
Montessori Discovers Children: True love for children is to let them grow up freely


Speaking of Montessori, I believe that many parents who have children attending kindergarten are not strangers.

Many kindergartens now promote the implementation of the Montessori education method in this kindergarten and use the Montessori education concept to educate children. Montessori has also become a reliable guarantee of children's education.

Montessori Discovers Children: True love for children is to let them grow up freely

Montessori was a well-known Italian child educator and the first female medical doctor in Italy. She founded the "Children's Home", and in the process of working for children, she carefully observed and studied the characteristics of children's spontaneous learning behavior.

As a result, she advocated breaking the traditional concept of education, truly understanding children, giving children the space to grow independently, and finally founded the Montessori education method and swept the world.

The idea of Montessori pedagogy is to follow the principle of "leaving everything about the child to nature as much as possible", treating the child as an independent living individual, believing that every child has the need to observe the outside world, react and learn, and every child needs to be seen.

"Montessori Discovers Children" is one of Montessori's classic works on child rearing. The book puts forward a new concept and perspective on understanding children and loving children, and expounds the core content of montessori education concept, which is worth reading and learning carefully by parents and parents.

Montessori Discovers Children: True love for children is to let them grow up freely

Many of the views and concepts of children's education put forward by Montessori can be said to have broken the traditional concepts and cognitions of many parents, and have to trigger many reflections.

Montessori believed that children always wanted to break free from the shackles of adults and wanted everything to be done by themselves. She advocated that children should be provided with the most natural environment, give children enough freedom and rights, let children have autonomy, cultivate children's attention, willpower and imagination, and parents should lead by example and be their children's "love mentors".

Montessori Discovers Children: True love for children is to let them grow up freely

All along, in the eyes of many adults and parents, children do not have the ability to be independent, they cannot do a good job on their own, so they cannot see the real needs of children.

Adults are accustomed to condescending to interfere with their children's behavior, suppress their children's nature, do many things in their place, and force children to obey their arrangements and requirements.

In this way, children are tightly bound by adults, not only unable to cultivate the ability to be independent, but also greatly damage their self-confidence and self-efficacy, hindering them from exerting their own nature and creativity.

Adults think that helping children complete some things and meet their needs, but in fact, they ignore the psychological needs and growth characteristics of children. When a child's psychological needs cannot be met, they are negatively affected in terms of intelligence and morality.

Only by trusting the child, seeing the child's real needs, and respecting the child's nature and independence can we truly make an effective promotion for the growth of the child.

Montessori Discovers Children: True love for children is to let them grow up freely

For example, tutoring homework. Many parents urge their children to write homework every day, so it is easy to stimulate anger because of some unsatisfactory situations, which not only hurts the children, but also hurts themselves.

In fact, not only homework, in many other aspects, parents will unconsciously interfere with their children and control their children's free choices and decisions. For example, what dishes to eat, which clothes to wear, and which child to be friends with.

Even until the child grows up, parents still regard it as a three-year-old child, interfering in all aspects of life, and even falling in love, marriage, childbirth, etc., are roughly interfering and controlling. These are all educational habits that parents have developed since their children are young.

If parents can believe in their children's learning ability and enthusiasm, give their children enough time and space, and also give enough patience and the opportunity to try repeatedly, children can slowly cultivate the habit of conscious learning, know how to cope with and complete homework tasks independently, without the need for parents to urge and force.

The same is true for all the things in a child's life. The more you can trust your child and give you the opportunity to be free, the more you can help your child get exercised, promote your child to grow up, improve your self-efficacy, and become a confident, independent and strong person who has the courage to explore the world.

While reading the classic commemorative edition of the great educational work "Montessori Discovers the Child", I can't help but be touched by some of my concepts and behaviors in the process of raising children. We have a long way to go in raising children, and parents and children need to continue to learn and grow together.

Montessori Discovers Children: True love for children is to let them grow up freely

Montessori Quotes To Share:

● The child's natural development needs to conform to the law that he needs to achieve a sense of accomplishment by accomplishing something, and this sense of accomplishment will bring him happiness.

The truly scientific way of education is to provide the child with objects that match his body and strength, and to attract his interest in activities or work.

If we give the child a free space and do not interfere with him, he can concentrate on it.

We need to adopt a proper and humane approach centered on the well-being of children, which is to create an environment for children that no longer inhibits their learning and growth. This environment needs to fit the child's characteristics so that the child can develop freely in such an environment.

● I want to tell every mother to let your child follow his or her own preferences, whether it is grooming, changing clothes or eating, let the child decide for himself.

● After receiving appropriate comfort and love, the child will continue to explore the things around him and continue to experience life freely, which will also be of great help to his physical development.

●Try our best to provide children with an environment suitable for their growth, so that children can grow naturally. For children, this is what gives them true love.

Montessori Discovers Children: True love for children is to let them grow up freely

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