
Official price increase! Involved in multiple brands!

In 2022, the subsidies for new energy vehicles will further decline, and some new energy vehicle companies will announce price increases. The latest addition is BYD, and earlier, Tesla, Xiaopeng Automobile, Nezha Automobile, GAC Aean and other new energy vehicle companies also announced price increases. On January 21, BYD officially announced that due to the sharp rise in raw material prices and the decline of new energy car purchase subsidies, BYD Automobile will adjust the official guidance prices of new energy models related to Dynasty Network and Ocean Network, ranging from 1,000 to 7,000 yuan. The price adjustment will take effect from February 1, and customers who have signed up for the deposit before this time will not be affected by the price adjustment.

Official price increase! Involved in multiple brands!

According to BYD, the price was mainly affected by the sharp rise in raw material prices and the decline in subsidies for new energy car purchases.

In addition to BYD, new energy vehicle companies such as Tesla, Xiaopeng Automobile, Nezha Automobile, and GAC Aean have also previously announced price increases.

Tesla announced on December 31, 2021, that the rear-wheel drive versions of the Model 3 and Model Y will be priced up by 10,000 yuan and 21,000 yuan, respectively. Not long ago, Xiaopeng Automobile announced a price increase of about 4300-5900 yuan, the price of Nezha auto products rose by about 2000-5000 yuan, and from January 1, 2022, the price of Eian LX increased by 4000 yuan.

Some analysts said that the price increase of new energy vehicles may also be related to the rise in raw material prices, which has led to an increase in battery costs. At the same time, the shortage of chips also has a certain impact on new energy best-selling vehicles, and some new energy vehicle companies have solved the contradiction between supply and demand through price increases.

Source: Daily Economic News, CBN

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