
Outlook is new and Microsoft is preparing a new email client for Win11

IT House January 26 news, Microsoft is slowly replacing existing system applications with Windows 11 looks. In addition to paint, notepad, clip-and-paste tools, and other apps, Microsoft is also developing a new email client under the Outlook brand.

WindowsLatest said that the project is codenamed "project Monarch" and aims to provide a cross-platform email app for each user. The new Outlook can be promoted as a mail and calendar app.

IT Home understands that both Windows 10 and Windows 11 are currently pre-installed with an app called Mail & Calendar. The app is based on Fluent Design and UWP principles and is closer to the Windows 10 user interface.

But for now, mail and calendar apps have their own limitations, and many users prefer the original Outlook desktop app or even the web app over the Mail UWP app.

With the new Outlook app, Microsoft wanted to consolidate it into a unified app that could manage email on all supported desktop platforms.

Let's start with the new Windows Outlook application

Microsoft is said to plan to launch the first public preview of the One Outlook app in late March or April, and then expand it to other Insider channels in the summer. Currently, the app is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2022, with a high probability of being pre-installed in windows 11 22H2 release.

Outlook is new and Microsoft is preparing a new email client for Win11

According to information on Microsoft's website, One Outlook will support Windows, macOS, and web platforms. But initially it will only run on Win11 or Win10, and it won't replace mail and calendar apps anytime soon. Both apps will exist on Win11 instead of enforcing migrations and upgrades.

Foreign media predicts that at some point in the future, the new Outlook will completely replace all Outlook applications on Windows 10 and Windows 11. It's unclear when this will happen.

According to a supporting document, the new Outlook interface will be more similar to the Outlook web. In simple terms, the web-based Outlook application will be designed with a rounded UI, and the icons will also have features such as rounded corners, making it look more modern.

Like other web apps, One Outlook will support Windows 11's Start menu, taskbar, notifications, and other features. Microsoft is said to be releasing more details sometime this spring, presumably during the Build 2022 developer conference.

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