
Instructions for the physical examination of new students entering the kindergarten in the spring

The physical examination is a mandatory rule before the child enters the kindergarten, and all new babies must do a physical examination.

What should I do when my baby enters the kindergarten? Where to go for a physical examination, how to physical examination, what is the physical examination, hurry up and take a look!

Why should I have a medical examination?

The physical examination of children entering kindergartens is carried out in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Health Care in Nursery Kindergartens and the Norms for Health Care in Nurseries and Kindergartens of the Ministry of Health and The Ministry of Education.

Instructions for the physical examination of new students entering the kindergarten in the spring

All childcare institutions must recruit new students in accordance with the regulations, otherwise they will face penalties. To do a good job in the physical examination of young children, in addition to maintaining the safe and hygienic environment of the kindergarten, it is also for the sake of the children's health.

Parents should do a good job of cooperation, before sending their children to the kindergarten, they must take their children for physical examination and submit the results of their children's physical examinations to the kindergarten.

When is the admission check-up?

It is generally recommended that children undergo a medical examination within one month before entering the kindergarten to ensure that the kindergarten has the latest data on the results of the physical examination.

If your child gets tested too early, they may need to check it again.

Parents are best to prepare in advance and do not catch up with the time of centralized physical examination, otherwise many hospitals will be full, and it is best to stagger the peak examination.

What items should be checked for the medical examination to enter the kindergarten?

In general, the admission medical examination includes the following:

physical examination

1. Examination of the whole body: including the general condition, nervous system, body surface, superficial lymph nodes, skull, facial features, limbs, heart and lungs, chest, back and abdomen and other basic items.

2. Check the growth and development, such as height, weight, bust circumference, etc.

3. Check other aspects, such as sight, color, hearing, smell, etc.

4. Conduct laboratory tests, including blood draw to check liver function, chest fluoroscopy, etc.

5. Inquiry of medical history: family genetic diseases, records of past illnesses and social history (such as the occupation of parents, the water source and sanitation of the place of residence, and whether there is an epidemic).

Of course, the items required by kindergartens in different regions for children's physical examination may be different, so parents should understand the situation in advance to avoid missing inspection items or failure to smoothly check due to incomplete preparation of documents.

What should I pay attention to when entering the park?

1. On the morning of the physical examination, do not let the child eat and drink less water, let alone drink drinks or milk, so as not to affect the test results; remember to draw blood and eat again.

2. Don't wait too early in the hospital to avoid increasing waiting time or causing congestion.

3. Parents communicate with the child in advance, tell the child what items will be examined tomorrow, such as blood draw, let the child have a psychological preparation, and can also practice the examination items to be done with the child in advance through games and other forms, and remind the child to cooperate with the doctor.

4. Parents can bring some toys to cope with the phenomenon that some children do not cooperate with the physical examination;

5. The child's physical examination can be accompanied by a parent to avoid unnecessary crowding.

Does non-compliance with the physical examination affect admission to the park?

This problem should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis:

For health problems such as anemia and imbalance of trace elements found in children during the physical examination, the teacher will give timely correction after entering the kindergarten, or instruct parents to take the child to the hospital for treatment;

For children who are not vaccinated according to the prescribed procedures, remedial measures should be taken in a timely manner;

Children with infectious diseases such as hepatitis, ocular conjunctivitis, tuberculosis, etc., are temporarily not admitted to the kindergarten, and are allowed to enter the kindergarten after the doctor's certificate is healed, which is to ensure the health of other children;

Children with a history of exposure to acute infectious diseases are temporarily suspended from entering the kindergarten, and can only enter the kindergarten after the expiration of the isolation period.

How to deal with unexpected situations during children's physical examinations?

Generally speaking, children cry when they draw blood, and some preparations and measures are still necessary:

1. Tell the child in advance that it will be a little painful, but it will soon pass, you can't deceive the child, so as not to make the gap too big for the child to accept, the pain of the needle and the grievance of being deceived will often make the child cry more badly.

2. Prepare more pants, when the child cries badly, especially the young children will have the phenomenon of peeing their pants, to avoid the baby's discomfort can be replaced in time.

3. Do not let the child contact those babies who cry and react badly before the blood draw, so as not to increase the psychological burden and make it more difficult to cooperate. Children should be objectively accepted, if there are children around the performance of the child, you can use it as an appropriate example to encourage the child.

4. For babies who cry badly and can't cooperate, don't force, it is recommended to hold up and relax or go to the door to see the scenery to disperse the sense of fear, forced often leaves a shadow on the child, resulting in the next time more difficult to cooperate.

5. Some babies are depressed and afraid, but the form of expression is not necessarily crying, it may be very calm, then mothers can not ignore the feelings of such children, properly tell a brave story to the child, with the mother's embrace to give him warmth and strength.

6. When drawing blood, the baby often can't control the shrinking arm, and the mother must control the baby's arm firmly, so as not to make the needle hurt the baby by mistake.

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