
It is dangerous to take the baby out to eat and let the child sit in this position

With children, it is still inevitable that friends will socialize, take children out to dinner, and be familiar with some safety awareness.

It is dangerous to take the baby out to eat and let the child sit in this position

Some positions do not let children sit, can avoid a lot of accidents, now know that it is not too late!

First, the location of the corridor.

First of all. That is, the waiter will walk around in the corridor at will, serve food, remove the plate, in case of catching up with the floor slip, the waiter is not attentive, and the dishes in his hand may be sprinkled on the child. Of course, this kind of accident cannot be expected even by adults.

Second, the location of the door.

Or because of the children's active nature, whether they are full or not, they may run out to play. If you run outside the hotel, you don't know what will happen.

It is dangerous to take the baby out to eat and let the child sit in this position

How can you avoid taking your kids out to dinner?

If your child is young, sit in a special car seat. Big enough to run and jump, the ability to break into trouble is also a lot bigger, parents should bother to take care of them, don't just look at the chat and look at the mobile phone and ignore them.

It's a good idea to have some toys so they can sit at the table. If a bunch of people drink and smoke, don't bring your children with you.

Places like hot pot restaurants that are prone to burns are best not to go. There are also Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, this kind of spicy restaurant is best not to go. Except, of course, for local children.

It is best to choose a family restaurant, or a restaurant with a light taste.

It is dangerous to take the baby out to eat and let the child sit in this position

What if there is danger?

If it is a burn, never apply toothpaste! Because toothpaste does not have a disinfectant effect, it will even bring trouble to follow-up doctors to deal with wounds.

The first time should be rinsed with cold water, which can quickly take away the heat on the skin and avoid deeper wounds. If the burn reaches the place where the clothes cover, it is also necessary to see if it is necessary to cut the clothes immediately to treat the wound according to the degree of scalding.

If it is a small injury, it is easy to apply scald cream, and the simple treatment of serious cases is immediately sent to the nearest hospital for treatment.

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