
16-year-old teenagers lost 18 pounds in three months, experts: adolescent obesity needs to be paid attention to

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

"Severe fatty liver, stage 2 liver fibrosis, high fasting insulin, abnormal creatinine and uric acid!" I never thought these problems would happen to me! "This is a self-report from a 16-year-old. Recently, the Weight Management Clinic of the Department of Clinical Nutrition of the Third Hospital of Guangdong Medical University received a patient with "adolescent obesity". 16-year-old Zhi Tsai (pseudonym) has just entered high school, and he often feels sad because of obesity and is determined to lose weight. When he went to the hospital, he found that at a young age, he was diagnosed with problems such as "fatty liver, liver fibrosis and high uric acid". Under the intervention of professional nutrition doctors for more than three months, Zhizai lost 8.9 kilograms of weight, and liver fibrosis and high uric acid were improved. Weight loss is effective, Zhi Zai is very happy, specially to the weight management clinic expert team hand-written a letter of thanks, the letter wrote their own obesity process and "weight loss secrets"

16-year-old teenagers lost 18 pounds in three months, experts: adolescent obesity needs to be paid attention to

The following is from Zhi Zai's statement:


How did the fat come about? Passionate about staying up late and junk food

I was overweight at 16

When I was a child, I was still thin and smiled, and I liked to run on the playground with my classmates. Later, I began to have pocket money, all kinds of spicy strips, potato chips, milk tea drinks can not stop, especially sweets, sometimes eat until full and happy, so that after meals have to get a few stomach digestion tablets.

16-year-old teenagers lost 18 pounds in three months, experts: adolescent obesity needs to be paid attention to
In addition, I often stay up late to play mobile phone until more than 2 a.m. to sleep, can't get up in the morning, breakfast is not eaten, the body is tired, tired all day, sleepy, listless and even walking around feel tired, slowly my body began to bloated.
16-year-old teenagers lost 18 pounds in three months, experts: adolescent obesity needs to be paid attention to

At the beginning, I didn't care, my family didn't pay attention to it, 1 meter 6 tall, but I had to bear more than 160 pounds of weight, and the amount of food became larger and larger, and I was never satisfied if I didn't eat it. Slowly, all my advantages were that the "good nutrition" running could not keep up with the pace of others, and I was sleepy while doing homework, so I was very upset, irritable, and began to care about other people's eyes. Mom and Dad always worried about me not to eat too much, and I tried to eat less and exercise more, but it didn't work, which made me very desperate. Just when I was overwhelmed, my parents decided to take me to find a professional doctor for consultation, and after visiting the weight management clinic of the Third Hospital of Guangdong Medical College, the physical examination found that I had severe fatty liver and liver fiber, insulin resistance and hyperuricemia, and these problems originated from "obesity"! Severe fatty liver disease, if left uncontrolled, can evolve into cirrhosis, which is irreversible! So, I started the road to weight loss for more than three months.


Quantify food, moderate exercise out of the weight loss misunderstanding, let me "full" thin

The impression is that weight loss means being hungry and exercising vigorously. When I heard the doctor's advice to "lose weight", I still had some doubts in my heart. Later, I learned that there were different weight loss programs for different groups of people. At the advice of the doctor, I began to adjust my diet and schedule, and in order to manage my weight, I also learned to quantify food. Slowly, my dietary preferences changed, some foods that used to look drooling were not so hungry, and it turned out that scientific weight loss was not as difficult as imagined! Let's take a look at the results of my study of diet

16-year-old teenagers lost 18 pounds in three months, experts: adolescent obesity needs to be paid attention to

Before I always thought that if I wanted to lose weight, I could only eat green vegetables and not eat meat, through the doctor's popular science, I found that these were all misunderstandings! Scientific weight loss turns out to be a way to eat meat in large bites. Doctors say: If you want to lose weight, you must eat a balanced and nutritious diet, and the intake of protein should be of high quality and sufficient. It is also necessary to change eating habits, know how to choose food, change the order of eating, chew slowly and maintain good eating habits. Regarding exercise, during weight loss, doctors recommend exercising with intensity and frequency that can be maintained over a long period of time. Slowly, not only has the weight dropped, but the physical fitness has improved a lot, and now he can challenge the speed of his kilometer sprint; he can also surpass the small partner who could not run before, and his heart is full of confidence and a sense of accomplishment.


3 months to lose 18 pounds

Height has also gone up

After a cycle of weight loss, I lost about 9kg of weight, uric acid dropped from 618umol/L to 457umol/L, the indicators have been greatly improved, and the severe fatty liver has also reversed to no abnormalities. Unexpectedly, my height has also increased by 2cm. The doctor at the weight management clinic told me that obese people consume more vitamin D because of too much fat, which affects the absorption of calcium to a certain extent and affects height Let's see the changes before and after my intervention

16-year-old teenagers lost 18 pounds in three months, experts: adolescent obesity needs to be paid attention to
16-year-old teenagers lost 18 pounds in three months, experts: adolescent obesity needs to be paid attention to
16-year-old teenagers lost 18 pounds in three months, experts: adolescent obesity needs to be paid attention to

Experts: Adolescent obesity needs attention

In the Weight Management Clinic of the Department of Clinical Nutrition of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, there are many cases of "adolescent obesity" like Zhizai every winter and summer vacation. Zeng Qingshan, head of the clinical nutrition department of the hospital, said that according to the newly released "Report on the Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents (2020)", the overweight obesity rate of adult residents in China exceeds 50%, of which the overweight obesity rate of children under 6 years old reaches 10%, and the overweight obesity rate of children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years old is close to 20%! Obesity has a serious impact on the physical and mental health of adolescents, and it is harmful but not beneficial. First of all, it is well known that obesity can lead to chronic diseases, obesity is a hotbed of many chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, high uric acid, fatty liver, coronary heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea syndrome and so on. Childhood and adolescent obesity pre-sows the seeds of various chronic diseases in adulthood, so childhood and adolescent obesity is a more serious problem than adult obesity. Second, the impact of obesity on adolescent growth and development is obvious. Obese children are overweight, resulting in unimaginable pressure on the lower limb joints, and bones that should have grown upwards began to grow around them, resulting in a thicker transverse incision area at the knee joint, and one end of the shin of the lower leg grew outward, resulting in severe arthritis. Zeng Qingshan introduced that due to the large amount of fat in the body, the aromatase contained in fat cells can convert male hormones into estrogen, and cause disorders in gonadal development, resulting in obese children developing ahead of schedule. Developing a year earlier often causes children to lose about 5-7 centimeters of height. Psychological problems such as "low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression" have also appeared in obese children. Surveys have shown that the IQ level of obese children is significantly lower than that of non-obese children, and their academic performance is also significantly lower than that of non-obese children. The higher the degree of obesity, the greater the impact on cognition and intelligence, and there are often children and adolescents who are fat, poor in learning, and have no self-confidence. Such children have low activity, learning, and communication skills, and over time, depression, inferiority, sensitivity to interpersonal relationships, introversion, and low social adaptability will affect children's mental health.

Adolescents lose weight scientifically, first and foremost, healthy eating

The child is still growing up, will eating too little will not keep up with nutrition? What can I eat and what can't I eat during weight loss? I believe that parents have many problems during the period of helping their children lose weight. "Fat" comes in from the mouth! Liu Jia, deputy chief physician of the Department of Clinical Nutrition of the Third Hospital of Guangdong Medical College, introduced that for adolescents, the first thing to learn to lose weight scientifically is healthy eating, and the following four most basic and simplest concepts should be remembered:

First, recognize the nutrients, protein intake of high quality and sufficient. Second, learn to restrain yourself, seven points are enough. Third, learn to cherish the body, pay attention to three meals, and eat well. Fourth, learn the order of eating, drink soup before meals, and then greens, meat, and rice.

Liu Jia suggested that the diet during the weight loss period does not mean eating very little or only a certain type of food, but should be eaten under the guidance of scientific weight loss. We must know how to choose healthy food, increase the intake of coarse grains and miscellaneous grains, and have a balanced supply of vegetables and meat. Learn to look at the food ingredient list and let go of the insurmountable desire for snacks and drinks. At the same time, adolescents should also regularly rest and maintain exercise during weight loss, but exercise should be at an intensity and frequency that can be maintained for a long time, and should not be excessive. I believe that as long as the child persists, not only will the weight slowly drop, but the physical fitness and spirit will be much better, and the self-discipline will be more self-disciplined! Written by: Nandu reporter Li Chunhua correspondent Zhang Xunkai Bai Tian

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