
A good experience of the Chinese new year fat six pounds foreign son-in-law to shoot Chinese style family portraits are joyful

Source: Yangtze River Daily

A good experience of the Chinese new year fat six pounds foreign son-in-law to shoot Chinese style family portraits are joyful

Chen Baiyun and her French husband wear Chinese-style costumes to take family portraits.

Photo by Hu Sheng, reporter of the Yangtze River Daily

Yangtze River Daily News (reporter Hu Sheng) "This is a Chinese style of clothing and hair accessories, in ancient times Chinese will be dressed more solemnly in important festivals." While wearing Chinese-style makeup, Chen Baiyun introduced his clothes to her French husband Sebastian in English, and looked at the amazement on his face, Chen Baiyun smiled a little proudly.

Chen Baiyun works at a company in Zhuankou. In 2019, she and Sebastian met at a friend's party, first using WeChat to keep in touch, the two exchanged good feelings, and soon got married, and settled in Wuhan after marriage. This year is sebastian's sixth year in Wuhan, and he has always loved traditional Chinese culture and Wuhan cuisine, especially hot dry noodles. The most common place for the two to go on a date when they are in love is a variety of cultural centers, and after visiting, they go to eat a variety of local food.

Last year, Chen Baiyun took her husband back to her rural hometown for the Spring Festival, allowing him to experience Chinese New Year customs. "The biggest change is coming back and gaining six pounds!" Chen Baiyun smiled happily as he spoke, "My grandmother will give him a dish every time he eats, it is not easy to finish eating, the empty bowl has not had time to put down, and my grandmother has filled it again!" Because it was given by the elders, he was not embarrassed to refuse. Sebastian on the side recalled crying and laughing: "They said that they saw that I was big, afraid that I would not have enough to eat!" ”

Giving red envelopes to children also made Sebastian feel very interesting: "We actually exchange gifts with each other during the festival, but in addition to being gifts, I think the meaning of red envelopes for children's blessings is very interesting." ”

"It's also interesting that I found out that my husband can't suck melon seeds!" Before the husband finished speaking, Chen Baiyun added "impatiently" next to him: "Our family will be around the fire on the New Year's Eve, and then chat with the melon seeds, he tries to join every time, but the melon seeds are really 'miserable', but he likes that atmosphere, so he has to be around together every time." ”

This year I want to stay in Wuhan for the Spring Festival, just the baby Chloe is one year old, Chen Baiyun wanted to take a set of family portraits, her husband likes traditional Chinese culture, he deliberately chose the style of Chinese style. On the day of Chinese New Year's Eve, Chen Baiyun wore a red and white jacket embroidered with a cute tiger weave, and her husband chose a set of bright dresses, and then matched the baby with a set of cute jackets, and the family of three was happy.

"After the shooting, we send a circle of friends or send it to your friends, and they will know that you are married to a Chinese daughter-in-law." While taking pictures, Chen Baiyun joked with her husband, "You can also let them know that China has such a culture." ”

At the time of parting, Sebastian told the Yangtze River Daily reporter: "I think it is very meaningful to take such a family portrait at this time of the Spring Festival. I can learn more about China and create some good memories with my family. There are many differences in the culture and customs of The New Year in China and my hometown, but one thing is the same, that is, sharing happy time with my family. ”

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