
Gemini test tubes, I am now 35, 36 years old, can I still prepare for a second or third child?

Since the promulgation of the two-child and three-child policy, many families who want to have a second child have begun to stir. In the hospital fertility clinic, you can always see many couples coming for consultation. Nowadays, more and more young people choose not to marry, marry later or have children later. Therefore, the burden of the second child inevitably falls on the women after 85.

Some families may consider that a child is relatively lonely, will choose to have another child, some families want to have two, but before only one child, the two-child policy is coming, just can carry out the plan to have a second child. Some families just want to prosper and have as many children as possible. So the question comes, there are a lot of women to consult the editor, I am now 35, 36 years old, can I still prepare for a second or third child?

Age is indeed a key factor affecting the success rate of pregnancy preparation. Once a woman's age rises, it will not be so easy to prepare for pregnancy. Because age brings not only changes in appearance, but also affects women's ovarian function, egg quality and uterine environment. 35, 36 Is it too late to prepare for the second or third child? OK!

Gemini test tubes, I am now 35, 36 years old, can I still prepare for a second or third child?

However, some of the following preparations need to be made:

1. Pre-pregnancy physical examination. I believe that everyone already has this awareness, and I will not say more here. Especially for me, an elderly woman, I should pay more attention. However, for those who have multiple miscarriages or cessations, it is recommended to do one more chromosome test!

2. Stop taking contraceptives. It is necessary to stop taking it 3 months before trying to conceive, otherwise it will affect the results of pregnancy preparation.

3. Maintain a good work and rest. Stay away from tobacco and alcohol, eat a light and nutritious diet, eat less takeaway junk food, exercise more, go to bed early and get up early.

4. Do a good job of testing ovulation, intercourse time and other work. There are many ways to monitor ovulation, you can do B ultrasound monitoring, ovulation paper monitoring, etc. Intercourse is best 2 to 3 times a week. Seize the time of ovulation and have a higher chance of pregnancy!

Gemini test tubes, I am now 35, 36 years old, can I still prepare for a second or third child?

5. The last secret! It's these pregnancy porridges!

Black bean black rice to promote pregnancy porridge.

Ingredients: 50 g of black beans, 30 g of black rice, 10 g of black sesame seeds.

Directions: Soak the black beans in water for 12h in advance, put the black beans, black rice, black sesame seeds, put them in the pot and boil them into porridge, you can also put them into the soy milk machine to beat into black bean rice paste.

Efficacy: Replenish folic acid, increase female jisu, promote follicle development, and start eating at the end of menstruation.

Mulberry walnut goji berry purple rice porridge.

Ingredients: 5g mulberry, 15g walnuts, 10g goji berries, 10g raisins, 40g purple rice.

Directions: Wash and put in a pot with water. Cook for about 40 minutes, or beat soy milk.

Effect: Nourish yin and blood, promote follicle growth.

Also, if you are not successful in trying to conceive for half a year, you need to consult a doctor. If the pregnancy is still unsuccessful, with the permission of the family economy, you can consider trying to do IVF.

Assisted reproductive technologies can greatly improve the success rate of pregnancy, especially third-generation IVF, and reduce the risk of fetal malformations due to advanced pregnancies.

Finally, it is necessary to remind the elderly sisters who are trying to conceive that the plan to have a second or third child needs to be carried out as soon as possible. The impact of age on female fertility is really big!!

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