
The constellation man who resolutely cannot marry, does not understand lovers, and may also have violent tendencies, come in to avoid lightning!

The constellation man who resolutely cannot marry, does not understand lovers, and may also have violent tendencies, come in to avoid lightning!

We all hope to have a good marriage, to have a cold and hot other half. Both men and women want their marriages to be more harmonious and happy. But the situation today is that more and more people are starting to fear marriage, afraid of marriage, because you don't know if the other person will change after marriage.

So this requires us to be more cautious and consider more questions when choosing the other half. Especially for women, the cost of entering into marriage is itself greater than that of men. This is not a preference for sons and daughters, but by circumstances. So, even more polish your eyes.

The constellation man who resolutely cannot marry, does not understand lovers, and may also have violent tendencies, come in to avoid lightning!

Today we will talk about these constellation men who are determined not to marry from the perspective of the astrological chart, they do not understand lovers, and may also have violent tendencies.

The Moon and Venus fell at the same time

In a person's astrological chart, the moon and Venus represent the values and intimacy in our feelings, the level of satisfaction in them, and when a person, especially a man, his moon and Venus fall at the same time, that is, the moon falls to Scorpio, Capricorn. When Venus falls on virgins and Aries, it belongs to the moon and Venus falling at the same time.

Although the effects of the falling of the stars are not absolute, for feelings, if the moon and Venus both fall, it means that they not only have no empathy in their feelings, but also do not know how to love someone. In other words, they don't have empathy and have a lot of problems in their relationships.

The constellation man who resolutely cannot marry, does not understand lovers, and may also have violent tendencies, come in to avoid lightning!

For example, the moon falls on Scorpio boys, they will be more suspicious, always jealous, always testing each other, setting thresholds for each other. However, in the constant suspicion and doubt, it is easy to consume the trust between each other, resulting in problems and rifts in the relationship. And people whose moon falls on Capricorn tend to be more emotionally indifferent and selfish. Especially when encountering some more realistic problems, they will definitely choose to protect themselves and sell their other half.

And Venus falls in Aries, they are often very impulsive in their feelings, so the way they express love is very direct, but it is easy to scare each other. Venus falling in Virgo is too picky, which also leads to the process of their marriage will be very slow, in the relationship they will also use the scrutinizing gaze to constantly criticize each other, resulting in the escalation of contradictions between the two people.

The constellation man who resolutely cannot marry, does not understand lovers, and may also have violent tendencies, come in to avoid lightning!

So when a boy, the moon and Venus fall at the same time, that is, for example, the moon falls on Scorpio, Venus falls on the virgin, or the moon falls on Capricorn, and Venus falls on Aries. In such a situation, this boy often has many problems in his feelings. However, it is still necessary to consider the whole picture.

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In addition to the moon and Venus, another star to watch out for a man is Mars. Mars' state represents the boy's character and courage. If a boy's Mars and Pluto show a negative angle, it means that their temper is relatively hot.

The constellation man who resolutely cannot marry, does not understand lovers, and may also have violent tendencies, come in to avoid lightning!

Especially when Mars or Pluto falls in the seventh or fifth house and is tortured by another star, their irritability in their feelings is very high, and the probability of doing it is also very high. So such people are advised to stay away, because they are likely to have violent tendencies.

And the phase of the moon and Pluto also means that their obsession in their feelings is very deep. They may have darker thoughts and deep obsessions, so when they really break up, they may not be willing to let go and will do a lot of entangled things. It is also a drain on feelings and the other half, so everyone should choose carefully.

The constellation man who resolutely cannot marry, does not understand lovers, and may also have violent tendencies, come in to avoid lightning!

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