
Bing chat improvement report: Correctly display math formulas to reduce abnormal ending of conversations

IT House News on April 22, Microsoft's Bing official blog update news, sharing the Bing Chat improvement report from April 7 to 21, the biggest highlight of which is the introduction of LaTeX markup, which can correctly display mathematical formulas.

Bing chat improvement report: Correctly display math formulas to reduce abnormal ending of conversations

The main contents of this blog post attached to IT House are as follows:

Support for LaTeX:

After adding support for LaTeX markup, Bing Chat is allowed to correctly display complex mathematical expressions. This makes Bing Chat a practical tool for learning mathematical concepts and writing technical research papers.

Bing chat improvement report: Correctly display math formulas to reduce abnormal ending of conversations

Reduce the probability of a conversation ending trigger:

Based on user feedback, sometimes Bing will end the conversation in unexpected scenarios (e.g., "Sorry, I don't want to continue this topic", "It might be time to start a new topic"). This should happen less frequently now than before, and we are continuing to investigate cases where this has happened.

News Grounding:

If you ask a question about the news (e.g., "What's the headline today?"). Now Bing can provide more accurate and better answers.

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