
On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

Author: Main Creative Group Maple

In the morning, I saw a father's circle of friends, and my heart was full of mixed feelings.

Before 6 a.m., the other children were still asleep, and the father urged his son to get up and read early, and the son was too sleepy to get up, and begged his father to let him sleep for a while. As a result, the father turned around and took cold water to wipe on his son's face, and in the winter, early in the morning, he was cold and cold, and the son naturally had no sleep.

On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

It's really painful, obviously last night this child stayed up late to learn until more than 10 o'clock in the evening!

On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

In fact, this boy I know, the same class as my son, obviously only in the third grade, but learned the fourth grade curriculum. Obviously, it is winter vacation, but it is busier than school. After the other children were reduced, the burden was lighter and the time for playing was more, but in addition to schoolwork, he also had 30 sets of papers and two exercise books prepared by his father. When I saw the little boy downstairs two days ago, he was deaf and pulled his head, there was no smile on his face, the whole person was not a little energetic, and he couldn't help but think of a sentence: "The way parents destroy a child is very simple, forcing him to keep learning is enough." "There are not many such parents in life, because they are afraid that their children will fall behind, they will frantically squeeze the time for their children to rest and play, hoping that their children will study tirelessly like a gyroscope." But in fact, this excessive consumption of the body, overdraft of energy efforts, it is easy to let the child fall into inefficient diligence, and finally drag down the child.

On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

Low-quality diligence is worse than laziness

I have heard the saying: "Learning does not betray those who work hard." There are many parents around who take this sentence as a guideline and push their children to continue to move forward. But is this really the case? In the documentary "Betrayal of Learning", there is a girl named Ye Yuan, who has done her diligence to the extreme. She studied for more than a dozen hours a day, even going to bed at 2 a.m., which was a luxury. Her daily plan book is full of dense goals, and in order to race against the clock, even the time to eat and go to the toilet is limited.

On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

A textbook, she had to copy several times until she memorized it. Holding the pen for a long time, Ye Yuan's hand was deformed, stiff and weak, so she found a rubber band to tie to her hand to write.

On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

She made 100 percent effort to study, but the results were not satisfactory: in the first high school exam, she ranked 315 out of 395 students. In the end, she sighed helplessly: "The result of studying hard and learning is two different things. "Yes, inefficient learning does not help to improve your thinking ability at all, but let yourself fall into unlimited energy consumption."

On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

In fact, good grades are never a pile of study time. The book "Rules of the Brain" has revealed such a truth from the perspective of brain science: the "diligent chicken baby" Dafa that many families believe in is not only useless, but will poison the child's brain and make his grades worse. Because the left brain responsible for learning, analysis, abstraction, and calculation is easy to fatigue, excessive use will fall into inefficiency, alternate use of the left and right brains, conversion activities can make the various areas of the brain get rested, improve brain work efficiency. Yes, a child, if there is no entertainment, no freedom, only the unstoppable learning and the pressure that cannot be shaken off, then it is not only the energy of the child's brain that is consumed, but also the vitality of life. In the juvenile voice column, Xiao Li, a 13-year-old girl, has been a bully since she was a child, learning when she should learn, playing when she should play, and rarely participating in extracurricular cram classes. In the second year of junior high school, she felt that she did not work hard enough, and began to stay up late to study under anxiety. In addition to school homework every day, she assigns herself a lot of homework and rarely sleeps more than 4 hours. Every day, she is either writing homework, brushing up on problems, or making up lessons. But the efficiency of a day's fatigue battle is not high, and if she does not learn well during the day, the more she wants to make up for it at night, so a vicious circle has been formed, and the grades have not risen but have fallen. In the end, she was overwhelmed and finally "broke down". She became sleepy all day, wanted to learn, but could not learn anymore, vomited when she lifted the pen, and even fantasized about how good it would be for her to die. Later, she suffered from anxiety and depression and had to take a break from school at home. Professor Li Meijin has long warned parents: do not let the child stay at home all day long to study, otherwise his brain is highly excited, the cerebellum cannot be stimulated, and the brain nerves are not excited, which is prone to psychological problems. If the strings are pulled too tightly, they will definitely break, and the excessive force of education will definitely outweigh the losses. Imprisoning the child on a four-foot square desk, his world has also been narrowed to inches, there is no space for distant observation, time to think, opportunities to explore, no matter how good his grades are, his heart is also barren.

On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

Excellent children, all won in "time management"

We often see this phenomenon: some children are busy at the desk, racing against the clock, but there are countless brushes and grades stop; and many students do not make up lessons, do not stay up late, and their academic performance is still stable, what is going on? Liu Jiasen, a graduate of Peking University, who ranked second in the liberal arts department of the Hebei Provincial College Entrance Examination, replied in this way: Learning to fight is not a protracted battle, but self-management: through time management, to improve learning efficiency. In Hengshui Middle School for three years, he did more than 100,000 problems, the rolls were stacked up to more than 2 meters high, from 1,000 people outside the province, all the way to the second place in the province, but he did not stay up late for a day. Liu Jiasen said that he insisted on getting up at 5:30 every day, falling asleep before 10:30, and taking a 1-hour lunch break at noon. Adequate sleep and rest is the guarantee for his efficient study the next day.

In addition, he has always insisted on intermittent learning, and every few tens of minutes of study, he must take a break. He said: "It is difficult to be full of mental strength all the time, so do things with intermittent time. "Yeah, kids aren't problem-solving machines. Constant learning is not to maximize the use of time, but to be inefficient and diligent. The combination of work and leisure can make the brain work better, be tight and measured, and let the child learn better. Paul Kelly, a researcher at the University of Oxford, once conducted an experiment in which 600 business school students were divided into three groups and learned the same knowledge. The first two groups are continuous learning methods, each of which is a high-density learning of 1 hour. The third group used "intermittent" learning, with multiple 10-minute breaks per hour. Results a week later showed that students who studied intermittently remembered one-fifth more than students who studied continuously. The study also found that 78 percent of the knowledge memorized by students who studied continuously was acquired within the first half hour of learning, after which the brain lost its initial vitality and only 22 percent of the content was remembered in the second half hour. In other words, the longer the continuous learning time, the less efficient the learning. Proper rest, on the contrary, improves the quality of learning. Proper stopping is not a waste of time, but for the next learning endurance. Learning is a long run, and children with a degree of tension can have enough energy to run forward.

Zheng Qiang, a well-known educator who helped children plan this way during the winter vacation, said: China's children are not losing at the starting line, but tired on the starting line. Education should be to let the child continue to accelerate on the way. Yes, if you want your child to run far and run long, parents should provide "acceleration" for their children. During the winter vacation, we may wish to help our children plan this way.

1. Set goals and schedules

Detailed study tables allow children to clearly plan for the day and learn each subject in a targeted manner. Avoid the child for a while to draw a small person, a moment to do math, a moment to memorize a word, a busy morning, but not a single homework is done with high quality. Regarding the formulation of the schedule, a teacher who has been practicing for 20 years has given these suggestions: 1. List the activities that must be completed every day, such as writing homework, correcting mistakes, reading, reading, napping, etc. 2. According to their own learning rhythm, allocate the basic order and learning period of each matter. 3. Complete each task and tick to help children get timely feedback. 4. When the child completes the day's plan, parents should encourage and affirm in time to enhance the child's self-confidence in learning. When planning the schedule, parents only play an auxiliary role, and must involve the child, so as to maximize the stimulation of the child's internal drive.

In addition, in order to help children better manage time, parents can adopt the "Pomodoro Method": the learning task is decomposed into half an hour, focusing on learning for 25 minutes, and then resting for 5 minutes, which is regarded as a "Pomodoro" clock. Parents can adjust the length of each Pomodoro according to their own situation. The setting of The Pomodoro can help children focus on the "present moment" and complete each learning session efficiently. Then by giving the brain time to breathe, the next tomato session is more motivated, thus forming a positive cycle.

On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, a father's circle of friends is on fire: raising a child will force him to be "diligent to the extreme"

2. Increase physical exercise

Professor Li Meijin once said: "Those children who are particularly active on the playground are generally excellent in learning. Cultivating the habit of exercising from an early age can not only strengthen the child's physique, but also improve the child's endurance and mental state. Scientific research has proven that neurochemicals, such as dopamine, are secreted during exercise, which can help eliminate fatigue and maintain an excited state of learning. Serum tension hormone relieves stress and improves memory. Adrenaline can improve concentration and learn to be more focused. Therefore, parents may wish to take half an hour every day to accompany their children downstairs to exercise, you can jump rope, play basketball, play badminton, run, etc. Children who can exercise can go further and more stable in the long-term academic competition.

3. Adhere to a hobby

According to the Suzhou Education Academic Quality Monitoring Report, students who are interested in hobbies will have better grades, with a maximum difference of 60 points. The experience of many schoolmasters also verifies this. For example, Meng Linghao, a member of shandong science, has loved music and the cello since he was a child, even in the busy three years of high school, he is still practicing for two or three hours, after practicing, he can always focus more on learning. He said: "Practicing the piano has brought me an additional harvest, and the originally tense senior year life is less anxious. Xie Xinying, a chongqing science champion, no matter how intense she is studying, she must set aside a fixed time to play the piano. Even if it was 10 minutes, the song was over, and her whole mood was also bright. Tang Chuyue, a science student in Hubei Province, has had a wealth of interests and hobbies since he was a child, practicing writing, playing ball, painting, running, and swimming. In high school, she was also often busy, going to play ball, going to climb the mountain, and after relaxing, she felt full of motivation.

If learning is a power-consuming process, hobbies and hobbies are charging for children.

When you are tired of studying, you can not only enjoy your body and mind, but also stimulate the vitality of life and keep your energy full.

Wang Qiuyun, a family education expert, said: "In the educational wisdom of parents, there is a hidden appearance of their children in the next 20 years. But if you don't know the right way, you will lead your child to the wrong path. Yeah! The growth of a child is the practice of parents. Only the right way of education can cultivate excellent children.

Instead of being led by educational anxiety and wrapping their children up with suffocating love and high expectations, parents should look long, reflect on the current education, and provide their children with the right guidance and direction. Parents take a small step forward, children take a big step forward.

Behind every child who stands out stands parents with eyes and patterns. They know how to teach their children to fight hard, and they also know how to teach their children to enjoy their time. May every child harvest a happy and fulfilling winter vacation in this cold winter.

Author: Maple, Erbao Mom, one hand parenting, the other hand writing, growing up with children. New Oriental Family Education (ID: xdfjtjy) transmits the concept of professional family education, provides family education information at home and abroad, and shares absorbable and operable methods and suggestions. Make continuous learning a habit for families.

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