
The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

author:Nikumatsu Fujitsu

Recently, there is a data that has attracted widespread attention - the TV boot rate has fallen below 30% for the first time. Once upon a time, TVs were still the "home theaters" of every household, and people were chasing dramas, but now this kind of "much-anticipated" product, why has it plummeted?

Back in those days, television was a necessity for every household. When I first arrived in my hometown, the hottest topic in the neighborhood was who bought what brand of color TV. A color TV is like the pride of the family, and children will also show off how advanced their home color TV is.


At that time, there was no video recorder, and if you wanted to catch up on the drama, you had to turn it on regularly. As soon as the hit drama started, the streets and alleys were empty, and everyone stayed in front of the TV, for fear of missing the wonderful plot. I still remember when "Desire" was on the air, in order to rush home to catch up on the drama, the city's taxis were in short supply, and it was very lively.

Today, however, televisions are drifting away. The neighborhood no longer hears the neighbors talking about TV, and the children are not interested in TV. Every household has a TV, but now it has become an eye-catching ornament. This kind of vicissitudes of life is really embarrassing.

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

Nowadays, the society is changing rapidly, and the status of TV is not guaranteed. The latest data shows that the TV boot rate is only 30%, which shows that TV is rushing to the historical stage at a speed of 100 meters.

When this news came out, netizens said that they had long since drifted away from the TV. Then the only reason for its existence is "home decoration".

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

Netizens are hotly discussed

"Pure decorations, if you don't hang a TV, what will be the shortcomings of the TV wall!"

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

"It's all commercials or VIPs can't be watched anymore. Let's stay and watch the TV station for yourself! ”

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

"Now I don't watch TV at all, I turn on ads and I don't have anything real. Flicker, flicker, flicker. ”

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

"You can't see a day in a year!"

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

What's going on here? Let's take a look at the key points of the fight between the two sides in this "Game of Thrones":

In the first battle, the army of electronic products was overwhelming. Smartphones, tablets and other emerging electronic products have sprung up, and the status of TVs is in jeopardy. Mobile electronics offer a wealth of online entertainment options, and the TV is caught off guard. In the eyes of young people, the choices for chasing dramas are listed as follows: online dramas, online variety shows, short videos, etc.; And because of the single content, TV can only be beaten silently.

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

TVs have made fatal mistakes in their own product design, and have become the industry's "digging and jumping by itself".

In the second battle, the TV set left a huge hidden danger in the "own backyard". It wanted to keep up with the times and launched Smart TVs. This does add a lot of functionality, but it's overwhelmingly complicated. The familiar set-top box and channel list are gone, replaced by high-end configurations such as optical modem, APP, and voice, which confuse many elderly people.

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

In addition, the cost of watching TV has risen instead of falling, and the variety of VIP packages and online payments has discouraged viewers. It is said that if you want to watch it on TV without ads, it will cost at least 3,000 yuan a year! What's worse is that the advertising duration has not decreased but increased, with advertisements 7, 8, and 9 times, and the show only broadcast 3 times, which is almost abusing users.

In the "life and death" battle between the two sides, the TV set gradually lost its vitality. Nowadays, young people are chasing online dramas, middle-aged office workers have no time to watch TV, the elderly can't do it, and the TV set that no one cares about can only be used as a decoration at home, which is embarrassing.

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

The decline of television sets reflects the failure of an industry. In this era of rapid update and iteration, everything may be eliminated, but users are always the foundation of the business. The TV industry should face up to its own problems, actively transform and upgrade, and win back users, instead of blindly exploiting users, which is the way to survive.

It is recommended that the voice from the user should be listened to, the advertisement should be moderate, and the operation should be humanized. It is also necessary to make use of new technologies such as 5G to make the content richer and easy for the elderly to use. Only when users really like it, will the product be liked by users.

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

In the face of user complaints, businesses also have the need to reflect. From the boom to the decline of television, they must seriously reflect on their blind innovation. Simply digging up the user's gold mine will only collapse your own industry in the end.

For a product to survive, it must always focus on the user experience. If the TV business is not reformed and innovated as soon as possible to meet the demands of the audience, its market prospects are destined to be not optimistic.

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!

New technologies change lives, this is the general trend. But the emotion between the product and the user is eternal. The TV industry should seize the opportunity of reform and re-examine the needs of users, and only by entering thousands of households can it regain favor.

I believe that after this wave of reflection, TV will make a comeback, continue to light up thousands of households, and become an indispensable member of people's entertainment life. After all, the emotion of the past does not fade easily. The bond between TV and the audience will eventually affect people's hearts again.

The TV industry does not save itself and self-destructs, the TV start-up rate has fallen below 30%, netizens: deserve it!


Official media: "Members are helpless to see everything!" The TV boot rate has dropped to less than 30%, causing heated discussions》

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