
Dad with the baby can't stop breaking down and crying, actually someone thinks it's cute?

A child whose mother can't stop crying is likely to be accused of "how to be a mother", but once replaced by a father, everyone will only find it funny and funny.

In fact, having children is the common responsibility of both husband and wife, no one is born to be a mother, why is it so double standard for father and mother?

The father could not stop the child from breaking down and crying

In the past two days, there is a video of a father holding his child and collapsing and crying on the Internet, which has caused countless netizens to watch.

A mother had an affair and asked her father to take care of the children at home. After the mother went out, the child began to cry, and the father could not stop how to coax, crying for nearly 1 hour.

Dad broke down and cried out, "Oh, come back quickly, I'm in pain, I've been crying for an hour." ”

Dad with the baby can't stop breaking down and crying, actually someone thinks it's cute?

Looking at this father's anxious and helpless look, some netizens feel very cute. Imho, if the man who can't coax the child is your husband, you will probably go crazy.

It is normal for a child to cry and not be able to stop for a while, but the child can't stop crying for nearly an hour, which proves that there is a problem. Some experienced netizens have broken the truth:

"If the father takes care of it frequently, the chance of the child crying like this is very small, and it is better to take care of it more in the future."

"If you are in pain, learn more about how to take your child, instead of collapsing to the point of urging your child's mother to go home."

"Usually do not look at the baby, when the key time, the baby also ignores you."

The child can't stop crying, and the key moment will only transfer the "trouble" to the child's mother, where is the cuteness?

The child cries and does not know the truth behind it

We all know that children do not "know" people in the first two months of life, and that they rely entirely on smell. As visual development gradually improves, most children begin to "recognize people" by about 3 months:

Familiar people close to TA, children will feel safe, comfortable, happy, unfamiliar people close to TA, children will appear resistance, crying and other behaviors.

This behavior usually peaks when the child is 10-18 months old and gradually disappears by 18 to 24 months of age.

Dad with the baby can't stop breaking down and crying, actually someone thinks it's cute?

The father in the video takes the child for an hour, and the child cries for an hour, which shows that the father is not a person that the child is "familiar with", so he will use the behavior of crying to express resistance.

In other words, the child's father rarely takes the child, so the child is not close to him.

Usually there is a mother, the child feels safe, and does not panic about the closeness of the father. But once the mother is gone, leaving the father alone with the child, the child will feel panicked and cry.

Parenting is a shared responsibility of parents

Due to the long-term division of labor model of "male outside, female inside", many people default to taking children as a woman's business, and men only need to be responsible for working hard to support their families.

And in some film and television dramas, taking children is beautified as a quiet period without work, so that many people have a wrong perception of the matter of taking children, thinking that taking children is equivalent to enjoying happiness.

Dad with the baby can't stop breaking down and crying, actually someone thinks it's cute?

Therefore, everyone can't understand the fact that the mother can't bring a child well, and the father who "works hard" to work to earn money to support the family is very sympathetic and tolerant.

In fact, only people who have had children know how difficult it is to carry children.

24 hours a day, always ready to respond to the needs of children; children cry, coax to coax, can not stop coaxing, not even the qualification to give up; children can not speak, all needs need to be blindly guessed by the mother after observing the color... The hard work and difficulty of bringing up children is no less than any one job.

Dad with the baby can't stop breaking down and crying, actually someone thinks it's cute?

No one is born to be a mother, and the skills of mothers with babies are practiced from day after day of hard work.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will no longer laugh at the fact that dad will not take the baby, please take out the standards required of mothers to urge them, so that widowed parenting has nothing to hide.

In raising children, the mother has half the responsibility and the father has half the responsibility.

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