
Add complementary foods to the baby, the first 5 stages of 2 years old are different, master the 4 principles of scientific feeding

Introduction: In order to welcome a healthy baby, every parent will pay special attention to nutritional intake during pregnancy to ensure the good development of the fetus. After the baby is born, it is more important to pay attention to scientific feeding, breastfeeding is more conducive to the growth of the baby, even the beauty of the mother no longer care too much about the body shape recovery, try to supplement the nutrition that can be milked, risk the sagging of the chest to adhere to breast milk.

Add complementary foods to the baby, the first 5 stages of 2 years old are different, master the 4 principles of scientific feeding

Generally speaking, the nutrition of breast milk or milk powder at a certain age cannot keep up with the pace of baby development, and they must start to add complementary foods, and many parents will have headaches for complementary foods.

01, the addition of complementary foods is unreasonable, affecting future health

Xu Qi's baby is now 9 months old, when pregnant Xu Qi attaches great importance to nutrition, her male treasure was born more than 7 pounds, white and fat, has always insisted on breast milk. The weight at birth, the foundation of health is relatively good, coupled with reasonable breastfeeding, Xu Qi's baby is obviously strong and popular among several babies of the same age in the community.

After 6 months, Xu Qi began to add complementary foods to the baby, starting with rice flour, but the breast milk was not broken, but the amount was reduced. Less than a month after eating, Xu Qi found that the baby had signs of fire and dry stools. She thinks that after 6 months, her mother-in-law took care of the children and drank less water, plus it was dry in the winter, so she didn't care much, but asked her mother-in-law to let the children drink more water.

Add complementary foods to the baby, the first 5 stages of 2 years old are different, master the 4 principles of scientific feeding

The mother-in-law said that the child is 7 months old, and there is not much difference between drinking rice soup and drinking water, so sometimes she will feed the child rice soup. By the 8th month, the child's originally smooth skin began to darken, and he did not sleep steadily and cried. Obviously, it is malnutrition, and the mother-in-law said that only eating some rice noodles and paste must not keep up with nutrition.

So every three to five years will boil fish soup and rib soup for children to drink, less than half a month the child's milk is not willing to eat, from time to time the cheeks are red, occasionally eat something will vomit. Xu Qi learned in the feeding books that this should belong to the accumulation of food, and she took the child to the hospital to try to adjust it.

After the doctor's examination, he understood the usual eating habits and told Xu Qi that the addition of complementary foods should not be too simple, and the nutrition of rice soup was too low. And there is too much oil in fish soup and rib soup, and the delicate stomach of a few months old children is simply difficult to bear, resulting in accumulation of food, which will seriously affect development.

Add complementary foods to the baby, the first 5 stages of 2 years old are different, master the 4 principles of scientific feeding

The World Health Organization has proposed that diet and nutrition for the first thousand days of life affect the growth and development of children, and even the probability of chronic diseases in the body in the future, which is related to the health of a lifetime. And a thousand days of diet and nutrition are irreparable and irreversible.

This 1,000 days is the first stage from the beginning of pregnancy, the second stage from birth to half a year old, and the stage of adding complementary foods to 6 months to 24 months is the third important stage for the baby. The World Health Organization proposes that when infants are 6 months old, they should gradually add complementary foods, and in the "Guidelines for the Addition of Infant And Young Child Complementary Foods", the Mainland Health Commission also proposed that healthy infants should start to add complementary foods at the age of 6 months.

02, the baby added complementary foods in stages 24 months ago

Parenting expert Zhang Silai once talked about the steps and principles of adding complementary foods to each month's age stage in a talk show, zhang Silai said that 6 months began to be added, and the latest can not be later than 8 months.

Stage 1: 6 months of age

After 6 months, the mother's supply of iron to the baby is gradually reduced and not enough to maintain development, so the supplementary food should choose iron-containing, such as iron-containing rice flour.

Add complementary foods to the baby, the first 5 stages of 2 years old are different, master the 4 principles of scientific feeding

When complementary foods are first added, the milk powder or breast milk used by young children is still the main source of food. The use of milk with complementary food, instead of the original single milk.

Stage 2: 7-8 months of age

Most babies at this age can guarantee a milk volume of about 800 ml a day, and can add complementary foods 1-2 times a day. Feed every morning, because it is the first food your baby eats, in case of allergies or physical discomfort, it is good to respond in time.

Add complementary foods to the baby, the first 5 stages of 2 years old are different, master the 4 principles of scientific feeding

In addition to mushy or pureed food, babies at this age can be paired with soft noodles or porridge, and fruits can also be appropriate.

Stage 3: 9-10 months of age

After 9 months, most babies will grow teeth, in order to promote the growth of teeth, complementary foods can be appropriately crumbled or thickened to exercise the baby's chewing ability.

Stage 4: 11-12 months of age

The milk volume of 11-month-old children is gradually reduced, and the amount and type of complementary foods can be appropriately increased. At this stage, we should pay attention to cultivating the awareness of independent eating, so that the baby is gradually interested in eating.

Stage 5: 1-2 years old

Over 1 year old, young children will walk and move a lot, and with the abundance of complementary foods, the desire to eat increases. The daily milk amount can be about 500 ml, and it is necessary to ensure an egg, fish and meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, etc. every day to pay attention to the rich and diverse diet.

Zhang Silai also proposed that before 12 months, the baby's complementary food does not need to add condiments, and the daily salt from 1 to 2 years old should not exceed 1 gram. 2 to 3 years old can not exceed 2 grams, 4 to 5 years old can not exceed 3 grams.

03. 4 principles of adding complementary foods

Principle 1: Grasp the amount of milk

Babies are accustomed to drinking milk or breast milk, if the amount of milk does not change after the addition of complementary foods, it is difficult to be interested in eating complementary foods, which can easily lead to nutritional imbalance.

Add complementary foods to the baby, the first 5 stages of 2 years old are different, master the 4 principles of scientific feeding

Therefore, the addition of complementary foods should grasp the amount of milk can not exceed the standard, especially after 1 year old, complementary foods should gradually be the mainstay, milk as a supplement.

Principle two: from less to more

When you start to eat complementary foods, you must follow the principle of going from a small amount to a large amount, from one to a variety, step by step. On the one hand, it can test whether the baby is adapted to a certain food, and on the other hand, it can make the stomach digestion gradually adapt.

Principle three: be patient and persistent

The first time you come into contact with a certain food, the baby may resist not eating, and the family will try to feed it many times without effect, or it will not be fed or mandatory, so the process of adding complementary foods can only be longer.

It is necessary to believe that the baby will adapt to the complementary food at the age of one month, patiently guide, insist on trying, and how much of each complementary food is appropriate to eat based on the child's wishes, and cannot be forced to avoid the baby's resistance.

Principle 4: Pay attention to eating habits

According to the development of the baby's taste buds and the development of intestinal digestion ability, the production of complementary foods should be based on lightness at the beginning, while the variety of foods is diverse, and healthy eating habits are cultivated from an early age to avoid picky eating.

Add complementary foods to the baby, the first 5 stages of 2 years old are different, master the 4 principles of scientific feeding

When a child has the ability to grasp a spoon, parents let him master the spoon and rice bowl, cultivate independent eating habits, and enhance interest in eating.


Adding complementary food to the baby is a big thing, after all, in addition to milk, eating every food is the baby's first time, can you eat, how much to eat, whether the baby can digest it, or very carefully prepared complementary food does not like to eat, I believe this is a lot of problems encountered by parents for the first time. By understanding the feeding steps and addition principles of each age, you can achieve scientific feeding and let children get healthy from snacks.

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