
Careless mother thought that the child had a runny nose, and the hospital confirmed that it was cerebrospinal fluid! Cause your child's craniotomy!

Runny nose is a very common symptom in children too. Now it's winter again, and it's normal for children to have two lines of snot hanging under their noses.

The mother in an ordinary family in Henan also thinks so. His own youngest son always likes to have a runny nose and runs around every day with a snot. Wipe again, have to continue to wipe.

During this time, Bao Mom found that her son's clear water snot could not be wiped off. If you think about it, it feels like it's been a long time. There is always intermittent runny water and snot.

She told her husband that he had a cold. Why don't you go to the hospital?

Bao Mom, who usually has a lot of housework, thinks that it is estimated that she has a cold. The little boy was naughty again, and when he got better, he had to go downstairs to play. Over and over again, the cold did not get better. Feed a little cold medicine.

In this way, the child drank some cold medicine. The matter of Clear Water Snot was left behind by parents.

Thought it was "clear water snot", but the hospital said it was "cerebrospinal fluid"?

After a few days, the little boy developed symptoms of headache and fatigue. Occasionally, vomiting is also possible. The cold medicine that his family fed him also vomited out.

This can upset the family. The medicine is vomited out, even if it is a cold, you have to go to the hospital to see it! The family rushed to the Henan Provincial Children's Hospital with the child.

After a series of tests, the doctor's words stunned the parents of the children!

The little boy has cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea and a central nervous system infection! I was reprimanded by my mother all day long, because I was playing with the cold and the "clear water snot" was actually cerebrospinal fluid!

Careless mother thought that the child had a runny nose, and the hospital confirmed that it was cerebrospinal fluid! Cause your child's craniotomy!

Is this disease an example? What parents can't even distinguish between a cold snot and a serious thing like cerebrospinal fluid!

You really don't have to say it. This is by no means unique!

Careless mother thought that the child had a runny nose, and the hospital confirmed that it was cerebrospinal fluid! Cause your child's craniotomy!

Many people have "tragedies" without them noticing.

Careless mother thought that the child had a runny nose, and the hospital confirmed that it was cerebrospinal fluid! Cause your child's craniotomy!

Why does cerebrospinal fluid flow out?

Is this disease deadly?

What is cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea?

What is Cerebrospinal Fluid? It is a colorless, transparent fluid found mainly in the ventricles and subarachnoid space.

The phrase "there is water in the brain" used by ordinary people is incorrect. Cerebrospinal fluid acts as a protector. When brain tissue is traumatized, cerebrospinal fluid can remove inflammatory exudates.

So why does the fluid that should stay in the brain flow into the nose?

Careless mother thought that the child had a runny nose, and the hospital confirmed that it was cerebrospinal fluid! Cause your child's craniotomy!

The cranial cavity is not the same as the nasal cavity, and the heavy "checkpoint" between them is the bones. So once the "level" is destroyed, the cerebrospinal fluid will flow down the river and flow into the nose. It looks like a "clear snot".

The causes of "cerebrospinal fluid nasal discharge" can generally be divided into two categories.

One is traumatic injury, or surgical trauma, and the other is intracranial hypertension caused by tumors and cerebral edema.

At this time, beware of bacterial infections! For example, the mother in Henan is not paying enough attention to this problem, causing her child to have a central nervous system infection and need craniotomy!


The nasal cavity is a bacterial environment. Once the bacteria from the outside world "take the opportunity to enter" and follow the broken "barrier" into the brain, a serious intracranial infection may occur!

What color of snot and what disease does it represent?

How to distinguish between clear water nasal discharge / cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea?

Clear water nasal discharge mainly occurs in allergic rhinitis or in the early stages of a cold. In general, frequent sneezing, itching of the nose and eyes can be considered clear water snot.

Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, on the other hand, occurs mainly after strenuous activity. Moreover, there is no way to condense on its own after a long time. This should be considered cerebrospinal fluid, and it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

If only one side of the nostril is oozing yellowish, transparent snot, the nasal cyst may be ruptured.

Careless mother thought that the child had a runny nose, and the hospital confirmed that it was cerebrospinal fluid! Cause your child's craniotomy!

With a pus nasal discharge

This is the symptom of a bacterial infection.

If the whole body has fever, headache, and the snot is still yellow-green and a little smelly, it may be odontogenic maxillary sinusitis.

Bloody nasal discharge

The most common reason is that the climate is too dry and the capillaries on the mucous membrane rupture.

However, it should be noted that if the bleeding nasal discharge lasts longer than two weeks, especially if there is a capillary on one side, it is considered a nasal tumor or fungal infection.

Black snot

In general, if the smoke is inhaled more, the snot may appear black.

If it is in a dust-free environment, black snot is still present, considered a serious fungal infection.

Dr.X said

Don't blow your nose too hard. Blowing on one side is the safest. Otherwise, it is easy to increase the pressure in the middle ear, light pain, heavy tympanic membrane rupture.

Careless mother thought that the child had a runny nose, and the hospital confirmed that it was cerebrospinal fluid! Cause your child's craniotomy!

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