
Xu Yixian stressed at the city's safety production video conference call: Firmly adhere to the people first and guard the bottom line of safety, adhere to the symptoms and root causes to achieve intrinsic safety

author:Luoyang Net

  On the morning of the 19th, after listening to and watching the province's safety production video conference call, Xu Yixian, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and acting mayor, immediately convened a city-wide meeting to implement the spirit of the provincial meeting, emphasizing the need to deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on safe production, deeply understand the extreme importance of safe production, the arduousness of the task, and the complexity of the situation, deepen the three-year action of special rectification of safe production, prevent and curb accidents, improve the level of intrinsic safety, and create a safe and stable environment for promoting high-quality economic and social development.

  Xu Yixian dispatched safe production on the spot, and Ruyang County and Xigong District made typical speeches on the supervision of non-coal mines and the management of industry enterprises respectively. Xu Yixian demanded that a normal long-term evaluation mechanism be established, monthly briefings, quarterly evaluations, semi-annual summaries, and year-end rewards and punishments be implemented, and scientific and effective institutional methods should be used to achieve people first and safe development, and promote the implementation of work and measures.

  Xu Yixian stressed: First, we must adhere to the most sober understanding and persist in making unremitting efforts to keep the bottom line. Safe production is a political requirement, a people's livelihood requirement, a realistic requirement, and a development requirement, and we must always tighten this string without relaxing, so that the alarm bell rings for a long time, always grasp it unremittingly, truly respond to small probability events with high probability thinking, soberly understand new situations and new problems, often study and judge new risks and new characteristics, and resolutely guard the bottom line of safe production. Second, we must practice the people first and precise policies with the most resolute measures. In the face of hidden risks, prevention must be foolproof; to deal with accidents and disasters, emergency rescue must be precise and precise. It is necessary to dynamically build an emergency coordination mechanism based on prevention and integration of prevention and rescue, improve the plan of the whole chain and the whole link, establish a ledger, carry out responsibility to the post, manage fine in place, take precise and thorough measures, and improve the scientific, institutionalized and standardized level of emergency management. Third, we must use the most powerful means to achieve both symptoms and root causes and intrinsic safety. Actively create a national security development demonstration city, adhere to the "prevention first" to grasp the source, strengthen the "five pre" organic connection, strengthen the construction of a dual prevention system; "digital intelligence empowerment" strong support, all-weather control, all-round supervision, improve the level of intelligent prevention and control; "special rectification" to eliminate hidden dangers, pay close attention to key industries, solidly carry out "looking back" action, consolidate the results of the three-year action of special rectification of safe production. Fourth, we must use the strictest requirements to enter the situation and stand up for responsibility. Responsibility is heavier than Taishan, grasp the "key" of the "first responsible person" of each county, district and department, consolidate the responsibility of territorial management, implement the "three pipes and three musts" supervision responsibility of the department, supervise and urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility, and ensure that there is no dead end in responsibility, no blind spot in work, and no omission in the closed loop. Fifth, we must strengthen supervision and inspection and pursue responsibility and accountability with the most severe attitude. Implement the "strictest" decision, implement the principle of "four do not let go", implement the requirements of "whether the four are in place", establish and improve the accountability mechanism, the backward pressure mechanism and the evaluation mechanism, and force the implementation of responsibility.

  The meeting reported the city's safety production work in 2021 and deployed the key work this year.

  Sun Yanwen attended the meeting. (Luo Bao Rong Media Luoyang Network reporter Li Sanwang)

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