
Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Learning at home, we must let children read aloud, and insist on reading every day, and there will be progress.

Read aloud

There is a particularly simple and easy way to develop language literacy and improve language achievements: read aloud.

When it comes to children's language learning, we often say that a word is "language literacy", many parents will now consciously cultivate their children's language literacy, such as letting children write more, read more, write diaries, etc., these are good ways to cultivate language literacy and then help children improve their language performance. In fact, there is a particularly simple and easy way to operate, that is: read aloud.

When we say reading aloud here, we mean that children read the article out loud, with a loud and confident voice, rather than whispering.

Some senior Chinese teachers combined their many years of teaching experience to point out that reading articles aloud is very critical to the cultivation of language literacy, and reading aloud is also a good way to learn Chinese well and improve language performance.

The teacher believes that many children read a lot, but there is no effect, or read the text many times, or the grades are not good, often because they have not seriously read, sometimes even the eyes are in the book, the mind has long flown away. Reading aloud can solve this problem, the child reads out the content he sees aloud, he will not lose his mind, he will pay attention to the content he reads aloud, the effect is of course much better than silently reading a book!

Many parents and children actually neglect to read aloud in language learning, and many children have a more introverted personality and are unwilling to read texts aloud.

Reading aloud is also very helpful for memory, and students who memorize texts quickly and accurately often like to read them aloud. This is why many schools assign children the task of reading texts aloud, and that is because schools are well aware of the importance of reading aloud.

Of course, the benefits of reading aloud are far more than that, in addition to the help of children's learning, reading aloud can also help children form a good personality, improve some psychological problems, keep the brain in a state of excitement, and establish children's self-confidence... These benefits will not only help the child's current learning, but will also benefit the child for life!

Next, Teacher Chen shared with everyone the 9 benefits of reading aloud for children, and I believe that everyone will be eager to read aloud with children after reading it.

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Facilitates the development of the right brain

Because reading aloud, the essence is that the reader is appreciating his own voice, and over time, it is conducive to cultivating the child's image thinking ability.

In the process of recitation, the words are turned into sounds, and accompanied by rhythm, rhythm, image, and emotion, so that people enter a beautiful artistic experience, which is a good development and training of the right brain.

α wave (8 to 13 Hz) is called a relaxation wave.

α wave frequency is slower, and in this state a sense of happiness, happiness, deep relaxation, intuitive emergence of creativity, etc. Scientists have found that the slower the pace of brain waves, the slower the perception of time. Modern medicine has proven that a large number of α waves emerge when using the right brain, which is exactly what turns on and uses the right brain.

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Can change the child's personality

Introverts often make a small voice, and if children can insist on reading texts and other articles and books aloud, they are likely to fall in love with talking, and their personality will change accordingly.

Introverts are mostly people who do not, do not want to and are not good at using language, and when a person can relax his muscles, sonorously, suppress and emotionally full of recitation, that is, he can read his courage, strength, feelings, and understanding, he becomes extroverted.

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Conducive to changing inferiority

The outstanding performance of most students who are in difficulty is that they cannot read texts aloud and cannot read texts well. Starting from reading aloud, many students can form a certain amount of thinking in the process of reading.

Recitation can stimulate passion and enhance self-confidence, and repeated recitation can increase the courage of children and make children become atmospheric and generous. In particular, when collectively reciting, they can strengthen each other's courage, and then generate enthusiasm and passion for recitation.

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Excite the brain nerves

This in itself can stimulate children to deeply understand articles and books. The movement of the mouth, muscles, tongue, airflow, etc. during recitation can activate the activity of multiple areas of the brain (especially the frontal lobe, temporal lobe and parietal lobe), and can also balance the inhibition and excitement of the cerebral cortex during recitation, and the regulation of blood flow and nerve function is in a good state.

If you insist on reading, your brain will become sensitive and easy to use, and your learning ability such as memory and attention will be improved.

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Facilitates memory material

Frequent large-scale recitation can help us open up the memory circuits from the surface layers of the brain to the deep layers, and the quality of memory is improved.

The deep memory circuit is linked to the right brain, and once this circuit is opened, it is connected with the memory circuit of the right brain to generate a high-quality "memory" and even to "never forget".

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Formation sensing ability

Repeated recitation can activate people's perceptual ability, and can resonate with the information stored in the right brain, get a unique life experience and feeling, and obtain energy from it, and then condense and store these precious perceptions.

As you grow older and develop over the years, you will gain further understanding and understanding, thereby influencing and improving your own quality of life.

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Reproduction of "poetic beauty"

Every article and book has the beauty of "poetry" and the inspiration of the author's beauty, and reading aloud can restore this beauty.

Therefore, we have dramas, songs, recitations, speeches, lectures, audios, broadcasts, etc., many forms of literary and artistic text expression, the words are round, and they are integrated into people's ideological souls and condense spiritual strength in the sound and emotion.

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Improves cerebral respiration

In a sense, recitation has the same thing as singing, its movement principle is to drive the movement of various muscle tissues of the human body through abdominal breathing, and at the same time exercise the respiratory tract and abdomen, thereby improving brain breathing. When people make sounds, they can increase the amount of breathing, inhale a large amount of oxygen, improve blood oxygen saturation, and promote metabolism.

Adult breathing inhalation of 300 ml of air can increase by 7 to 10 times when chanting and singing.

Reading aloud at home has 9 benefits for kids! Stick to the chinese language scores (with reading method)

Improve your writing skills

Reading other people's works aloud is a process of learning, and reading one's own works aloud is essentially a process of revision and refinement.

Crazy recitation and recitation can mobilize emotions in the widest possible way, and the musical beauty, rhythmic beauty, and momentum beauty of famous works can only be truly felt in recitation; the rise, inheritance, turning, and combination of articles can only be deeply appreciated in recitation.

What are some great ways to develop your child's habit of reading aloud

Encourage your child to pick their own books

In addition to the required reading articles in children's textbooks, parents may wish to encourage children to choose their own books, so that children will not be particularly resistant to reading aloud, but actively and with interest.

In the beginning, we don't need children to read the whole book in a whole set, after all, every book has its essence and its rough part.

For the child, when he chooses books alone, he also needs to be rough and find articles that suit his age and mind.

Understand before reading

Reading aloud is not reading for the sake of dead reading, blindly anxious to start, the process of swallowing dates, but it will be counterproductive.

Therefore, before reading aloud, parents should be more involved and help their children do their homework together.

For example, the new words, polysyllabic words, and polysemantic words in the article, first learn their pronunciation and understand their meaning in this article;

For example, for the author's background and the background of the work, first roughly understand;

For example, if the child cannot perceive the meaning of some sentences in the article because of his limited experience, parents should take the child to sort it out and let the child try to understand it, so that it can be better read.

Fixed time of day, fixed length

It takes time to develop a habit, so the habit of reading aloud should be learned for children to persevere.

Choose a fixed time that is convenient for parents and children, and start reading aloud every day at the end of the day, so that there can be a strong sense of ceremony, so that children feel that this is a very important thing, and they must be particularly careful.

Think after reading it

After the child finishes reading the book, while preparing hot water for the child to moisten his throat, you can let the child calm down and gradually enter a normal state of speech.

At this time, you can discuss with your child the feelings of reading this paragraph or this article, encourage children to express their understanding, and encourage children to have their own independent thinking.

13 principles for parents to read aloud to their children

If you want your child to develop the habit of reading aloud, parents should also insist on reading aloud for their children, and recommend several ways to read aloud:

1. The earlier you start reading, the better, and try to stick to it until your child graduates from elementary school.

2. For the things we value, we must find time. Schedule at least one fixed reading time each day and try to make it a habit.

3. Start with nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes and picture books with a strong sense of rhythm, and then gradually read children's books with more words and pictures, and then go to stories and novels with chapters.

4. Read aloud to your child as often as time permits. But don't start with too much time at a time to keep your child's enthusiasm for reading aloud. As your child's acceptance increases, slowly increase the time.

5. The habit of listening is acquired, and it needs to be taught and cultivated gradually - listening will not be learned in an instant.

6. Pay attention to changing the length and theme of the reading. Encourage your child to pick up books on their own.

7. Before reading aloud, be sure to mention the title, author, and picture author.

8. Reading aloud should have a beginning and an end. But if you choose the wrong book, be sure to stop it in time.

9. If you read a book with pictures, try to let your child see the pictures.

10. The best way to help your child focus is to get along with him one-on-one. Reading stories for children to listen to and paying attention to how they react when they listen to them can bring many benefits.

11. Only a very small number of people are born readers, and every parent must actively practice. Use your expressions a lot, even change the tone of your voice, and play the character.

12. Never read too fast. It is recommended not to read books that you don't like, because your expression can easily leak out your thoughts.

13. Occasionally read some more difficult books to challenge your child's brain. Inspire your child to think and try to discuss the contents of the book with your child.

Reading aloud has many benefits for children's development, but most parents in families do not yet realize the importance of reading aloud. The development of children's talents and wisdom does not happen overnight.

Source: China Education Online

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