically "freed" Gu Ailing, letting the children make up their own minds. Gu Ailing revealed that the action he challenged at the Winter Olympics was 1620, which he had never tried before, and it was in the last 5 minutes of the game that he made this decision. Because of the small mistake of the second jump, her mother suggested that she do a less difficult action and strive for the silver medal. Gu Ailing said that it was the hardest thing for him to do. The mother did not argue with reason, let alone force her daughter to listen to her opinion. She just said: OK, this is your game, then enjoy it. This is Gu Yan's consistent way of education. Even if she is an expert, even if she is a mother, she has never tried to interfere with her daughter's decisions. She gives her children the greatest trust. It is in this way that Gu Ailing has developed many potentials. Since childhood, Gu Ailing has shown excellent talent for skiing. Gu Yan did not throw the child to the ski resort early, but let her try more possibilities. Horseback riding, skiing, archery... She would take the kids to try it. Unlike parents who just pay their tuition and don't care. For more than a decade, Gu Yan often drove with her daughter and went to and from classes that were not interested. Sometimes the distance is far away, and Gu Ailing solves problems such as eating and writing homework in the car. But she doesn't set tasks for her child, to what extent it must be done. Because he was not forced to study, Gu Ailing showed great interest in what he had learned. And always do the best. At any stage of her upbringing, her mom was never absent. This persistence is actually difficult for many parents to do. As a passage on the Internet: "Why can't you learn from Gu Ailing?" People are more focused on doing things. "Mom, why didn't you get admitted to Peking University and study abroad?" When a child grows up, it is not that she can be left there to succeed. Instead, it needs the cultivation and care of parents, and it needs to learn and progress together. Behind the awesome children, there must be bullish parents.

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

Encouraging education we see Gu Ailing, self-confidence, to be strong, to do the best. This has something to do with the family's educational philosophy. She grew up in an environment full of love and encouragement. Gu Ailing has been free and naughty since childhood, climbing trees and uncovering tiles. The mother did not drink harshly, but saw her daughter's athletic talent. Gu Yan said: I feel particularly lucky. Because I like to ski, I want to find a companion to play with. As a result, my daughter skated better than herself. At home in San Francisco, Gu Ailing lives with her mother and grandmother (who should be grandmother). Gu Ailing said: Since childhood, grandma has especially loved to say: We love Ling is the best.

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

After taking the piano exam for the third grade, Grandma would say: You play as well as the tenth grade. When running, running the second place, Grandma will also be in a place with a lot of people, especially loudly shouted in English: Ailing is the best!

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

At the age of 13, she competed in adult competitions for the first time, and after losing the first battle, she fell on the ski slopes. Back in her mother's arms, her mother did not review her at the first time, without reproach. Instead, she hugged her daughter tightly and said, "I'm proud of you."

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

Even when she returned to the hotel, the sick Eling took the initiative to study the entry materials herself. Mom still said: It's okay, let's focus on participation.

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

Ai Ling wondered: Why? Mom said, "Because we're still sick." Besides, I haven't skipped such a jumping platform yet, so I'll just get used to it first. At any time, do not put pressure on children, what is this fairy education? Such encouragement and appreciation has made Gu Ailing use the "best" to demand of himself from an early age. This is not forced, but spontaneous.

The accumulation of three generations of women has made a real power girl!

Gu Ailing is always calm in the face of defeat. In the second jump of the Winter Olympics, she also fell. But she smiled and waved at the camera, relaxed. She has a strong desire to win, no fear of losing.

She had grown up in an encouraging environment and had long understood that even if she lost, it would not be a big deal.

She will bravely respond to the bad words on the Internet: It is your loss not to like me.

It will also be like a small sun, warming the heart to comfort the players who have lost the game.

Get too much love for the child, have enough energy, to influence others. Compared with being a powerful person, being free, rich, happy, and daring to try are her mother's greatest expectations of her. Gu Ailing felt that his father graduated from Harvard, his mother graduated from Stanford, and he had to go to Stanford. Every time she said something like that, her mother would tell her: You don't have to go to Stanford, what school you go to, as long as you like it very much, but more importantly, never give up studying for the rest of your life. Therefore, 13-year-old Gu Ailing has a clear understanding of his life: I want to be a professional skier, but only if it can bring me happiness. Skiing is my hobby so far and has brought me a lot of joy. But if I don't grow up and skiing doesn't bring me joy, I won't be a pro. They are all envious of the big heroine script in Gu Ailing's hand, but how many can she do what her mother did? Growing up, she doesn't ask her child to become some sort of "successful" look. It's like treating a seed, giving her soil, guiding her to grow, letting her blossom and bear fruit on her own. In her, there is a valuable undertone. That's the trait of a child who is loved and encouraged.

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

Rejecting guilt-style education to watch the documentary "Gu Ailing: I, 18", there is a detail that moved me very much. Gu Yan has always regarded Gu Ailing as a friend and grown up together. She often said to her daughter: You don't have to thank me, you don't owe me anything. I'll just thank you.

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

This sentence is really touching. Training a skier is very expensive. But my mother did not say: How much money I have spent for you, you must fight for it, what award you want to get. She said: You don't owe me anything. Such a tolerant education made Gu Ailing extremely self-disciplined. She has a strong internal drive. She lost her first adult competition, and with her illness, she was in a bad state. Even though Mom kept saying it didn't matter. Gu Ailing, who is so strong, said: After flying so far to compete and packing everything over, my mother has worked hard for so long, I think it is particularly undeserved. Such a cognition is much deeper than constantly saying "you have to be sensible" and "you have to be grateful" around your child. Too many parents like to treat their children with guilt-style education. "Mom and Dad have paid so much for you, you have to be worthy of us." "We are thrifty, not for you, why don't you fight?" Making children feel guilty, which translates into motivation for moving forward, is a trick that many parents have tried and failed. In the short term, it is true that the goal can be achieved very quickly. In the long run, the establishment of a benign parent-child relationship will have a great negative impact. Children do not dare to have their own ideas, and can only find their own value in pleasing and obeying others.

Gu Ailing's family background is exposed: the accumulation of three generations of women has created a genius girl!

Gu Ailing is indeed the chosen daughter. She's pretty, hardworking, smart, cheerful... Almost all the good qualities are concentrated on her. And she's only 18 years old, and the possibilities are endless. It is difficult for ordinary people to reach her heights in their lifetime. Don't forget that behind her, a powerful mother is supporting her. The more we feel about Gu Ailing's family education experience, the more it reflects a common phenomenon: too many parents give their children what they can't do, and put hope on their children. Parents don't get into college and want their children to get ahead. Parents do not have a glamorous job, and they want their children to work hard to earn face for themselves. They can't accept that children are ordinary, even if they are ordinary people. They spur their children to grow, even if they only lie flat. Can such an educational environment raise a Gu Ailing-style child? There are too many variables in the growth of children. They are not mass-produced products, and everyone will have a different personality and thoughts. We can decide our own goals in life, but we can't make decisions for our children. What parents can do is guide. Children are born without the unfulfilled wishes of their parents. They come into the world as an experience, not a task. Encouraging children to work hard and accept their ordinariness is the best way to educate. As Mother Gu said: The most important thing is to always maintain a thirst for knowledge and never give up learning all your life. ◇ Material Source:

The Paper: "How was Gu Ailing trained to be a talent?" Mom: Sleep More

Documentary: "Gu Ailing: I, 18"

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