
The 56-year-old mother-in-law remarried, answered 30 calls from her daughter in three months, and her son-in-law collapsed: Mom, you divorced and went home



Ever since my son-in-law had taken his parents into the house, I had left my daughter's house in disgrace.

Since my wife passed away, I have been helping to take care of the children at my daughter's house for 5 years. I thought that my wife had passed away, and I also helped my daughter and son-in-law raise the children, so that I could support my daughter's family in the future.

As a result, my son-in-law's sentence "My son-in-law has no obligation to support my mother-in-law" shattered all the expectations in my heart. Looking at my daughter who was silent with her head bowed next to me, I silently packed my luggage and returned to my home.

Although my daughter and son-in-law did not blatantly drive me away, but my son-in-law cut me first and then took his parents to support the elderly, isn't it just forcing me to be interested and take the initiative to leave?

The 56-year-old mother-in-law remarried, answered 30 calls from her daughter in three months, and her son-in-law collapsed: Mom, you divorced and went home


My name is Su Mei, I am 56 years old, and in the year I retired, my wife died of a sudden illness, leaving me alone. I grieved for several months, and after learning that my daughter was pregnant, I had to lift my spirits and move to my daughter's house to take care of her diet.

With the birth of my grandson, I slowly came out of the grief of losing my wife and was able to help my daughter take care of her grandson and their family of three.

Although taking care of my grandson is tiring and hard, I never get tired of it. After my wife died, I was such a daughter, and I depended on her for my life, who else could I help if I didn't help her?

It's just that the longer I stay at my daughter's house, the more helpless I become. At the beginning, I felt sorry for my daughter's hard work, and I couldn't help but take out my pension to subsidize the family.

The 56-year-old mother-in-law remarried, answered 30 calls from her daughter in three months, and her son-in-law collapsed: Mom, you divorced and went home


But as time went on, I found that not only did I have to pay for all the expenses of the family, but also the expenses of my grandson. But every time I wanted to mention it to the younger couple, my daughter always quarreled with her son-in-law because of money.

In order to help my daughter, I had to swallow my grievances back. It's just that as the expenses of my daughter's family are getting bigger and bigger, and my little pension is far from enough to support, I am embarrassed to cry and complain to my daughter, and my daughter is usually busy with work and can't take care of my embarrassment.

In desperation, I had to take out the savings left to me by my wife to meet my living expenses. I thought that I would be able to care for my daughter's family in the future.

Who knows, the son-in-law always proposes to take his parents to the city to retire for the elderly. The daughter was very adamantly opposed at first, and always quarreled with her son-in-law.

The 56-year-old mother-in-law remarried, answered 30 calls from her daughter in three months, and her son-in-law collapsed: Mom, you divorced and went home


Later, I don't know what sweet words my son-in-law said, but my daughter agreed. My daughter didn't say it to my face, so I didn't think so.

It was only after the son-in-law took his parents into the house that I suddenly realized that not only the son-in-law agreed, but even the daughter agreed. In the face of my harsh criticism and rhetorical questions, my daughter said lightly, isn't it just two more pairs of chopsticks, and it doesn't cost much.

I was full of disappointment and chill, it turned out that my daughter and son-in-law actually used me as an ATM. The son-in-law eats soft rice by himself, and he also takes the son-in-law's parents to eat soft rice.

I packed my luggage, ignored the retention of my daughter and son-in-law, and went straight back to my home. It's just that the more I think about it, the more sad I become, my own hard work, but in the end it is for someone else to make a wedding dress.

The 56-year-old mother-in-law remarried, answered 30 calls from her daughter in three months, and her son-in-law collapsed: Mom, you divorced and went home


After returning home, I was dragged by my old neighbor Lao Xu to the community park to dance the square dance every day. Lao Zhang is humorous and has a certain amount of self-cultivation, we cherish each other and soon come together.

But we didn't get a license to get married, but I moved to Lao Zhang's house to live together, so as not to make trouble for our children. With one more person, it seems that life is more stable.

Lao Zhang and I started a retirement life, usually Lao Zhang's children are in other places and are not around, so our life is also very peaceful, and there are not many ups and downs.

Only after I lived with Lao Zhang, my daughter would call me from time to time, crying to me about the relationship between my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, crying with me about poverty, hoping that I could continue to subsidize one or two.

The 56-year-old mother-in-law remarried, answered 30 calls from her daughter in three months, and her son-in-law collapsed: Mom, you divorced and went home


But I pretended not to hear, comforted my daughter a few words, and hung up the phone. The daughter and son-in-law are just ordinary employees, the salary is not high, but the expenses are not small, and now with the in-laws, how can life be comfortable?

It's just that my daughter didn't let me go, and she called me 30 times in three months, an average of 10 calls a month, and every time it was money without exception.

After I gave it a few times, I didn't want to give it again. The son-in-law himself has no great ability, but he wants to slap his swollen face and become fat, today he invites his parents to the hotel for a big meal, and tomorrow he invites his parents to travel, and every time he spends a lot of money, he asks his daughter to come to me to complain and ask for money.

I don't pay attention to my daughter's crying poverty, people, you must always have self-knowledge. Who knows, the daughter stopped calling, but the son-in-law called.

The 56-year-old mother-in-law remarried, answered 30 calls from her daughter in three months, and her son-in-law collapsed: Mom, you divorced and went home


As soon as he opened his mouth, he apologized to me and admitted his mistake, saying Mom, I was wrong, I shouldn't have driven you away and brought my parents here. But I can't help it, the palms and backs of my hands are full of meat, Mom, you divorce and go home, Xiaowen and I must take good care of you and provide for your old age.

The son-in-law's words made me feel a little helpless and ridiculous. The son-in-law did not realize his mistake, but the burden of supporting his family had crushed his dignity as a man.

My daughter also grabbed the phone and persuaded me to come back from the divorce, saying that no matter how good other people's families are, you will always be a halfway couple, and you will have to count on them to support your old age in the future. Listening to my daughter's words, I have mixed feelings. My daughter was raised by me, and she was spoiled.

I told my daughter bluntly, I don't need you to support my old age, and you don't expect me to post it upside down. My daughter's eager voice came from the phone, but I ignored it and hung up.

I don't know if the path I chose is the right one, but I am tired of my daughter and son-in-law's request.

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