
Positioning the new energy cross-border SUV, Baoneng Automobile finally successfully built a car?

Speaking of Baoneng Group, more people may think of the Qoros brand and the models of PSA Group, but recently there have been various news, which has left a bad impression. Just recently, Baoneng Automobile, a subsidiary of Baoneng Group, released a new car preview map and said that the car will be unveiled on January 22.

Positioning the new energy cross-border SUV, Baoneng Automobile finally successfully built a car?
Positioning the new energy cross-border SUV, Baoneng Automobile finally successfully built a car?

After careful observation, it can be found that the car is a crossover SUV model, which adopts a sneakback design, making it look a little sporty, while the design of the taillights is more slender, adding a bit of technology to the new car. In fact, in June last year, Baoneng Group and Guangzhou Development Zone held a strategic cooperation agreement signing ceremony, and the headquarters of Baoneng New Energy Automobile Group Co., Ltd. settled in Guangzhou Development Zone to establish a new energy headquarters base integrating manufacturing, research and development and operation.

Positioning the new energy cross-border SUV, Baoneng Automobile finally successfully built a car?

Previously, Baoneng had released a new car brand - BAO, and it is reported that the brand will focus on creating luxury intelligent new energy vehicles, and its positioning will be higher than that of Qoros. At the same time, according to the official plan, two models will be launched this year, including a pure electric model and a range extender model. Among them, the pure electric model is positioned as a first-class model, providing two forms: rear-drive and four-wheel drive. The range extender model may be based on the Qoros 3, and There is also a model under development in Baoneng, with a comprehensive cruising range of up to 1000km. In addition, at least 16 new models will be launched in the next five years.

The editor said: All along, Baoneng Group has been based on the acquisition of other brands, for Baoneng Automobile, there is no car manufacturing experience to speak of, it has always been based on Qoros models to change shells, and before Baoneng did not have too many C-end users, has always been the left-handed production of Qoros, to the right-hand linkage cloud, to achieve a domestic operation. Nowadays, although the new car is also based on Qoros, the official positioning of it is higher than Qoros, in the end the first model of the new brand, what kind of surprises Baoneng will bring to us, there will soon be an answer.

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