
The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this

When the child changes his teeth, I don't know if you have seen this situation:

The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this

Image source: Network

Just like sharks, they have a lot of teeth and look like a "little monster" with two rows of teeth.

This phenomenon of "double rows of teeth" is medically known as deciduous tooth retention, like caries and periodontal disease, which is more common during the development of children's teeth.


What is deciduous tooth retention?

Deciduous teeth are stuck (double row teeth), mainly during the development of children's teeth, the permanent teeth have grown out, but the deciduous teeth are slow to "abdicate and give way", and the permanent teeth can only "bend and seek perfection", thus forming a front and a back two rows of teeth.

The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this

This phenomenon of "double rows of teeth" is generally common in children with retained lower jaws.


Why children

Will there be deciduous tooth retention?

Under normal circumstances, when the child is 6 or 7 years old, the deciduous teeth have completed their mission and should fall out automatically, after which the permanent teeth gradually erupt and accompany the child for a lifetime.

The common cause of deciduous tooth retention is that the step-child's permanent teeth erupt in an abnormal direction or position, resulting in the root of the deciduous tooth not being absorbed, or not fully absorbed.

In addition, the delicate cultivation of the diet is also a reason for the retention of deciduous teeth, such as chopping green vegetables, apples to be sliced, and nuts to be ground into powder.

The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this

Among them, the nuts are ground into a powder form, which is understandable, because the texture is too hard, the child is prone to swallow the phenomenon of throat jams, and the others are a bit too refined.

We always say that life lies in movement, in fact, children's teeth are the same, if the diet is too fine, then the chewing function of the teeth can not be well played, for the development of deciduous teeth root is also very unfavorable.

Of course, there are also many parents who will say: it's okay, the deciduous teeth will fall out sooner or later, and so on.

If you think so, you would be sorely mistaken.

The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this


Leave the double rows of teeth alone

It is very harmful to children

◆ Teeth cleaning is difficult

If nothing else, when a child grows double rows of teeth, it provides a hiding place for food scraps, which is not conducive to tooth cleaning.

And when food scraps remain for a long time, bacteria may breed, causing children to have a series of dental and oral problems.

◆ Affect the child's appearance

Deciduous teeth do not retreat for a long time, which will cause permanent teeth to grow only in the seam, and there is no way to appear in the normal position, so that the teeth will be uneven when they grow, especially affecting the child's appearance.

The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this

Therefore, once it is found that the child has deciduous teeth stuck, do not let it go, but to "dry the government", pull out the deciduous teeth in time, and let the permanent teeth "succeed to the throne".

The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this
The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this

Of course, it is also very important to prevent the occurrence of the phenomenon of "double rows of teeth", such as from the delicate maintenance of children's diet.

In fact, under the premise of relative safety, the mother can properly exercise the child's teeth chewing ability, and try to let the child eat some chewy foods (celery, corn, apples, etc.).

Through the chewing action, the movement of the masticatory muscle group is accelerated, the blood circulation is accelerated, the development of the gum, jawbone and facial bone are promoted, and the deciduous teeth are removed on time to ensure the smooth replacement of the teeth during the child's future teeth change period.

The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this

Finally, the bacteria want to remind everyone that the child's tooth change is a big thing, and parents should worry about it, not worry too much.

When the child grows the first deciduous teeth, the mother observes the child's tooth development and develops good habits on issues such as diet and cleaning.

The most frightening "double-row teeth babies" are more and more, only because the mother has done this

Because, sometimes with a slight change in the mother, the child can have a good mouth, not only healthy, but also beautiful.

Image/Video Source: Network/Baby Care Comics Group, Invasion and Deletion

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